View or change appointment details. Depending on the MobileTech setup, you might be able to find links to these notes at the bottom of the Appointment pane when you view the details for a service call appointment. Depending on your company's setup, you can also access the XOi hyperlink for SEE Workflow or XOi Workflow and XOi Site History.
- Customer notes
- Customer location notes
- Service call notes, including service call description and resolution notes
- Appointment notes
- Equipment notes for one or more pieces of equipment
- Contract notes
For any of the above links, if a note exists, the link is highlighted. You can click the links to view the notes.
Note |
When you view most types of notes, a separate pane is displayed. Therefore, when you close the note, you'll return to the appointment details pane from which you opened the note. However, when you view appointment notes, the Notes tab for the current appointment is displayed. To return to the appointment details, select the Appointment tab. If you close the appointment note, you're also closing the appointment details pane, and you'll return to the appointments list. |