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The following new features have been added to Signature:

Service Management

Case #Description
SMS-2415Users can no longer void a PM transaction associated with a closed service call because this can cause the WIP to be off balance. A message now displays when the user attempts to void the transaction: "This transaction is associated with a closed service call and cannot be voided." See /wiki/spaces/sms2024/pages/104830996.
Ideas Portal

We've added the functionality of document attachments to the Master Contract window. The WSDOCS table has been updated to include a Master Contracts column and a folder has been added for master contracts. The paperclip icon displays to the right of the Master Contract lookup icon.

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Ideas Portal

We've updated the Maintenance Contract Service Call report to be more space-efficient. The report now displays and prints in landscape mode.

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Ideas Portal

The Contract Coverage Maintenance window has been updated with the following:

  • We've added an Equipment ID/Type search field to the Contract Coverage Maintenance window for the Equipment at Location and Equipment Attached to the Contract sections. To clear either Search field, select the "x" to the right of the field to be cleared.
  • We've replaced the Insert All and Remove All buttons with checkboxes in each scrolling window. You can mark all equipment by the checkbox to the right of the column titles. Then select Insert or Remove to remove the marked equipment.
  • We've removed the pop-up messages. We felt these were redundant based on the selections that you've made for the checkboxes. For example, if you've marked to automatically add equipment components when inserting, the message stating that components were added no longer displays.

The Contract Coverage Maintenance window is accessed by going to Contract Maintenance > Coverage > Equipment. See /wiki/spaces/sms2024/pages/104829861.

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SMS-2454When a user opens the New Service Call window for a customer and the call is then deleted by closing the window without saving, the SV00340 table now updates the Deleted_User_ID, WS_Deleted_Date, and WS_Deleted_Time columns to show that the service call has been deleted. This lets the user audit any gaps in the service call number sequence.
Ideas Portal

We've added a new Service Call Costs window to view current unposted, committed, and actual costs and anticipated billable information in the Service Call Costs window. Margin information is shown; however, tax information is not included. This window also provides zoom capability for each cost category and cost type. This window is similar to the Invoice window, without the creation of an invoice. This window is not available if you are using SOP Invoicing. See Using the Service Call Costs Window.

Access the Service Call Costs window from the:

  • Service Call window: Select the Call Costs button in the ribbon.

  • Service Manager window:

    • Select the customer and location. Right-click on a service call in the scrolling window and select View Service Call Costs.

    • Select the customer and location. Select the History icon. In the Service Call Lookup by Customer window, right-click on a service call in the scrolling window, and select View Service Call Costs.

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Ideas Portal

You can now view all jobs associated with the service location directly from the Service Manager window. We've added a new Jobs at Service Location window accessed by selecting the new Jobs icon displayed on the Service Manager window if the selected service location has at least one associated job. You can also access the Job Maintenance, Job Status, and Job Appointments windows from this new window. For more information, see /wiki/spaces/sms2024/pages/248774660.

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We've added the ability to prevent new service calls from being created for on hold customers. You can designate certain users who can bypass this to create a service call if necessary. The new Authorize specific users to add new calls for customer hold setup option works with the Stop-and-Go Lights setup option in the Service Options window and a new security task ID that must be assigned to the user role. See Choosing Service Options and Set up Security and Grant User Access.

  • New Setup Option: A new Authorize specific users to add new calls for customer hold setup option. This option is available when the Use Stop-and-Go Lights "If Red" options of No Warning or Display Warning are marked. If the Disable New Call Button option is marked for Use Stop-and-Go Lights, the new "Authorize" option is disabled and no user can create a service call for a customer who is on hold. 
  • New Security Task ID: A new ADMIN_WSSMS_OVERRIDE_STOP security task ID has been created that allows users with this security task ID assigned to their user role to create a new service call for customers on hold. This security task ID has been added to the WENNSOFT SMS POWERUSER role and can be added to any other user role. Security tasks are assigned to security roles in the Security Roles Setup window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > System > Security Roles).
  • Messages:
    With this new feature set up, when a user selects the New Call button for a customer on hold, one of the following messages is displayed. 
    • Those who do not have the security task ID will receive a message they do not have the necessary security privileges to create a new call.
    • Those with the security task ID will receive a warning message indicating the customer is on hold but asks if they still want to create a service call and displays Yes/No buttons.

Job Cost

Case #Description
Ideas Portal

You can now add a salesperson at the job level. The Salesperson field has been added to the Job Maintenance window. When added at the job level, this overrides the salesperson added at the customer level. The Salesperson field has also been added to the Job History window.

If the salesperson field is left blank at the job level in the Job Maintenance window, the salesperson for a new job invoice defaults to the one listed under the Bill To Customer. (This is current functionality.)


This field does not look at the Service Call Percentage Applied to Gross Profit field in the Service Management alternate Salesperson Maintenance window.

titleClick here to view screenshot.

JC-564Users can no longer void a PM transaction associated with a closed job or a closed service call because this can cause the WIP to be off balance. A message now displays when the user attempts to void the transaction: "This transaction is associated with a closed job (or closed service call) and cannot be voided." See /wiki/spaces/sms2024/pages/104801531.
JC-565Users can no longer void a PM transaction on a Cost Plus (NTE) job if the job has been invoiced.
Ideas Portal

A new Service Call Transfers window accessed from the Job Status window provides visibility to all service calls transferred or scheduled to be transferred. (Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status)

From the Job Status window, you can quickly see if you have service call costs that have or have not been transferred depending on an icon displayed on the Call Transfer button. If no icon is displayed, the job number hasn’t been entered on a service call on the Service Call window. 

  • A red X on the Transfer Call button indicates there is at least one service call associated with the job that has not been transferred.
  • A green checkmark on the Transfer Call button indicates all service calls associated with the job have been transferred.
titleClick here to view screenshot.

Use the Service Call Transfers window to view the cost and billing transfers from service calls that are pending (not transferred) or have been transferred.

Using context menus accessed by right-clicking on a service call:

  • In the Pending Service Call Transfers section, you can view the service call, call status, unposted costs, and initiate the transfer.
  • In the Transferred Service Calls section, you can view the service call and invoice inquiry windows.

For more information, see /wiki/spaces/sms2024/pages/196378634.

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We've removed the Transferred From Service Call icon that was to the right of the Job field that opened a similar window (Transferred From Service Calls) that only showed the transferred service calls.

Ideas Portal

You can now view the Job History Status by Period view from the Job History window. We've added a Status By Period button that displays in the ribbon. In the Job History Status by Period window, you can view the status of a job by fiscal period for historical (closed) jobs. You can view job status for posted costs and forecasted costs. Open and closed periods are included.

titleClick here to view screenshot.

Ideas Portal

Users can now print the Job Bill Codes report from the Job Status window. The Job Bill Code report option is available if the job displayed in the window is a bill code type job. See /wiki/spaces/sms2024/pages/104802199

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Case #Description
Ideas Portal

The TimeTrack Time Card Entry window has been updated to add zoom capabilities to the following fields:

  • Employee ID
  • Job Number
  • Cost Code Number
  • Pay Code
  • Shift Code
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