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If you are using the Contact Management feature, the Contacts button appears at the top of the Location window. The Contacts feature is used to track people in addition to, or instead of, Contact Person 1 and Contact Person 2. For example, a company may need to track the building manager, janitor, office manager, and receptionist for each of its customer locations. Each contact person could have unlimited phone numbers attached to their contact record.

You can attach You can assign existing agency contacts and add local contacts to the location. Agency contacts are contacts that are common to multiple locations (e.g., fire and police department). Local contacts are contacts specific to one location.

Table of Contents

Mass Assigning or Unassigning Contacts

In the Contact Setup window, you can use the Mass Assign button to assign or unassign the current contact to one or more locations. You can also assign the contact to one or more contracts. 


To mass assign a contact to locations and contracts, you will need to run the mass assign process for each type. Once for the mass assigning to locations and then again to mass assign to contracts. The Mass Assign Contacts window does not allow you to mass assign the contact to locations and contracts in one process.

To mass assign to locations or contracts:

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Contact Management
  2. In the Service Contact Management window, search to find the existing contact. 
  3. Double-click the contact name in the results list or right-click and select View Contact to open the Contact Setup window.
  4. In the Contact Setup window, select Mass Assign.
  5. In the Mass Assign Contacts window, select Locations or Contacts from the Assign to drop-down.
  6. Use the Customer and Location filters as needed to narrow the display results and then select Redisplay.
  7. The scrolling window displays the customer locations/contracts. If a location/contract already is marked, the contact is already assigned to that location/contract.
  8. Use the Mark All/Unmark All buttons in the menu bar or individually mark/unmark the Assigned check boxes.
  9. Select Process to assign the contact to the marked locations or contracts or to unassign the contact if you've removed the check mark.

Assigning an agency contact to a location

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field.
  3. Choose Contacts.
  4. Choose Attach Agency.
  5. In the Agency Contact window, enter filter criteria in the Postal Code and/or Role Type fields. The postal code defaults from the Location window. To further limit the data in the scrolling window, use the lookup window to select a role type.Double
  6. Select an agency contact and then click Select or double-click an agency contact in the scrolling window to attach it to the location. To detach an agency contact from a location, double-click the contact in the Location Contacts scrolling window. Choose the Detach button in the Contact Agency View window. See Creating agency contactsa contact for instructions on setting up creating agency contacts.

Assigning a local contact to a location

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field. The Location window opens.
  3. Choose the Contacts button. The Location Contacts window opens.
  4. Choose Add Local. The Location Service Contact Setup - Local Management window opens .
  5. Enter the contact's Telephone number. After tabbing off the field, the Contact Phone Setup window opens.
  6. In the Contact Phone Setup window, use the lookup to enter a Phone Type.
  7. Mark the Primary check box if more than one number exists for the Contact ID and you want this to be the primary number.
  8. Add a Description if necessary.
  9. Choose Save to return to the Contact Setup - Local window, and complete the following fields:
    • Contact Name
      Enter a Contact Name.
    • Contact Organization, Address
      This information defaults from the location window, but can be edited.
    • Roll Type
      Use the lookup button to select a Role Type.
    • Email Address
      Enter an email address.
    • User-Defined
      You may have labeled these fields during setup. See Labeling user-defined fields. If you chose to validate the first and second user-defined fields in the Location window during setup, lookup windows will be attached to the fields and users will be prompted before adding to the lookup data. See Choosing service options.
    • Primary
      Mark this check box if you want to allow this contact to create new calls in Customer Portal.
    • Quick Note
      Add a Quick Note, if desired.
  10. Choose Save.

Assigning a local contact to more than one location

  1. Choose the Contacts button in the Location window, then choose Add Local.
  2. Enter an existing local contact phone number in the Contact Setup - Local window's Telephone field. Tab off the field. After tabbing off the Telephone field you receive the following message: This phone number has already been used. Do you wish to use current contact, add new, or cancel? If you choose Current, all the information for the existing local contact copies to the current location. If you choose New, you can add new local contact information while keeping the phone number from the existing local contact. Cancel returns you to the Contact Local - Setup window.

Assigning more than one telephone number to a local contact

  1. Choose the Contacts button in the Location window.
  2. Double-click an existing contact in the Location Contacts scrolling window.
  3. Select and enter a new phone number in the Contact Setup - Local window.
  4. When you tab off the Telephone field, the Contact Phone Setup window opens, where you can enter additional information for the phone numberwith the customer ID defaulting into the Customer filter field. You can enter additional filter criteria if needed to narrow the displayed contacts.
  5. Right-click on the contact name and select Add Contact.
  6. The Service Contact Management window closes and the contact is added to the Location Contacts window. 

Detaching an agencey or local contact from a location

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field. The Location window opens.
  3. Choose the Contacts button. The Location Contacts window opens.
  4. Select a contact and then click Detach from the menu bar.
  5. Select Detach to confirm that you want to remove the contact. 


    The contact is still available as a master contact, just that the contact is no longer assigned to the location.