Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Easy Find and Replace: {"id":"71b36f5c-c95f-4664-9f08-88ab0fd8da75","find":"/Setting up/","replace":"Setting Up","search-type":"case-sensitive","replace-title":false}


  1. Enter an inventory item using the lookup in the Item field. Since the item is linked to an equipment model, the Purchasing Equipment Creation Entry window opens. See Setting up Up Models. You are limited to creating a maximum of 99 pieces of equipment in this window. To create more pieces, you will need to create additional purchase order lines.

  2. Complete the following fields. An indicates a required field:
    • Manufacturer
      Enter the manufacturer.
    • Operating Location
      Enter the operation location.
    • Branch
      Enter the branch.
    • Division Type
      Enter the division type.
    • Category
      Enter the category.
    • Numbering Type
      The numbering type determines the format of the new equipment ID. If a default numbering type is set up for this PO type, this field fills based on PO type setup; otherwise, the numbering type defaults from equipment setup. Edit this field as necessary.
    • Quantity
      Enter the quantity to be purchased.
    • Create
      Select Create to generate Equipment Manager records for the item or items ordered. When equipment is ordered through the Purchase Order Processing module, an equipment ID is created for each piece of equipment based on the specified Numbering Type. The new equipment records populate into the scrolling window; you can select an item and zoom on the Equipment ID field to open the Equipment Manager. The equipment record automatically has a status of Creation on a Purchase Order. See Assigning Status Codes to Events.
    • Attributes
      Select a line and select Attributes to record any attributes for the equipment. The Equipment Manager Attributes tab for the equipment displays. See Setting up Up Attributes for detailed information.
  3. Select OK to return to the Purchase Order Entry window.
  4. Select the Account Analysis button to open the POP Entry Transaction Profitability Entry window where you can verify the committed amount and enter a posting description.


  1. Create an equipment record in Equipment Manager. See Creating an Equipment Record.
  2. Complete the following fields. An indicates a required field:
    • Item
      Enter an item.
    • Unit of Measure
      Enter the unit of measure.
    • Quantity
      Enter the quantity.
    • Unit Cost
      Enter the unit cost.
    • Description
      Enter a description. You could use the equipment ID or equipment model if you are purchasing one piece of equipment.
    • Site ID
      Enter a site ID.
    • Account
      Enter the account number.
  3. Select the Account Analysis button to open the POP Entry Transaction Profitability Attachment Entry window. If this is a non-inventory item, the POP Entry Transaction Profitability Entry window will appear.
    • Equipment Code
      Using the lookup, select the equipment record for each piece of equipment you are purchasing. This is the equipment record you created in Step 1 that you want to link with the purchase item.
    • Rental Code
      Enter the rental code. This field is available if the equipment record is assigned to an account associated with the rental analysis group ID.
    • Work Order Document
      Enter the work order document. This field is available if the equipment record is assigned to an account associated with the work order analysis group ID.
    • Cost Code
      Enter the cost code. This field is available if the account is set up to use cost codes.
    • Committed
      Enter the committed amount.
    • Attachment
      If the inventory item is not linked to an equipment model, the Attachment field appears. Use the field to link an attachment to the equipment record. Enter an item, or use the lookup to open the Attachments window, where you can view attachments associated with the item or with the equipment model. Select an attachment record and click Select. If you enter an item that doesn't exist in the Attachments window, the item will be added to the equipment record's Attachments tab. See Setting up Up Models. If you are purchasing a non-inventory item, the Attachment field will not appear.
    • Posting Description
      Enter a posting description.
    • Received/Canceled
      If the item has been received or canceled, enter the amount.
  4. Select OK to return to the Purchase Order Entry window.
  5. For any item that is to be recorded as an asset, select the expansion button in the Item field to open the Purchasing Item Detail Entry window. Mark the Capital Item checkbox and select Save.
