Case # | New Feature |
MT-703/MTW-2505 | For job and service appointments, when the appointment description exceeds 50 characters, an appointment note is created. The note can be marked as Is Internal so that the note does not appear on any customer reports. The note subject is titled Description. The appointment note can be viewed in Signature as an attached note. The fields shown in the Appointment Details: 
In the Appointment List: 
In the MobileTech Appointment Note: 
MT-715/MTW-2588 | |
| Separate time entries are now created if a user times in/out and the resulting values overlap midnight of the default week-ending day. Midnight is determined by the technician's device. The first entry is for the time up to midnight (12:00 am) and the second entry is post-midnight (12:01). For example, the week-ending day is set to Friday. If a technician times into an appointment at 10:00 pm on Friday and times out at 2:00 am on Saturday, two entries are created. The first time entry is for the previous time period (10:00 pm to 12:00 am) and the second time entry is for the current time period (12:01 am to 2:00 am). The default week-ending day is determined by the existing Default Week-Ending Day that is set up in TimeTrack. See Choosing Setup Options in the TimeTrack documentation. |
| If you have any customers who do not allow the use of XOi onsite, you can now disable XOi Deep Linking for the specific customer(s). Go to MobileTech Admin > Setup Options > Options > Customer Setup. Mark the checkbox in the Disable XOi Deep Linking column. |
MT-768/MTW-2502 | We've updated the MobileTech Cleanup job to include service appointment and job appointment steps with the following criteria. - Service Appointments:
An integration record is created to delete the appointment.
- With a Task_Date 14 days before or after the current date.
- With a Task_Date within 14 days of the current date but have a status that is REASSIGN or COMPLETE.
- Job Appointments:
- With a Start Date 14 days before or after the current date.
MT-772 | Field invoicing is now disabled when the service call type is set to QTE (quote). The Reports tab is hidden and the Location Contacts are not displayed when completing the service appointment. This is the same functionality as MC and MCC call types. |
MT-773/MTW-2511 | MobileTech's new call creation process has been transitioned to now use wsiSMSServiceCall. (MobileTech had been using SMS_Create_Service_Call.) The transition was made to align the MobileTech process with the same process that we use with Schedule. |
| You can set up MobileTech to automatically include the technician name (request the report) in the subject line and attachment filename. Add {0} to the Employee Time Sheet to add the technician's name as specified in the systemuser table. See Optional: Adding Information to Email Subject Lines and Attachment Names. |
| For reporting and/or filtering purposes, we've added Division to the middle-tier servicecall entity. This field is read-only and is not exposed on any of the MobileTech forms. |
MT-787, MT-791, MT-800 MTW-2477, MTW-2530, MTW-2568 | In the MobileTech Admin Setup Options window, you can now: - Search for a specific setup option name. The search is case-insensitive. Use the Clear button to remove the text from the Search field.
- Collapse All/Expand All of the sections to quickly navigate to the specific section. The default view is with all sections expanded.

| We've updated the Load Data window so that if any of the required lookup tables are missing lookups after the load data process, the Sync Lookups checkbox remains marked and disabled and the View Missing Lookups button is displayed. Select the View Missing Lookups button to display a popup window that lists the required lookups that do not have any records in their table. The required tables include callresolution, appointmentstatus, calltype, costcode, equipmenttype, extendedwarrantytype, manufacturer, paycode, problemtype, taskstatus, unitofmeasure, setupoption. See Load Data for more information. Note |
If your company does not use the displayed required lookup(s), like the Extended Warranty Type, you do not have to do anything. This does not indicate that you have missing or bad data. |
| On the Time Entry list, we now display the Time-In/Time-Out or Begin Travel/End Travel times. 
| The laborexpense.userdefine1 mapping has been changed to map to WS10702.User_Define_1. Previously it was mapped to US10702.LOCNCODE. |
MT-806 | When the technician creates a non-inventory item on a field purchase order, if the technician has only one inventory site assigned in Service Management, the inventory site ID now defaults on the purchase order line. If the technician has more than one inventory site assigned, the technician will have to select the site as they currently do. No changes have been made to default sites when creating inventory purchase orders. See Purchase Order Settings for more information about (inventory) purchase orders and using a default site. |
We've added several new setup options to the MobileTech Admin Setup Options window. |
MT-700 | CreateNewCallForBillOnlyLocations setup option has been added to the Mobile Global Settings section. This is a new setup option that, when set to True, allows technicians to create new service calls for customers locations marked as Bill Only in Service Management. The default value is False, which means the Bill Only customers locations do not appear in the lookups in MobileTech and technicians are not able to create new service calls for Bill Only customerslocations. |
MT-757/MTW-2616 | SetAppointmentDetailsOnNewCall has been added to the Mobile Device Global Settings section. Previously this was a line that needed to be added to SQL. The SetAppointmentDetailsOnNew Call option determines if technicians can add appointment information on a new call. The default value is True. If you do not want to display the Appointment Details to display on the New Call form, you can update this setting to False. See Mobile Device Global Settings. |
| A new Auto Open Form Settings section has been added. Previously this was manually updated in Offline HTML. When enabled for any of the lists mentioned below, when a technician selects a list tab, if the list has no items, the form to create that item displays automatically. The form auto-open happens the first time you navigate to the corresponding tab within the same instance of the Appointment Completion form. The functionality has been added to the following lists. By default, this has been enabled for the Inventory, Purchase Order Detail, and Time Entry (from the Appointment Completion form) lists. See Auto Open Form Settings for more information. - Additional Work
- Attachment
- Change Order
- Change Order Detail
- Meter Reading
Note - Refrigerant
| UseSyncMaintenance has been added to the Mobile Device Global Settings section. The setup had previously been manually set up in Offline HTML. For more information, see UseSyncMaintenance. TheUseSyncMaintenance option is used to help prevent issues with users having multiple devices by displaying a sync prompt automatically on the device if the user hasn't synchronized their device after the SyncInterval value (hours). You can also set the CheckInterval (minutes) that determines how often MobileTech checks to see if the SyncInterval has been reached. Once the technician syncs the device, the Sync Interval resets. If the technician selects Cancel on a sync reminder prompt, this is logged in the JSBridge file on the device. The log file includes the date and time that Cancel was selected. The log file can be sent and you will be able to see if the technician was not syncing when they were prompted. |
| AllowDeleteTimeIn has been added to the Time Log Settings section in MobileTech Admin Setup Options. This setup option previously need to be disabled/enabled in Offline HTML. The AllowDeleteTimeIn option determines if technicians are able to delete a time-in for a job/service appointment and technician activities. The default value is True. Select False if you do not want your technicians to be able to delete a time-in from their mobile device. See Time Log Settings. |
| UsePOEventBasedSync has been added to the Purchase Order Settings section. Previously this needed to be manually enabled in Offline HTML. The UsePOEventBasedSync option determines if event-based syncing is used to sync to the host after a purchase order line is created. The default value is False. If set to True, this option also requires that UseEventBasedSync is set to True. See Purchase Order Settings. |
| UseTimeLogBackgroundSync has been added to the Time Log Settings section. Previously this needed to be manually disabled in Offline HTML. The UseTimeLogBackground Sync option determines if the technician's coordinates are automatically uploaded to the audit_timelog table with a background sync to the middle-tier anytime they time in, time out, or delete a time-in. The default value is True. Select False if you do want the coordinates automatically uploaded to the audit_timelog table. This option is disabled if UseTimeLog is set to False. |
| SetCallerDetailsOnNewCall has been added to the Mobile Device Global Settings section. The new SetCallerDetailsOnNewCall setup option determines if the caller detail fields are enabled on the New Call form. The caller detail fields include Caller Name, Caller Email, and Caller Phone. The default value is False. Select True to enable these fields. See Mobile Device Global Settings. 
| RoundInitialTimeInOut has been add to the Time Log Settings section. Previously this was manually set up in Offline HTML. The RoundIntialTimeInOut setting determines if rounding is applied to the initial Time In and Out values instead of using actual time. The default value is False, which indicates that the actual time is used when the MobileTech user initially times. When set to True, the initial values are rounded based on the TimeLogRoundingInterval setting. See Time Log Settings. Note |
| If you previously had set up Offline HTML to display the rounding, you will need to set this up in MobileTech Setup Options. You won't have to update this again for any other upgrades as this will be saved as a setup option. |
| The Quadra Integration setup has been moved to MobileTech Admin. Previously this had been a multi-step manual setup. The MobileTech/Quadra integration allows field technicians to generate Quadra recommendations directly from the MobileTech appointment completion process. Technicians can then view that recommendation from within ERTH’s Quadra mobile application and turn that into field quotes and future service call work in Signature/MobileTech. See Quadra Integration. Once you save the Setup Options window after setting up the integration, the following Quadra Objects are created: - View: FTQuadraRecommendationTemplateLookup
- Trigger: QuadraRecommendationTemplateTrigger
- Stored Procedure: WSMobileLoadQuadraRecommendationTemplate
Note |
| If you previously had Quadra installed, you will need to add the Quadra database name in the Quadra Integration section of the Setup Options window so that the view and triggers are created. |
| You now have the option to limit technicians to entering time for the current week only. In MobileTech Admin Setup Options, in the Mobile Device Global Setttings" section, we've added AllowPreviousWeekEntries. The default value is True. See Mobile Device Global Settings for more information. |
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| You can now choose to display the Task Materials AND Replacement Parts tabs on the Appointment Completion form for service appointments. Prior to the MobileTech 9.5 release, users could only enable one of these options. For more information about each option see Task Settings for the task materials setting and Equipment Settings for the replacement parts setting. |
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