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You enter job-related production quantity information using the Production Units Entry window. Job Cost uses optional production-based costing techniques to measure completion. Production measures are measurement types that you can set up for tracking the number of units produced for a selected cost code. For example, in an electrical contracting business, if you assign a production measure such as feet of cabling to the cost code for the apartment building first floor, you can enter a production quantity for the cost code. A quantity-per-estimate unit calculates automatically. This amount can be computed to actual production rate to measure job performance. You can use production measures to determine the percentage of a cost code completed by dividing the posted production units to date by the production estimate quantity.

Step 1: Enter transaction information

  1. Choose Transactions > Job Cost > Production Unit Entry.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • Transaction Number: A
      A transaction number identifies a group of related line items posted collectively as a single transaction. A transaction number can contain many line items, and a batch can contain many transaction numbers.You can use the transaction number on audit trail documents (posting journals and edit lists) to trace the history of a specific document.
    • Batch ID, Transaction Date: The
      The date you enter is used to update your Job Cost records.
    • Job Number: Enter
      Enter a job number to which unit amounts will post.

Step 2: Enter cost code and production unit information.

  • Cost Code: Choose
    Choose the cost code to which the amounts will apply. Production units post only to cost codes marked to track production quantities in the Job Cost Codes Setup window.
  • Production Units to Date: Enter
    Enter a production quantity for the cost code. This field displays previous unit quantities posted to the selected cost code for this job.
  • Field %: Enter
    Enter the estimated percentage completed for this cost code. For example, if the project manager for the job feels a cost code is 75 percent complete based on the work performed to date, enter 75% in the Field Percent field.

    The Cost Codes Detail window updates with this amount. You can see the estimated percentage completed when you drill down to the cost code from the Job Status window. The Cost Codes Detail window allows you to view the Field Percent field, the Actual Cost Percent (calculated as actual cost/forecasted cost for the cost code) field, and the Production Percent (calculated as Production Units to Date/Production Estimate Qty) field for the selected cost code.

    You can add this amount to reports using Report Writer. For example, you could create a report comparing the field percent complete with the actual percent complete (based on production units or actual cost). You can also create projections based on this amount.

Step 3: Print an edit list and post

  1. To print a Production Units Edit List, choose File > Print while a batch ID displays in the Production Units Entry window.

    If you save transactions to a batch, we recommend that you print an edit list with job detail before posting to verify the accuracy of transactions you entered.

  2. To post an individual production unit entry transaction, choose Post in the Production Units Entry window.
