Versions Compared


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Version 3.0.12
Bug FixDragging an appointment from the Unscheduled grid to the Schedule Board now works as expected. SCHEDThere was a periodic issue with Schedule losing the ID of the appointment during the drag and drop process, resulting in an ‘Undefined’ value being shown on the schedule grid.  The process has been updated so that if the appointment ID cannot be found in the current cached result set, it will query the database to get the information.  SCHED-634
Version 3.0.11
Bug FixWe fixed an issue that Australian customers experienced with the date format and creating a new Service Call. SCHED-537
Version 3.0.7
New Features
  • Job appointment notes can be created for any open job. A job appointment note can be viewed, edited, and printed from within Signature, MobileTech and Schedule.
  • A new Find feature has been added to the Schedule Board and Customer Hub. The ability to search from the Schedule Board and Customer Hub has been added.
    • Schedule Board: Users can now search for appointments by service calls, purchase orders, jobs, projects, and resources from the Schedule Board. Right-click on the search result to use the context-sensitive menu to have the option to open a service call, open an appointment, unassign an appointment, unschedule an appointment, view on calendar, view job details, view customer details, and/or view location details, depending on the Find type and status of the results. (For example, View on Calendar is only available if the appointment is currently on the Schedule Board.)
    • Customer Hub: Users can search for a Contact Name or customer phone number. From the right-click context menu the user can navigate to the customer or location details.
  • The Customer Hub has been updated to provide you with a better experience when grouping, sorting, filtering, and displaying customers and locations.
    • Group - To group the display by a column, select a column header and drag this to the area labeled Drag a column header to the group location to group the results by that column located to the top left of the columns.
    • Sort order - Select the column header to change the sort order. A small triangle points to indicate if the sorting is ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A). Hold the Shift key when selecting headers to sort against multiple columns simultaneously.
    • Filter - Select the lookup  to choose a filter type (contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, equals, does not equal) and enter the value in the field to the right of the lookup.
    • Column Order - Drag the column headers to the left or right to change the column order. 
    • Scrolling - A horizontal scrollbar is hidden until you hover with your mouse at the bottom of the grid. When the horizontal scrollbar displays, you can drag the bar to view more columns. A vertical scrollbar is automatically displayed.
Bug Fixes
  • On the Appointment Wizard, the tab order and/or logic is not correct.
  • Saved filters on the Resource grid were not updating the Schedule Board display.


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