Note |
If you do not want to calculate tax for a cost category, assign a zero percent tax schedule. While marking the Exclude From Tax Calculation check box checkbox in the Master Tax Schedule Setup window will not calculate tax, you will receive an incorrect total sales amount in the Invoicing Tax Detail Entry window. See Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation. |
- Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Service Management > Invoice Setup > Master Tax Schedule.
- Complete the following fields, as necessary.
- Master Tax Schedule ID
Choose an existing schedule from the lookup. Tax schedules are created and maintained in Microsoft Dynamics GP. You can zoom on the Master Tax Schedule field to view tax details. - Tax Schedule ID
Assign a tax schedule to each cost category. Your selection in the Master Tax Schedule ID field defaults for each cost category. - Exclude From Tax Calculation
Mark this check box checkbox if a cost category is tax-exempt.
- Master Tax Schedule ID
- Choose Save.