From the Inventory tab for the appointment, select the New icon.
Enter information in these fields, as needed. (*Required fields)
Appointment: The appointment ID.
Transaction Date: The The Transaction Date defaults to the system date. You can change the date of the inventory transaction.
- Equipment:
If equipment is assigned to the service call, you can select the
piece of equipmentEquipment. If no equipment is assigned to the service call, this field isn't available.
If you are entering a Non-Inventory
: Depending on the setupitem,you can select Yes to create an entry for an item that isn't an inventory item.
Click Select Inventory to open a list window where you can select up to 5 inventory items.
You can use the Search field to
*Cost Code:
For a service appointment, a cost code of MATERIAL is displayed and can't be changed.
For a job appointment, select the cost code.
*Site Inventory/Item Number: Select the site inventory number. You can sort inventory items by number or by description. This is a required field for inventory and non-inventory items. More information about the item is displayed in the Description field. If this is a non-inventory item, enter the item number. For a job appointment, you can add the same inventory item but use a different cost code. For example, a load of mulch can be divided to different locations.
Quantity: Enter the number of units.
Unit Cost: Enter the cost per unit. This field might not be displayed, depending on the setup.
List Price: Enter the list price per unit. This field might not be displayed, depending on the setup. You can't enter negative list prices for items that have an item type of Sales Inventory, Discontinued, or Kit.
Description: If you select a site inventory number, information about the item is displayed. If the transaction is for a non-inventory item, you can enter a description of the inventory transaction.
Select Save.
the Appointment ID is automatically populated.