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Release Version: 8-5-x

Release Date: June 2021

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Table of Contents

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Installing MobileTech

Upgrading to 8.5 from a previous version

You can upgrade to MobileTech 8.5 from version 7.x or higher.

  • Before you upgrade from a previous version of MobileTech, make sure that all mobile devices have been synchronized to the host system. If you've made changes to views or stored procedures in previous versions of MobileTech, those changes will be overwritten during the upgrade.
  • If you are upgrading from 
    • MobileTech 7: You will need to uninstall MobileTech including MobileTech Admin, MobileTech Integration Sync, MobileTech Synch Server, and MobileTech Client from your Windows server/computers. Additionally, The steps for importing a new Resco Woodford project file have changed from previous releases. Be sure to read Important information for upgrade customers who already use Woodford in the Signature MobileTech Installation and Administrative Guide before you import the new project file.
    • MobileTech 7.5 or higher: You will not need to uninstall previous versions. The steps for importing a new Resco Woodford file have not changed.
  • You'll be prompted to install database objects the first time you log into MobileTech Administration after upgrading. You must do this for each company. If you're not prompted to install database objects, go to Tools > Create MobileTech Objects and choose Process. For more information, see Log into MobileTech Administration in the Signature MobileTech 8.0 Installation and Administrative Guide. For additional upgrade notes, see Upgrading MobileTech in the Signature MobileTech Installation and Administrative Guide. Installing database objects during an upgrade does not remove any data from the middle tier.

  • Re-enable any options that were enabled in Woodford. If you are using Mobile Auditing (UseMobileAuditBackgroundSync=True), please be sure to re-enable the Woodford Auditing settings after importing a new Woodford project. 

Installing MobileTech for the first time

You can install and set up MobileTech as described in the Signature MobileTech Installation and Administrative Guide. 

Installation Components and Compatibility

MobileTech Components to Install

To set up and implement MobileTech, you must install these components:

  • MobileTech Server 8-5-xx (includes Resco Woodford, Publish Version 13.3)
  • MobileTech 8-5-xx.Woodford (included in installation)
  • Resco Mobile CRM or higher (from device App Store)  

Important Notes

  • As App Stores are increasing their security requirements, HTTPS (with Trusted SSL Certificates) will soon become a requirement across all device types.  Therefore, it is our recommendation that you transition your MobileTech environment to use SSL with a trusted certificate.
  • Do not install MobileTech server components on your SQL Server machine. 
  • Install MobileTech Administration on the MobileTech web server.
  • Verify the eTimeTrack Web Service current release version matches the installed version of Signature. For installation instructions for each component, see the Signature MobileTech 
    Insert excerpt
    MT 8.5 Version
    MT 8.5 Version
     Installation and Administrative Guide.

Compatibility Information


To find a complete list of system requirements across all the Signature modules, refer to the Signature System Requirements document found on the Product Download page on Signature Resources.

This table lists the tested and supported compatible versions for MobileTech 

Insert excerpt
MT 8.5 Version
MT 8.5 Version

Software or deviceCompatible versions
Operating systems 
  • Android 8.0 (Oreo), 9.0 (Pie), 10.0, 11.0
  • iOS 13, 14, 14.5
  • Windows 10
Signature version number
  • Signature 18.03b05
  • Signature 2018 R3 (18.00b03g310)
  • Signature 2016 R3 SP 2 (16.00b03g321)

Obtain a Google Maps API Key

If you will be using the Mapping feature on a Windows computer, you will need to obtain a Google Maps API key at You will need the Maps JavaScript API (Maps > Dynamic Maps) and Geocoding (Places tab). Geocoding is required for setting coordinates.

Installation Notes

  • You will need to add the IIS APPPOOL\RescoCloud user to the SQL Server Reporting Services Home Folder permissions page. For instructions on adding the user, see You can filter the instructions to your SQL Server version.
  • The Job Summary Timesheet report no longer prints automatically when a technician completes a job appointment with billable transactions on the appointment. If your company would like to continue to have this report automatically generated, you can remove the comment lines from Offline HTML: 


    Enabling the automatic timesheet generation after completing a job appointment:

    1. In Woodford, select the MobileTech project and then select Edit from the menu bar.

    2. From the left navigation, select Offline HTML.
    3. Double-click Entity to open.
      Double-click Appointment to open.
    4. Select appointment-form_complete-job.html and then select Edit from the menu bar.
    5. Scroll down to FORM EXECUTIONS.
    6. Locate //,generateTimesheetReport(appointment) //Uncomment line to turn on automatic generation of timesheets.
    7. Remove the preceding //, and succeeding //Uncomment line to turn on automatic generation of timesheets so that the line only displays the following.
    8. Select Save.
    9. Select Save from the menu bar.
    10. Publish the project.


Deprecation Note:

The legacy UseXOi feature has been deprecated and is no longer available as a setup option in MobileTech Administration.

New Features

Case #New Feature

Currently, when using TimeLogRoundingInterval, on the initial form load the actual time is displayed on the form when the user times in and/or out but the rounded values are used for labor time.

If you would prefer to display the rounded time, you can update the Offline HTML form in the Woodford project to change the value of the roundInitialTimeInOut setting. The default value is false, which displays the actual time value. By setting the value to true, the rounded time will display (but labor hours will still be rounded). For example, with the value set to true, and you are rounding by 5, and the user is timing in at 4:07, the time displayed is 4:05. If timing out at 4:32, the time displayed is 4:30. Previously, the actual time displayed on the form but the rounded values were used for labor time.

To display the rounded time value:

  1. In MobileTech Admin, go to Tools > Launch Woodford.
  2. Double-click the Woodford project.
  3. In the left navigation, under Components, select Offline HTML.
  4. Double-click the entity folder.
  5. Double-click the timelog folder.
  6. Select timelog-form.html and then select Edit.
  7. Update the var roundInitialTimeInOut line to true.
  8. Select SAVE.
  9. Select Save.
  10. Publish the project.
  11. Sync the devices.
MTW-1717When viewing historical calls on the device, the accordion title bar displays the note description and date, as well as for appointment resolution note, the appointment name displays or for service call resolution notes, the service call ID displays.

Issues Fixed

Case #Fixed Issue
MTW-1563When switching to SERVER MODE on a new service call, users with more than 500 pieces of equipment will now see the Search box as expected and will no longer be limited to the first 501 items.
MTW-1586We've added the WSMobileLoadLocation stored procedure to only populate valid customer IDs.
MTW-1583When creating more than one note for an entity, each Subject must be unique. Users will now see “Cannot Save Duplicate Note: Another note with the same subject already exists."
MTW-1633The Summary tab now displays the tasks as expected in the Task Summary section.
MTW-1688Users can now create back-to-back time-out and time-in entries. For example, log out at 4:00 PM and then log in at 4:00 PM.
MTW-1708The Task Responses string field has been updated to allow for up to 101 characters.

Seconds are no longer used when calculating/rounding time in and time out values. Only the hour/minutes displayed on the form are used when calculating/rounding the labor hours.

MTW-1717Duplicate service calls no longer display in history on devices
