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You can create notes for records such as service appointments, locations, service calls, job change orders, equipment, and equipment contracts. Notes can be accessed from the entities More button (service calls and appointments) or the Notes tab at the bottom of the entity form.

  • If an entity has a note attached, the background color is yellow. For example, if the customer has a note attached, the background color of the customer displayed on the service call form is yellow.

  • The maximum number of characters displayed for each note in the list is 500 characters.

  • If the note length exceeds the maximum length, "..." is added to the display to indicate more text is available for the note. 

Creating a Note

  1. Select the Notes icon to the right of the entity or select the Notes tab for an entity.

  2. Select the New icon.

  3. Enter a subject and text for the note.

  4. In the Internal Note field, select Yes if the information should appear only on internal reports and not on reports that are available to customers.

  5. Select the Save icon.
