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In MobileTech Admin, assign the Inspector role to the technicians using Inspections (and the optional Job Safety Analysis).


Importing the MobileTech with Inspections Project

Inspections are enabled if you have imported the MobileTech with Inspections project and do not need to perform the following steps to enable Inspections and move Inspection icons. 

The instructions are provided if you want to enable Inspections on the other non-Inspections MobileTech project available in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Signature\MobileTech\Admin\Woodford folder. After you've completed the following, you will also need to assign the Inspector Role in MobileTech Admin. (See above.)

Table of Contents



Enable Inspections in the Woodford Project

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard

  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in

  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.

  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.

  5. In the left navigation, scroll down to the Settings section.

  6. Select Inspections.

  7. Mark Enable Inspections.

  8. In the Configure Inspections pop-up, verify that your company has the appropriate license.

  9. Select Save from the menu bar.

  10. From the menu bar, select Add to Home to add the Inspection icon to the Home navigation in MobileTech and then select OK.

  11. From the menu bar, select Add to Form to add the Inspection icon to the bottom of the job appointment form in MobileTech.

    1. In the Template drop-down, select Appointment [appointment] and select OK.

    2. In the Select Form window, select Complete - Job Appointment and select OK.

  12. From the menu bar, select Add to Form to add the Inspection icon to the bottom of the service appointment form in MobileTech.

    1. In the Template drop-down, select Appointment [appointment] and select OK.

    2. In the Select Form window, select Complete - Service Appointment and select OK.

  13. From the menu bar, select Install Report to verify the Inspection Report is installed. If it isn't, you will install it now. Select OK.
    If it is installed a "Report already present" pop-up window displays.

  14. Continue with the steps below.

Move the MobileTech Inspection Icons in the Woodford Project

When you add icons to MobileTech, the icons are added at the bottom of each of the lists. We recommend that you move these icons so that they display logically with the other icons.

Move Inspections icon on the Home screen

  1. In the MobileTech Project, in the left navigation, locate the Components section.

  2. Select Home Screen.

  3. Under Menu items, locate and select Inspections | Questionnaire.

  4. Drag-and-drop or use the Move Up button in the menu bar so that the selection is below newcall. This moves the Inspections icon in MobileTech to display after the New Call icon.

  5. Select Save from the menu bar.

Move the Inspections icon on the Appointment Completion forms


In the left navigation, scroll down to Entities.


Select Appointment.


From the menu bar, select Show UI.


Select Complete - Job Appointment.

  1. From the menu bar, select Edit.

  2. Select Inspections ( * ) and then either drag-and-drop or use the Move Up button from the menu bar so that this is below locationcontact. This moves the Inspections icon in MobileTech to display to the right of the Contacts icon in the Job Appointment Completion form.

  3. Select Save and Close.


Select Complete - Service Appointment.

  1. Select Edit.

  2. Select Inspections ( * ) and then either drag-and-drop or use the Move Up button from the menu bar so that this is below locationcontact. This moves the icon in MobileTech to display to the right of the Contacts icon in the Service Appointment Completion form.

  3. Select Save and Close.


See Import the MobileTech Woodford Project for instructions on creating the child project and importing the MobileTech with Inspections project.


Disable Resco Inspections

To remove Inspections, there are a few steps that you need to perform in the Woodford Project.

Remove the Inspections icon from the Home navigation

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard

  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in

  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.

  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.

  5. In the left navigation, in the Components section, select Home screen.

  6. Select Inspections | Questionnaire.

  7. From the menu bar, select Remove.

  8. Select Save.

Remove the Inspections icon from the Appointment Completion forms

  1. While still in the MobileTech Woodford project, scroll down to Entities.

  2. Select Appointments.

  3. From the menu bar, select Show UI.

  4. Select Complete - Job Appointment.

    1. From the menu bar, select Edit.

    2. Select Inspections ( * ).

    3. From the menu bar, select Delete.

    4. Select Save & Close.

  5. Select Complete - Service Appointment.

    1. From the menu bar, select Edit.

    2. Select Inspections ( * ).

    3. From the menu bar, select Delete.

    4. Select Save & Close.

  6. Continue with the step below.

Disable Inspections

  1. While still in the MobileTech Woodford project, scroll down to Settings.

  2. Select Inspections.

  3. Clear the mark from the Enable Inspections check box.

  4. Select Save.

  5. Publish the project.

Disable Branch_inspection and Technician_team Entities

  1. While still in the MobileTech Woodford project, scroll down to Entity.

  2. Select Technician Team - Inspection

  3. From the menu bar, select Disable and then select Save.

  4. From the left navigation under Entity, select Branch - Inspection.

  5. From the menu bar, select Disable, and then select Save.
