To access the Job Safety Analysis Inspection for an appointment:
- Choose Appointments .
- Select an appointment and choose Complete.
- Select Inspections Inspections.
- Select the Add icon.
- Select Job Safety Analysis from the list.
- The top of the JSA displays the date, Appointment ID, Inspector name (you), and the customer/location.
- Under General Information, enter the following:
- Emergency Phone #
- Location(s) of First Aid
- Safety Shower/Eye Wash Location(s)
- Description of Work Being Performed
- Complete the Identify Potential Hazards section. When you identify that a task is a potential hazard, you are required to enter what makes the task a hazard and how you can mitigate or eliminate the hazard.
- If there are any other Hazards, you can add these in the Additional Hazard Assessments section.
- Under Review, you can indicate if the Location is Safe.
- Under Signature, enter your name and then sign the device.
- To save the JSA as In Progress, select the Save icon. This does not complete the JSA.
- To complete the JSA, select the menu icon. Select Complete with a Report. (You can also Cancel the Inspection or Continue Editing.)
- Select Yes to verify that you want to complete the JSA.
- The Job Safety Analysis report displays. You can also access this report by selecting the Reports icon Reports icon from the Service Call form.