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Because a customer may have several locations, Service Management enables you to keep multiple location records for each customer. Each customer site can be assigned its own service call records, equipment records, and maintenance contract records.


  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager, and choose a customer.
  2. Zoom on the Location Address ID field, and choose Add.
  3. Complete the Customer Address Maintenance window. See the Microsoft Dynamics GP Receivables Management Manual for more information. Choose Save to return to the Location window. 


    If you are using global filtering, the branch you selected for the customer defaults to the new customer location record. Choose the Branch indicator on the Location window to select a different branch.

  4. Complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Address ID, Location Name, Address fields
      Enter location and address information. To ensure that a search by address will be successful, we recommend you enter the customer's street address in the Address 1 field and the suite or apartment number in the Address 2 field. 


      Microsoft Dynamics GP does not support the use of an apostrophe (') in the address ID.

    • Inactive Check boxcheckbox
      Identifies that a location is inactive. When marked, the current location will not automatically display in the location lookup window from Service Manager.
    • Bill Only Check boxcheckbox
      Identifies that a location is primarily used for billing. When marked, the current location will not automatically display in the location lookup window from Service Manager. The primary purpose of the Inactive and Bill Only check boxes checkboxes is to reduce the number of locations displayed in the location lookup window from Service Management. By default, the location lookup window does not display the marked locations. The location lookup window does however contain two check boxes checkboxes that allow the Inactive and Bill Only locations to be displayed.
    • Salesperson ID
      Enter a new or choose an existing salesperson. If the salesperson for this location is not in the Microsoft Dynamics GP records, you can add the record directly from this window.
    • Master Tax Schedule
      Choose an existing schedule from the lookup. Tax schedules are created and maintained in Microsoft Dynamics GP. You can zoom on the Master Tax Schedule field to view tax details.
    • Service Area
      Choose the service area, and the first and second technician IDs default from the Service Area Setup window into the Primary Technician and Secondary Technician fields.
    • Primary Technician, Secondary Technician
      These fields default from the service area. Zoom functionality opens the Technician Setup window, where you can set up new technicians or edit existing information. The expansion button in the Primary Technician field opens the Location Technicians window, where you can assign a technician to each skill level at this location. This function is used with the tasking feature in the Maintenance Contract module. When you create a service call for this location, the primary technician defaults to the Service Call window's Technician ID field.
    • Labor Rate Group
      The labor rate establishes the billing amount for your technician's work at the location.
    • Price Matrix
      Pricing matrices are used to calculate the billing amount for inventory, equipment, materials, and all other costs except labor. The Price Matrix field shows the markup charged for the customer location.
    • User-Defined
      The labels for these fields were defined during setup (Labeling user-defined fields). If lookup data was set up for the first and second Location user-defined fields, lookup windows are attached to these fields. Use the lookup to select an existing value. If you enter a new value, you will be prompted to add it to the lookup data. See Choosing Service Options.
    • Contact Person, Phone, Fax
      To specify location contact information, contact information fields must be enabled on the Service Options window. See Choosing Service Options.
    • Local Tax
      Choose the Local Tax for this address, if applicable.
    • Division, Service Call Priority
      Enter a division and priority for all service calls at this location. 1 is the highest priority; None, the lowest. These values will default on the Service Call window. 


      If MobileTech is registered, the division is required and must be assigned at the customer location level.

    • Purchase Order Required
      Mark this check box checkbox if a P.O. number is required for service calls at this location. If this check box checkbox is marked, the Customer P.O. Number field in the Service Call window becomes a required field for all call types other than MC or MCC.
    • Service Level ID
      This default service level will also be used to calculate guaranteed response times for calls that do not have a service level agreement assigned to them through a maintenance contract.
    • Time Zone
      If the Enable Time Zone Views check box checkbox is marked on the Service Options setup window, the Time Zone field is enabled. Choose a time zone. The description defaults.
    • Bill Customer, Bill Address
      If you are using a third-party customer or a different location to bill service work that is performed at this location, choose the customer and/or location to bill. This information defaults onto the service call, overwriting the Bill To address defined on the customer record.
    • Write Off Amount Based On: Choose what the write-off amount should be based on, PO Header or PO Line.
    •  Latitude, Longitude
      Enter the data coordinates the following format: XXX.XXXXX (replacing each X with a numeric digit). You also can enter a negative symbol.
  5. Choose Save.


You can set up equipment sublocations for a customer location, and you can assign equipment to those sublocations. By validating the sublocation of each equipment record, you can ensure that they are the same throughout your organization.

Step 1: Mark the setup option

  1. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Module Setup > Service Options.
  2. Mark the Use Validation for Sublocations check box checkbox. This activates the Sublocations button in the Location window, as well as the lookup window and zoom feature in the Sublocation ID field. If the check box checkbox is not marked, you can still enter information in the Sublocation ID field in the Equipment and Multi-Add Equipment windows, but the lookup window and zoom features will be disabled. In addition, the Sublocations button in the Location window will be disabled.

Step 2:  Complete the sublocation maintenance window

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and zoom on the Location Address ID field.
  3. Choose the Sublocations button.
  4. Enter a Sublocation ID and Description.
  5. Enter a Bar Code ID for the sublocation, if applicable. This may be used, for example, if a barcode is installed in the door jamb of the sub location for equipment that is physically attached to walls.
  6. Choose Save when finished entering information. This sublocation can be assigned to additional equipment records by using the Sublocation ID lookup button on either the Equipment or the Multi-Add Equipment window. You can print the Sublocation List by choosing File > Print on the Sublocation Maintenance window. This report contains a list of all the sublocations that have been set up for the associated location ID and customer ID.
