Select the specific service call, appointment, equipment, time entry, location, or task.
Service Calls: Select Service Calls and select the service call. Select More and then select the Attachments tabSelect More and then select the Attachments tab.
Additional Work: To add an attachment before syncing the additional work, you need to save the transaction, select the work item, and then select the Attachments tab.
Appointments: Select Appointments and Select Appointments and select an appointment. Select More and Select More and then select the Attachments tabthe Attachments tab.
Equipment: Select Service Select Service Calls. Select the service call, select More OR go to Customersselect More OR go to Customers, select the customer, select Locationselect Location, and then select the location. Select Equipment and then select the equipment. Select More and Select More and then select the Attachments tabthe Attachments tab.
Location: Select Customer Select Customer and select a customer. Select the Location tab and select a the location. Select More and Select More and then select the Attachments tab Attachments tab.
Tasks: Select Service Select Service Calls. Select a service call, select Moreselect More, and then select the Tasks tabthe Tasks tab. Select a task, select Moreselect More, and then select the Attachments tabthe Attachments tab.
Time Entry: In the Time Entry form, select the Attachments the Attachments tab.
Select Add.
Enter a Description for the attachment. (optional)
If you are entering multiple attachments, the description entered here will be used for all the attachments. You can edit each attachment’s description by selecting the specific attachment and then selecting More.Click Select Attachments.
Select the pictures or files, and then select Open. The attachments are displayed in the Attachment pane.
Select Save. After you attach a file, the file description and type are shown on the Attachments tab for the service call.