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You can also create appointments for Job Cost jobs if you are using the Job Scheduling in Service Management feature. For more information, contact Key2Act WennSoft Sales.

  1. Choose Transactions > Service Management > Technician Activity Entry Wizard.
  2. Enter information in the following fields:
    • All, Technician, Technician Team, Service Area
      Choose a radio button. Your selection determines the fields that are enabled. If you are creating an appointment for a technician, complete the Technician ID field. If you are creating an appointment for a technician team, complete the Team field. If you are creating an appointment for all technicians in a service area, complete the Service Area field. If you are creating an appointment for all technicians, none of these fields is enabled.
    • Appointment Type
      Choose an appointment type. Your selection determines the fields that are enabled. If you are creating an activity appointment, complete the Activity ID field. If you are creating a job appointment, complete the Job Number field and enter a Cost Code with a cost element type of Labor.
    • Start Date, End Date, Starting Time
      Specify when the appointment will take place.
    • Estimated Hours
      Estimate the length of the appointment. The estimated hours must be 24 or less.
    • Days Between Appointments
      Enter a number of days between appointments.
    • Skip
      You can skip Saturdays and/or Sundays by marking these check boxescheckboxes.
  3. Choose Create to create the appointment(s). A message indicates that the activity appointments have been created successfully. If you are scheduling for only one technician and there are scheduling conflicts, you receive a message indicating how many appointments were created, but not scheduled, due to conflicts. If you are scheduling for more than one technician, you won't receive a message, though unscheduled appointments may exist.
  4. Choose OK. Activity appointment numbers created with the Appointment Wizard increment based on the last highest appointment number used for each technician.
You can reschedule single activity and job appointments using the Reschedule button in the Technician Board – Appointments window.

Best technician button

If you want the system to select the next available, qualified technician for a service appointment, choose the best technician button attached to the Technician ID field. This function allows you to schedule someone as soon as possible.


If the schedules for all qualified technicians assigned to the service area are filled for the specified date, the next date is used. The system makes 100 attempts to find an available, qualified technician. The best technician button is part of the Advanced Scheduling features.

Next available button

If you want the system to figure out a specific technician's next available time slot for performing the appointment, choose the next available button attached to the Date field. The button is disabled if there is more than one appointment on the call or if the service call date and appointment dates don't match. You must have a technician with an assigned shift entered in the Technician ID field, as well as a date and estimated hours. You receive an error message if any of these fields are blank, or if a shift is not assigned to the technician. The system searches the technician's schedule to determine the next available slot that the appointment can be performed and updates the Date and Starting Time fields. The search starts from the system time if the defaulted current date is used. If you enter a different date the system starts the search from midnight of that date. The search does not consider extended hours. The next available button is part of the Advanced Scheduling features.

Estimated hours and starting time

If you're using the Advanced Scheduling features, the following is true:


  • When the estimated hours and starting time are both entered, the system checks the technician's availability to prevent an overlap. If the estimated hours and starting time cause an overlap, you receive a message stating that the appointment could not be scheduled for this date and time.

Call status and appointment status

The call status is driven by the appointment status. If there is only one appointment assigned to the service call, the call status remains as Open if the appointment has a status other than Complete. When the appointment status is changed to Complete, the call status automatically changes to Complete. Once a call has a Closed status, the appointment no longer drives the call status.
