See Symbols, Buttons, and Indicators for images and descriptions for the symbols, buttons, and indicators in Service Management.
Table of Contents | ||
Account Analysis
Active User-Defined Fields
Added Costs
Address Default, Selecting
Agency Contacts
Annual Service
Appointment History
Appointment Status
Appointments, Resolving Conflicts
Auto Numbering
You can automatically generate customer IDs, contract numbers, master contract IDs, and equipment and component IDs when creating new records. When you create a new customer, maintenance contract, master contract, or equipment record, the auto-generated next number appears. Also, if you are using global filtering, you can assign unique auto numbers for some or all your branches. If you are not using global filters, you can assign a starting auto number. See Setting Up Auto Numbering.
Auto Populating Fields
Auto-Roll Calls Forward Checkbox
Batch-level Posting
Batch Printing Invoices
You can batch print service call invoices and credit memos through the Receivables Batch Entry window. See Printing and Posting Invoices.
Call Roll Forward
Call Status
Call Types Lookup Window
Change Customer IDs Window
When you have received approval to change the status of the customer from temporary to permanent, you can do so using the Change Customer IDs window. See Using Temporary Customers.
Checklists, Setup
Committing Escalation Contracts
Contact Management
Contract Coverage Maintenance Window
Contract Profitability
Master contract profitability can be viewed in the Master Contract Revenue/Costs window is a view-only window that summarizes the information for all maintenance contracts attached to the master contract. See Viewing Master Contract Profitability.
Maintenance contract profitability is viewed in the contract's Revenue/Costs window. See Tracking Maintenance Contract Profitability.
Cost Transaction Numbers Posted Window
Credit Memos, Automatically Creating
Customer Record
Deferred Revenue
Dispatch List
Document Management
The Document Management feature allows users to attach bitmap (.BMP) files to records. The bitmap images can be saved with the record and viewed by choosing the attached image button. If the record does not have documents attached, the button shows a paper clip. When documents are attached, the button shows a paper clip attached to a piece of paper. See Setting Up and Using Document Management.
(With the Advanced Document Management feature, you can attach numerous file formats (e.g., .DOC, .BMP, .XLS, .TIF, .WAV). See Advanced Document Management.)
Equipment Meter Readings
Equipment Replacement Parts
Equipment Testing
Equipment Management
Global Filtering
You can inactivate different types of entities (locations, customers, equipment) in Signature, see the following topics for information specific to that entity.
Invoice Options Window
Integration With Microsoft Dynamics GP
The Service Management modules automatically integrate with Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting modules during the installation. An important benefit of integration is that cost transactions can be posted simultaneously to Service Management and Microsoft Dynamics GP accounting modules. Service invoices are posted directly from Service Management to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Receivables Management module. For ease of data entry, the Service Management Invoice window gives you the ability to enter invoice costs directly in the Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll, Payables, and Inventory modules. See Integration with Microsoft Dynamics GP.
Item Costing Option
Job Cost
Labor Rate Group
Local Contacts
Location Technicians Window
Maintenance Contracts
The Maintenance Contract module is used to automatically create service calls and invoices based on contract specifications. A service organization might agree to perform specific maintenance tasks on certain pieces of equipment at certain time intervals. The Maintenance Contract module automates and tracks this information, leaving time for service managers to concentrate on the service work.
The Maintenance Contract module tracks profitability by contract. Estimated, actual, and forecast costs are tracked for equipment, labor, materials, subcontractor, and miscellaneous costs. Tracking estimated costs separately from forecast costs provides feedback to measure your performance. It also confirms pricing or bidding assumptions as your company revises pricing and pursues new work. See Maintenance Contracts.
Maintenance Contract Quote
Master Contracts
MCC Calls
Multicurrency Management Module
Service Management - The optional Signature Multicurrency Management module allows you to invoice and credit non-preventive and preventive maintenance service calls in a foreign currency. See Multicurrency Management.
Job Cost - The optional Multicurrency Management feature allows you to designate an originating currency for standard job invoices through the Job Invoice Entry and Standard Invoice or Credit windows. All costs associated with jobs are tracked in the functional currency only. See Multicurrency Management for Job Cost.
On Account Feature
Overhead Groups
Password Protection
Posting Flows, Illustrated
Price Matrix
Pricing matrix schedules are set up and used to calculate the billing amount for inventory items, payables, equipment, material, subcontractor, and other costs for a service call. By selecting a price matrix in the Location window, you establish the markup and markdown billing amounts for all non-labor costs for that specific location. You have the ability to create regular and extended pricing matrices. The main difference between regular pricing matrix and extended pricing matrix, is that with extended, you can create price rates down at the "cost code" level. In addition, with extended pricing matrix, you have several more criteria/filter options such as call type, problem type, equipment type, and so on. See Creating a Pricing Matrix
Quick Links, Adding To Home Pages
You can add quick links for most Signature windows/features to the home page. These links represent the many toolbar items. You can add quick links to windows, navigation lists, web pages, external programs, and files. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics GP documentation.
Quick Note Window
- Maintenance Contract Quotes: The Maintenance Contract Quote module provides the ability to develop contract quotes that are driven by tasking. More information on tasking can be found in the section Setting up Scheduled Maintenance Tasks. You must have the Maintenance Contract module to use the Maintenance Contract Quote module. See Maintenance Contract Quotes.
- Service Call Quotes: Use the optional Service Call Quote module to create service call quotes. A service call quote is an estimated billing amount for service work. Service Management offers two types of service call quotes: fixed and not-to-exceed (NTE). See Service Call Quotes.
Recalculate Billing Rates Window
Receivings Transaction Entry Window
Organizations are required to report annual refrigerant usage and track leak rates to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If you work with a third-party agency to manage or confirm refrigerant safety, reporting is done through that agency. In Signature Service Management, refrigerant usage and leak information can be entered in the Refrigerant Tracking window, accessed from the equipment record attached to the service call. See Refrigerant Tracking.
Resolving Appointment Conflicts
Revenue Schedule, Editing
Security Level Setup
Service Call Numbering Method
Before you begin using Service Management, you must select a method of assigning service call IDs. Select the option carefully as your numbering method cannot be changed without assistance from Key2Act Support. See Selecting a Service Call Numbering Method.
Service Call Quote
Service Management
Service Monitor
Service Options, Choosing
Setup Checklists
Setup checklists provide a way to make setting up your applications easier and more efficient. Setup tasks are arranged in the order in which they should be performed. Instead of traversing through the menus, you can perform setup tasks in one easy location. In addition, you can track the status of each setup task by marking it as In Progress, Complete, or Not Used. Whenever you make changes to a setup window, the system will prompt you to update that status. Access to Signature setup windows is based on your access to Signature menu items, as defined in your Job Cost, Service Management, and Equipment Management user profiles. See Signature Setup Checklists.
Signature Installation History Window
Select the History button in the About Signature window to open the Signature Installation History window. This window displays the version of Signature products you are running, any service packs or maintenance releases that have been installed, as well as other relevant information. See Viewing Application and User Activity Information.
Signature Modules
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
Standard Text Entry Window
In Job Cost, the Subcontractor feature allows Microsoft Dynamics GP vendors to be created and saved in Job Cost as subcontractors. The subcontractors are then assigned to existing jobs in Job Cost. Retention is withheld from subcontractor invoices based on how the contract was set up. The feature also offers a Pay When Paid feature. The Subcontractor feature does not support the Microsoft Dynamics GP Purchasing setup option to allow duplicate invoices per vendor. See Subcontractor.
The optional Advanced Subcontractor feature in Job Cost provides additional functionality to the standard Subcontractor feature, which allows Microsoft Dynamics GP vendors to be created and saved in Job Cost as subcontractors. See Advanced Subcontractor.
System, Major, Sub 1, 2, 3, And 4
Task List Type
Task Status
Before a Call Status can be changed to COMPLETE, the status of all tasks attached to an appointment must be marked as COMPLETE, SKIPPED, or N/A. Use the Service Call Tasks window to update the task statuses. If any task status remains set to OPEN, a warning message will appear when you attempt to complete the call. In addition, a default Task Status must be selected in Service Options, to create MCC calls.
The default task status is selected in the Service Options Setup window. The task status selected will be the default entry in the Task Status field in the Service Call Tasks window when tasks are entered. You must have a default task status selected in the Service Options window to open the Service Call Tasks window. See Setting Up a Default Task Status.
Technician Reassignment
Technician Teams
Technicians, Inactivating
Temporary Customer
Temporary customers can be set up in Service Management without permanently adding them to the Receivables Management customer database. For example, you may wish to set up a customer for service pending credit approval. Later, when the credit is approved, the customer ID easily can become part of your permanent customer file. You can enter service calls, equipment IDs, and contracts for temporary customers. However, you are not able to enter financial-related data, such as invoices in the Service Management or transactions in Receivables Management. See Using Temporary Customers.
Third-Party Billing
Time Zone
Transaction-Level Posting
If you use transaction-level posting (sometimes called “real-time” posting), you must post the transaction immediately. You can’t save a transaction without posting it. Transaction-level posting is useful for sales and other transactions that should be displayed on reports and in inquiry windows as soon as they’re entered.
The posting date for transactions that you enter in General Ledger batches, and any other transactions that you post using transaction-level posting, will be the transaction date.
User Profile
These are user licenses available for Microsoft Dynamics GP under the Perpetual Licensing Model:
- Full Users: Concurrent user licenses, users can have full read/write access to Dynamics GP.
- Limited Users: Concurrent user license, users can see (read) all information in Dynamics GP but can only enter their own employee information.
Warranty Transactions
Workorder Formats
A workorder is another word for a service call. There are five workorder formats that can be printed from the Service Manager window. For more information on printing the workorder, see Printing a Workorder. For screenshot examples, see Service Call Workorders.
Zoom, Defined