- Invoicing and manually closing
As Receivables Management distributions are created when you save or post a service invoice, this process will trigger the validation of the non-billable expense accounts. If the non-billable account number entered in Task Code Setup does not exist, a message will display indicating the account number does not exist and will specify the task code. If more than one error exists, the error will be repeated the next time you attempt to post or save. - Manually closing service calls
When you attempt to manually close a service call where costs exist, the system will validate the non-billable account exists in the system. If the account does not exist, the service call cannot be closed. - Process Service Invoices
The create process will validate the expense accounts at the point of creating the distributions for the Receivables Management document. If the accounts do not exist, a message will display regarding the General Ledger accounts for non-billable tasks on the specific service call are missing and the invoice will not be created.
A visual indicator has been added to several windows to alert you that non-billable costs are present.
- Added Costs -
The visual indicator has been added next to Billing Amount that will only display when the task has been set to non-billable and the Billing Amount field has been disabled. The Billable and Taxable check boxes are disabled and unmarked and the billing amount is set to zero dollars and disabled. - Service Invoice -
As non-billable costs are not included on invoices, the non-billable costs are not displayed on the Service Invoice window. A visual indicator will display next to any cost category when non-billable task code based costs are present on the invoice. If you zoom on the cost category, the Cost window displays all costs as standard. The task code is flagged with the visual indicator. - Adjustment to Costs -
The task code field has been added to this window. The visual indicator has been added next to Billing Amount that will only display when the task has been set to non-billable and the Billing Amount field has been disabled. The Billable and Taxable check boxes are disabled and unmarked and the billing amount is set to zero dollars and disabled.