- Click anywhere inside the icon. A popup menu appears.
Click the view that you want. The picture on the icon changes, depending on the view selected.
If the time zone view indicator looks like this: The time displays by: GMT
The availability of views depends on the window and context. See below for a list of windows and available views.
Service Call:
GMT, Location (default), Technician, UserĀNote The time zone view icon will not be enabled until a service call is saved.
- Appointments:
GMT, Location (default from service call), Technician, User - Service Level Call Inquiry:
GMT, Location, Technician (default), User - Dispatch Board:
GMT, Location (default), Technician - Appointment Wizard:
GMT, Technician (default), User - Reschedule Appointment Wizard:
GMT, Technician (default), User - Appointment History:
GMT, Location, User Technician Schedules:
GMT, Technician (default), User.Note The time zone selected appears in each grid of the technician's schedule.
- Technician Activity Inquiry:
GMT, Technician (default), User - Technician Board - Appointments:
GMT, Technician (default), User Technician Board - Appointments - Daily View:
GMT, Technician (default), UserNote The time zone selected appears in the right corner of the Time column heading.
Time Stamp:
GMT, Location, Technician, UserNote When any of the clocks on the window are pressed, the system converts to the time zone selected using the time zone icon.