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The following new features have been added to Signature:

Table of Contents

Service Management

Case #Description
JC-46We've added the capability to add attachments to a service and job appointments by selecting the paperclip icon to the right of the Appointment field. The attachment remains at the service appointment level. 
SMS-1044If you are using Map2BOB and are also using any utility that moves equipment or locations, we've added a message that displays after moving the equipment/location. "Please review your Map2BOB records after moving <equipment name> or <location>. You may need to remap the moved equipment or location."
SMS-1354Users can now view, edit, delete, and add notes on the Service Manager window for customers, location addresses, contract numbers, equipment, and job number. For information on using the Notes window, see Reminder Notes in Service Management.

On the Maintenance Invoicing window, we've added the ability to filter and invoice by contract type. See Invoicing Master Contracts.


If individual contracts that are under the same master contract have different contract types, only the contracts with the filtered contract type will be invoiced.


Users can now view and/or print the new Schedule Technician Board report that displays in table format and is available from the Report Server only. Schedule is required to view this report. The table displays the technician's name, day/date, and any relevant appointment information including service appointment ID, job ID, and/or activity, customer ID, and estimated hours. 

Report options include:

  • Start Day: This defaults to the current date.
  • Show Technicians with No Appointments: Defaults to No. Select Yes to show all technicians.
  • Enable Schedule Colors: Defaults to True. Schedule colors are set up in Schedule > Settings > Colors.
  • Hide Weekends: Defaults to No. Select Yes to only show weekdays.
  • Hide Estimated Hours: Defaults to No. Select Yes to hide the estimated hours on the report.
  • Technician: Defaults to the technicians currently on the schedule board in Schedule.
  • Technician Team: Defaults to the technician team(s) associated with the technicians.
  • Skill Level: Defaults to the skill level(s) associated with the technicians.
  • Hide Unscheduled: Defaults to True. Select False to show unscheduled appointments.
This report will need to be deployed from the Service Management section of SSRS Reports. See Signature SSRS Report Setup for information on deploying a report.

Schedule Technician Board.png

SMS-1663When saving Yes/No, Integer, Numeric, and/or Repair task responses on the service call, the WS Response Date field in the SV00317 table is now populated with the current user date.

You now have the option to default Leave Contract Open to always be marked, however, the checkbox is not locked so that users can unmark the checkbox for a specific contract. When you save the Maintenance Options window, you will be asked if you want to roll this option down to open contracts. Select Yes to roll down or select No to mark this for new contracts going forward. If you change this option (unmark the checkbox) and save the Maintenance Options window, the message will display again to roll down the change to all open contracts. 


You can now update the division on a service call if unposted costs exist, provided that the purchase order is 100% committed with no receipts. See Editing Accounts for a New Service Call Type or Division.


We have added two new columns, Created Date and Created By (or Created User), to several Maintenance Contract tables to provide the ability to audit when records have been created and the user who created the record.

The Created Date uses the system date, the Microsoft Dynamics GP user date.
  • SV_Contract_Billing_HIST (SV00507)
  • SV_Contract_Billing_HIST_Archive (SVA0507)
  • SV_Contract_Billing_MSTR (SV00510)
  • SV_Main_HIST (SV00501)
  • SV_Main_HIST_Archive (SVA0501)
  • SV_Main_Invoice_MSTR (SV00564)
  • SV_Main_Invoice_MSTR_Archive (SVA00564)
  • SV_Maint_MSTR (SV00500)
  • SV_Maint_MSTR_Archive (SVA0500)
  • SV_Master_Contract_MSTR (SV00650)

We've removed two WSReserved fields (CB9 and CB10 ) from the following maintenance contract tables:

  • SV_Maint_MSTR (SV00500)
  • SV_Maint_MSTR_Archive (SVA0500)
  • SV_Main_HIST (SV00501)
  • SV_Main_HIST_Archive (SVA0501)

Task Codes and Task Lists can now be marked inactive at the setup level while maintaining historical entity record integrity. Task codes are inactivated at the setup level in the Task Code Setup window (Setup >Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes). Task lists are inactivated in the Task List Setup window (Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks> Task Lists).

  • Inactive task codes and task lists are filtered out from displaying in any lookup.
  • Inactive task lists cannot be copied.
  • When a task code is marked inactive and already exists in a task list, the inactive task code is indicated with a red indicator .
  • When using hierarchy task lists, if a parent task is inactive, child tasks of that parent task are also inactive on the task list only. (Hierarchy child tasks are not automatically inactivated at the setup level.)
  • Existing contracts, quotes, and calls, that have task codes or task lists will not be affected by a task code or task list being marked inactive.
  • When renewing a contract (single, master, or mass), you can print a new Inactive Task or Task List report before renewing. If the contract has tasks that include inactive tasks and/or task lists, this report is automatically generated as well so that users can fix the data (reactivate the task code/task list or remove the inactive task codes or lists from the contract).
  • When creating a new contract using equipment at the location, if the equipment type has a task list associated, and you choose to automatically add task codes based on equipment type, only the active task codes will be added to the contract. 
  • In Equipment Management:
    • Existing scheduled maintenance that has task codes or task lists will not be affected by a task code or task list being marked inactive.
    • When creating a service call from the On Rental Entry and/or the Rental Agreement Line Entry windows, only active task codes in the Equipment Model task list are added to the service call. (This task list is assigned to the equipment model in the Equipment Model Maintenance window.)
    • When processing scheduled maintenance to create a service call, only active task codes assigned in the Scheduled Maintenance Type Setup window are added to the service call.


  • The existing Maintenance Task Codes report has been updated to include an Inactive column to indicate inactive task codes. See Maintenance Task Codes Report.
  • A new Task Code Task Lists report displays the task code and the task lists that the task code is associated with. Columns include the task code, task description, task list ID, task list description, inactive, use hierarchy, and protected list. See Task Code Task Lists Report.
  • A new Inactive Task Code or Task List Warnings report that can be manually printed from the Contract Quote, Maintenance Contract, Contract Mass Renewal, and Master Contract windows. The report will automatically generate when an inactive task code and/or task list exists on a contract that is generated from the contract quote and/or a contract is renewed. This report displays the inactive tasks and/or inactive task lists that are associated with the quote or contract. The information included in the report is the customer number, customer name, address code, location name, contract/quote number, equipment ID, equipment type, task list ID, task code, and the task code description. 


We've added a new refrigerant equipment type of Refrigeration Equipment Type 6 for mid-size appliances (5 to 50 pounds), which is an EPA tracking requirement that does not require leak rate analysis.

  • This new type is automatically inserted if there isn't a manually added Type 6.
  • Leak Rate Analysis Report: Refrigeration Equipment Type 6 is not included in the Leak Rate Analysis Report. This report targets only equipment that require leak rate analysis.
  • For MobileTech users: For Refrigeration Equipment Type 6 to be available in MobileTech, after upgrading Signature, you will need to refresh lookups in MobileTech Admin (MobileTech Admin > Tools > Refresh Lookups) and have technicians sync their devices.


For an MCC (maintenance contract computer-generated) call, in the Service Call Tasks window, you can now view the comments that were added to a task. If a task comment exists for the task, a Task Comments button is displayed in the navigation ribbon. Select Task Comments to open a read-only Task Comments window. See Assigning Tasks and Task Lists to Records.

Task comments, an existing feature, are added to the task in the Maintenance Tasks window by selecting the Notes icon in the scrolling window. See   Assigning Tasks and Task Lists to Equipment .


We've added the ability to transfer service call labor costs or billing to a non-labor job cost code. You can also set up the default mapping to link records to a non-labor cost code. See Transferring Costs and Billing from a Service Call to a Job.


Users can now view service call history by accessing the Service Call Audit window from the Service Call window. The Service Call Audit window displays the history of the service call you are accessing the Service Call Audit window from and includes all the columns from the SV_3000 table. This feature requires the SQL Server Agent to be running.

To use this Service Call Audit feature, you will need to:

  1. Install the Signature Audit Add-In xx.x.xx.exe file. See Installing Service Call Auditing.
  2. Setup and enable Service Call Audit from the new Additional option in the Service Options setup window. See Choosing Setup Options.
  3. Access the Service Call Audit window by accessing the Service Call window and selectingAdditional > Service Call Audit. See Viewing the Service Call Audit.

The Mobile Purchase Order Inquiry window has been updated with the following. For information on how to use the window, see Process MobileTech and Schedule Purchase Orders.

  • The Mobile Purchase Order Inquiry menu item is now available if Schedule or MobileTech is registered. (Inquiry > Service Management > Mobile Purchase Order Inquiry) Previously this option was available if only MobileTech was registered.
  • Mobile purchase orders added to job appointments can now be processed in the Mobile Purchase Order Inquiry window.
  • Depending on the eConnect error, we've added quick navigation to the specific Microsoft GP Maintenance window:
    • If a vendor item number has been added to a purchase order in MobileTech, but the vendor item does not exist in Signature, when you select the eConnect error, the message now displays "This item hasn't been assigned a vendor item number. Do you want to assign a vendor item number?" If you select Yes, the Vendor Maintenance window opens with the vendor item number autopopulated in the window. If you select No, you are returned to the Mobile Purchase Order Inquiry window.
    • If a site has been assigned to an item in MobileTech but is not assigned in Signature, when you select the eConnect error, the message now displays "This site is not assigned to the selected item. Do you want to assign this site?" If you select Add, the Item Quantities Maintenance window opens with the item number, and the site ID autopopulated.
  • You can now zoom on the following fields while focused on the purchase order row:
    • eConnect Error: Select the eConnect error in the purchase order row to open a pop-up window to view the error message.
    • Item Number: Select the Item Maintenance header to open the Item Maintenance window to view the item number information.
    • Service Call or Job Number: Select the Service Call/Job Number header to open the Service Call or Job Maintenance window to view the information.
    • Technician: Select the Technician header to open the Technician Lookup window to view the technician information.
    • Vendor: Select the Vendor header to open the Vendor Maintenance window to view the vendor information.
  • We've added a TRX_Origin column to the WS20003 and WS30003 tables with possible values of Schedule, MobileTech, or Signature to indicate where the purchase order was created.
  • The Mobile Purchase Order report has been updated to include the following columns:

      • Appointment ID
      • Job Number (The job number is a shared column with Call ID.)
      • Cost Code Alias
      • Product Indicator
      • TRX Origin


We've updated the Mass Contract Renewal window with the following:

  • After tabbing off the filter fields, the contracts now display automatically in the scrolling window. Previously, you had to select the Preview button to display the filtered results. The Preview button is still available, but you no longer have to select this.
  • You can now filter by contract type.


    If you have a master contract that has contracts with different contract types, none of these contracts will display. For example, you have Master Contract 011 with three contracts, two contracts have a contract type of Residential and the other contract has a contract type of Premier. If you filter by the Residential contract type, none of the Master Contract 011 contracts display. This is to help prevent renewal issues for the master contract.

  • We've added a Clear button to clear the entered filter criteria.
  • We've added the customer name to display in the Customer Range section.
  • Master contracts are now grouped together, although still on separate lines, to make it easier to see the contracts that are on a master contract.
  • We've added a Contract Type column to the scrolling window.
  • We've added Contract Type to the Contract Mass Renewal Report. 

In the Create Service Invoices window, you can now add a description to a service call. This window is accessed from the Service Batch Invoicing window when you select the Next button from the Service Batch Invoicing window. In the service call scrolling window, you can right-click on the service call and select Edit Description or you can select the Note icon to the right of the service call ID to open the Description window. After adding the text, select OK. If a service call has a description added from this window, the Note icon displays as yellow with lines . See Service Batch Invoicing.

  • Invoices 3 - 7 include the service call descriptions on the reports. You may need to resize the invoice description field on the report for the entire description to print.
  • Invoices 1, 2, and 8 do not include the service call descriptions.


In the Service Batch Invoicing window, we've added the ability to filter by service area when displaying invoices to add to the service batch. See Service Batch Invoicing.


From the Service Manager window, we have added Contact Management which can be accessed by selecting the GoTo button from the navigation ribbon. The Contact Management window display is filtered to the customer and location selected in Service Manager customer. You can add new contacts or edit existing contacts for that location. See Creating a Contact.

Job Cost

Case #Description

We've added the ability print job notes and custom SSRS reports to the Job Maintenance, Job Status, and Job History windows. Previously, selecting the Print button would only print the Job Report. Now, select the Print button and then select the report you'd like to print. Job Report and Job Notes are static options. You can add up to four custom SSRS reports to the open job windows (Job Maintenance and Job Status) and up to four custom SSRS reports to the closed job window (Job History). For more information, see Custom SSRS Job Cost Reports.


We've added the capability to add attachments to service and job appointments by selecting the paperclip icon to the right of the Appointment field. The attachment remains at the job appointment level. 


Users can now create an inventory adjustment with a quantity and no cost that is put to a cost code with a profit type of 8 (flat rate per unit) to produce a line on a transaction level invoice (job or project level).


We've updated the .NET Job Close window so that the user is now prompted to print the Closed Jobs report after running the job close process. 


The Closed Jobs report includes all jobs closed for the posting date and filter criteria, not just the jobs the user most recently closed.


Case #Description


We've added a new setup option to exclude historical non-salary transactions tied to the Week-Ending Date from being exported.

In the TimeTrack Setup Options window, under Third Party, mark Do Not Include Historical Transactions. See Choosing Setup Options.

For example: You have transactions that have been committed with a week ending date of 07/10.  The export file was created, but there was a problem with the file and some transactions were missed. You create a new batch ID and add transactions (week ending date 07/10).  

  • With this option MARKED
    When you go through the Commit process, the Export Wizard ONLY reviews ONE WS10702 table. These non-salary transactions will be included in the export file.

  • With this option NOT MARKED
    When you go through the Commit process, the Export Wizard reviews the WS10702 and WS30702 tables. Based on the week-ending date you have entered in the Export Wizard, the system will find all the transactions within WS10702 and WS30702. These transactions will be included in the export file.


Users now have the option to import a comma-delimited text file. Previously, users could only import a .csv file. See Using the TimeTrack Import Feature


If you create the comma-delimited file with Excel (.csv) and you do not enter the batch ID and week-ending date, Excel does not add commas for those columns, and you will have to add them in manually. In addition, if you have cost codes that precede with a 0 and start the cost code in Excel with an apostrophe, it will save with the preceding zero. If you open the .csv file back up in Excel it strips out the preceding zero, so you will have to be careful about reopening a .csv import file if using Excel. 

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