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Common Icons


Job Appointment Tab Icons 

Select to return to Complete a Job Appointment.



  1. In the Internal Note field, select Yes if the information should appear only on internal reports and not on reports that are available to customers.
  2. Enter a note in the Resolution Note field. When the job is completed, the note is created and saved together with your user ID and the date and time. When you sync with the host system, the new note information is added to the job appointment.

Displays the location contacts.

Time Entries
You can create time entries for unbilled labor hours, expenses, and travel for the current or previous work week. For more information, see Enter a Labor Transaction Before Completing an Appointment Enter a Travel Transaction Before Completing an Appointment, or  Enter an Expense Transaction Before Completing an Appointment.

You can enter billable inventory costs for an appointment. If you inadvertently enter an inventory item, you can delete it before it is synced. For more information, see  Enter an Inventory Transaction Before Completing an Appointment


You can add the same item within the same job appointment but with a different cost code.

PO Lines  
You can create purchase orders on your mobile device for items that need to be purchased while on a job appointment. The purchase orders are sent to the host system to be processed in Service Management and in Purchasing. For more information, see Create a Purchase Order.

PO Receipts
You can receive items on drop-ship purchase orders while on a job appointment or service call. For more information, see Receive Items from a Drop-Ship Purchase Order.

You can view the information that you have entered for this appointment. For more information, see Complete the Summary Tab for a Job Appointment.
