Subtasks can be added from the Task Code Setup window at Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes.
If you wish to add subtasks to a task only for a specific call, contract, or quote, you can make changes by opening the task code setup window from the task maintenance window:
- Service Call Task Codes
Choose Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose select New Call. On the Service Call window, use the Tasks button to open the Service Call Tasks window. - Contract Task Maintenance
Choose Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose select Contract. Select a contract and choose select Coverage. On the Contract Coverage window, use the Tasks button to open the Contract Task Maintenance window. - Quote Task Maintenance
If you are using the Maintenance Contract Quote module, choose select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose select Quote. Select a quote and choose select Coverage. In the Quote Coverage window, use the Tasks button to open the Quote Task Maintenance window. For more information on adding tasks to maintenance quotes, see the section Generating a maintenance contract quote.
Subtasks are a quick way to further define and breakdown a task. In the example below, "Check and Test all Safety Devices" is a task with three subtasks. The subtasks represent the various smaller steps that make up this task. The task and its subtasks will print on a report for the technician to bring to his appointment.
Check & Test all Safety Devices
- Check the safety switch
- Replace safety switch
- Retest the safety switch
A subtask does not require estimated costs and billable amounts.
- Open the Task Code Setup window from the quote, contract, or service call, or choose select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes.
- Select a task code and choose select Subtasks.
- On the Subtasks window, choose select Add.
- Select an existing Subtask ID, or enter a new one.
- Enter a Description for the subtask up to 60 characters in length. If your description is longer than one line, you can use the Duplicate button to add a duplicate subtask ID and continue the description text. You can also add the subtask multiple times using the Duplicate button.
- If desired, enter any user-defined information for the subtask.
- Choose Select Save.
The new subtask is added to the list on the Subtasks window. Once the subtask is added, you can add materials to the subtask or change the order in which a subtask displays.
- To add materials to the subtask, highlight the Subtask ID and choose select Task Material. Follow the steps for Assigning Materials to a Task.
- To change the display order of the subtasks in the Subtasks window, select a task and use the arrow buttons to move it up or down. When you have finished adding and editing subtasks, close the Sub tasks window. To save the changes, choose select Save on the Task Code Setup window.
- On the Task Code Setup window, select the task code from which you are deleting a subtask.
- Choose Select Subtasks.
- Highlight the subtask that you wish to delete, then choose select Delete. The subtask is removed from the list on the Subtasks window.
- When you have finished removing subtasks from this list, close the window. To save the changes, choose select Save on the Task Code Setup window.