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You can zoom on cost element amounts in each column in the Job Status window to see detailed information. Committed, posted, estimated, and forecasted costs information is displayed. You can also choose the buttons at the bottom of the Job Status window to view contract status, billed position, billing, and customer status information. You can choose the Change Orders button to create change orders. The Labor Breakdown button is enabled if Project Manager Advisor is registered.

Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.

The lookup button on the Job field provides the ability to filter your view of jobs by Active, Inactive or ALL.


The Committed Costs column shows the total outstanding (not yet received) amounts from saved purchase orders, sales orders, and sales invoices. From this column, you can drill down to view a cost code breakdown in the Committed Costs Inquiry window and a summary of transactions in the Committed Transaction Summary window.
Step 1:         View transaction summary.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job and zoom on a Committed Cost element.
  3. Choose a cost code and zoom on the Cost Code Number field to open the Committed Transaction Summary window, where you can view transaction details for the selected cost code.
  4. To print the Committed Cost Transaction Journal report, choose File > Print.

Step 2:         View transaction details.

  1. Zoom on a document number in the Committed Transaction Summary window to open an inquiry zoom window, showing details of the purchase order, sales order, or sales invoice document.
  2. To print the document, choose File > Print.


You can view posted costs for each cost element in the Job Status window. Amounts in the Posted Costs column are calculated by adding all posted costs of the same cost element on the selected job. You can zoom to view a summary of cost codes in the Cost Codes Summary window and details on each cost code in the Cost Codes Detail window. You can also view the summary of transactions, monthly costs, and production unit summary.
You can also access forecasted revisions and enter production unit information.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a Job and zoom on a Posted Cost Element.
  3. In the Cost Code Summary window, double-click a Cost Code in the scrolling window.
  4. In the Cost Codes Detail window, you can do the following:
    • Choose View Monthly Costs to open the Job CC Monthly Costs window, showing monthly cost amounts for the cost code.
    • Choose View Transactions or zoom on an amount in the Actual Costs column to open the Payroll Transaction Summary window for a labor cost element or the Transaction Summary window for cost elements other than Labor. You can zoom on items in the Transaction Summary window to view original transaction details.
    • Choose View Production Units to open the Production Units Summary window, showing transaction detail for the selected cost code. This window contains a list of all production unit transactions, type, posting date, field percentages, and production quantities.
    • Zoom on an Estimated Cost amount to open the Cost Code Estimate Zoom window, where you can view original and change order estimates. See Revising forecasted costs.
    • Zoom on a Forecasted Cost amount to open the Forecast Cost Revision Entry window, where you can revise and post the forecast cost revision entry. See Using forecasted costs.
    • Enter the field percent complete. For example, the project manager can enter a percent complete based on the work performed to date and job knowledge. If the actual production percent is greater than the estimated field percent, it may indicate a potential cost overrun. This percentage is also used in the Labor Breakdown window and shown on the Job Labor and Projected Variance reports.
    • Enter the production quantity per unit for the current period and the production best amounts. The Production Best field may be used by a project manager to give incentives to employees who top the "production best" in a given time period. If production in the current period is considerably less than the production best, the project manager should take notice and find reasons for the fall in production.
  5. Choose Save.


The Estimated Costs column in the Job Status window contains the original estimated cost or budget for the job, plus any estimated costs from posted change orders. You can revise these estimates.
Maintaining a history of both estimated costs and historical costs allows you to measure the performance of your job estimators. It also allows you to confirm pricing or bidding assumptions as your company sets pricing guidelines and pursues new contracts.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job and zoom on an estimated cost element.
  3. To revise estimated costs, see Revising estimated costs.


The Forecasted Costs column in the Job Status window shows the project manager's forecast of the cost at job completion. You can retain both the original estimated cost and a forecasted cost. You can also revise the forecasted costs.
When you add cost codes to a new job, the forecasted cost equals the estimated cost. You can increase the forecasted cost when you know there will be a cost overrun. You can also decrease the forecasted cost if the projected actual cost will be considerably less than the estimated cost when the job is completed.
You can revise a forecasted cost by zooming on a cost element to open the Forecast Cost Revision Entry window.
Note: When you enter a forecast revision, make sure the posting date falls within the period you want the transaction to affect. The amounts in the Job Status by Period window and the Percentage of Completion (POC) will be totaled based on the posting dates. For example, when you enter a forecast revision, the default date in the Date field in the Forecast Cost Revision Entry window is the user date in the current period. If you want the revision to affect the previous period, you would have to change the date to reflect that previous period.


You can revise forecasted costs in units, or in dollars. With units, you can manage labor on a job based on hours.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job and zoom on a forecasted cost element.
  3. The system date appears in the Date field. You can change this date.
  4. Enter the Cost Code that applies to the revision.
  5. Enter both the Forecasted Units and Forecasted Amount/Unit - OR - a flat dollar revision Amount. The revision amount will be added to the current cost element forecast. The total amount of forecasted revisions is then added to the cost element's estimated cost to calculate the revised forecast amount.
  6. Enter identifying text that describes the reason for the forecast revision. This information appears in the scrolling window. You can attach a detailed note using the notepad button.
  7. Post the revision. When you post, the revision transaction displays in the scrolling window.
  8. To print the forecast revision list, choose File > Print.

Adjusting forecasts

Depending on whether you are using labor hours or costs to calculate percent complete, you can adjust forecasted labor hours or costs to equal actual posted labor hours or costs for each cost code. This procedure does not consider estimated costs.
Unless the Auto adjust forecasted only when posted is greater than forecasted check box is marked on the Job Cost Setup Options window, the forecast is revised whenever the actual units do not equal the forecast units.
Note: Security access may be restricted, and there is no way to undo the changes that are made.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job and choose Adjust Forecasts.A message appears asking if you are sure that you want to adjust the forecasts. If so, back up your system before continuing. The Adjust Forecast Costs Utility updates forecast units to equal posted units.
  3. Choose OK to continue, or Cancel to exit without updating the forecasts. The system creates forecasted revisions for each cost code, adjusting forecast to equal actual.


You can choose to view markup percent or margin percent.
Markup percent and margin percent are calculated as follows:

  • Markup Percent = ((Expected Contract - Total Forecasted Costs) / Total Forecasted Costs) * 100
  • Margin Percent = ((Expected Contract - Total Forecasted Costs) / Expected Contract) * 100

To view Margin or Markup Percent:

  1. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Job Cost Setup > Setup Options.
  2. In the Display Preference section, choose the Margin Percent radio button. When the Margin Percent radio button is selected, the Anticipated Margin and Margin Percent fields appear in the Job Status window. Anticipated Margin is calculated the same as Anticipated Markup: Expected Contract - Total Revised Forecast. The display preference selected in the Setup Options window also affects the following windows and reports:
    • Job Status by Period window
    • Job Status History window
    • Project Status window
    • Project Manager Summary window
    • Job Status report
    • Job Schedule report
    • Forecasted Costs by Period report
    • Project Status report
    • Job Reference report
    • Job Schedule by Division report
    • Job Schedule by Project report
    • Posted Costs by Period report
    • Job Status History report
    • Setup Options report


You can view a summary of costs by cost code segment including phase, step, detail, and component.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job and choose the tree view button in the Job field.
    • Each level in the tree view represents a segment in a cost code number. The first level in the tree view is the phase; the second level is the step; the third level is the detail; the fourth level is the component. The number of available segments depends on the number specified during cost code setup.
    • You can choose the "+" button on a segment to expand the tree view.
    • You can zoom on the Actual Cost to Date and Committed Cost column headings for each level to view additional information. Zooming on the Actual Cost to Date column opens the Cost Code Summary window. Zooming on the Committed Costs column opens the Committed Costs Inquiry window.

Choose a segment level and zoom on a column heading. The window that opens contains cost code information only for cost codes that contain that segment level in the tree view. For example, if you clicked on a phase level before zooming on the Committed Costs column, information will appear in the Committed Costs Inquiry window only for cost codes associated with that phase. If you choose a step level (which is one step below the phase level) before zooming, information will appear only for cost codes that contain that step within that phase. The lower the tree view level, the more specific the cost code information will be.

  • The % Variance is calculated as: ((Total Estimate - Actual Cost to Date) / Total Estimate) x 100
  • The Cost to Complete (Overrun) column is calculated as: (Total Forecast - (Actual Cost to Date + Committed Cost))
  • The Job Total field contains the total costs for each column.

Note: The Total Forecast column contains the total estimates plus forecasted revisions. It does not include cost overruns, which might cause the job total for the Total Forecast column in this window to be different than the Forecasted Costs column in the Job Status window.


You can view contract information in the Job Contract Status window, which includes the contract type, original contract amount, user-defined change order amounts, contract-to-date amount, in-process change orders, and the expected contract amount.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job, then choose Contract Status.
  3. View the original and expected contract amounts based on posted change orders.


  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job, then choose Revenue Code Status.

Note: If you marked the job to be excluded from RPO, this button will be disabled.

  1. Zoom on the Contract Billed field to open the Billed Amounts window.


You can view the current amount earned on the contract based on the percentage-of-completion and over- and under-billed amounts in the Billed Position window. The cash over/shortage amount indicates whether the amount of cash you received is greater than the posted costs for the job. If you are excluding the job from RPO, this window will not display any RPO calculations.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job, then choose Billed Position.
  3. Zoom on the Contract Billed field to open the Billed Amounts window.
  4. Zoom on the Revenue Recognized field to open the Revenue Recognition Summary window, which displays the revenue recognition details for the current job to date.

Note: Cost Plus jobs are assumed to be always 100% complete, even if the Percent Complete in the Billed Position window does not reflect this.


Inquiry > Job Status > Billed Position > Revenue Recognized zoom
The Revenue Recognition Summary window displays the revenue amounts recognized on revenue codes for a job. This window also displays the GL journal entry number, posting year and period, revenue code transaction price and the amount recognized for each revenue code that has revenue recognized for the job.
If the job has more than one revenue code, use the lookup button to choose a revenue code to view its revenue summary.


You can view billing information for the selected job, including details on specific invoices, receivable transaction distributions, and job cash receipts in the Billing Transaction Inquiry window.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job, then choose Billing.
  3. In the Billing Transaction Inquiry window, choose a transaction and zoom on the Cash Received field to open the Job Cash Receipts window, listing the cash receipts for the selected cost code.
  4. Choose OK to close the window.
  5. In the Billing Transaction Inquiry window, choose a transaction and zoom on the Customer ID field to open the Receivables Transaction Inquiry - Customer window, showing details on receivables transactions, along with their status and amounts.
  6. Choose OK to close the window.
  7. Double-click a transaction to open the Job Invoice Zoom window. This window contains a replica of the transaction as originally entered and serves as an online audit trail of your transaction information. You can view detail information on a job's transactions, such as invoice or credit information and receivable distributions.
  8. Choose Print to print the invoice.
  9. In the Job Invoice Zoom window, choose the Schedule button. If the job has a Standard billing type, the Standard Invoice or Credit Zoom window opens. If the job has a User-Defined or Cost Code billing type, the Schedule Invoice Zoom window opens. If the job has a Transaction-Level billing type, the Transactions Inquiry window opens. Detailed information from the original invoice entry is displayed.
  10. Choose OK to close the window.
  11. Choose the Distribution button to open the Receivables Distributions Inquiry Zoom window, showing the general ledger distribution detail for the invoice.
  12. Choose OK to close the window.


You can view the customer accounts receivables status in the Customer Payment Summary Inquiry window. This window contains the customer's aging and credit information including the most recent invoice and the most recent payment dates and amounts.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job, then choose Customer Status.
  3. Choose a cost period and zoom on the Amount field to open the Receivables Transaction Inquiry - Customer window, which displays all accounts receivable documents for this customer including posted and unposted documents.
  4. In the Receivables Transaction Inquiry - Customer window, double-click the document number and zoom on the Document Number field to open the Receivables Transaction Inquiry Zoom window, showing transaction entry information for a specific document number.
  5. In the Receivables Transaction Inquiry Zoom window, choose Distribution to open the Receivables Distributions Inquiry window, listing receivables accounts and debit or credit amounts.


You can view the status of a job by fiscal period. This allows you to track cost trends across multiple periods. You can view job status for posted costs and forecasted costs. Open and closed periods are included.
Note: If using RPO revenue recognition, the Contract Earned amount is based on the job's revenue performance obligations.

  1. Choose Inquiry > Job Cost > Job Status.
  2. Choose a job, then choose Status by Period.
  3. Costs display for each period by cost element. The most recent period appears on the far right; the oldest period appears on the far left. The default tab is Forecasted Costs. To view posted costs, choose the Posted Costs tab.
  4. The current year and period default. You can change the year and period using the Year and Period ID drop-down lists. Choose the year and/or period and choose Redisplay. Contract and billing information appears at the bottom of the window.
  5. To print a Forecasted Costs by Period or Posted Costs by Period report, choose the appropriate tab and choose Print.

Note: If you import jobs using Signature Utilities or import job estimates, you must run the Recreate Summary File utility after importing. This will ensure that the costs in the Job Status by Period window are accurate. See Re-creating the summary file.

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