Signature Compatibility
- Signature 2016 R3 SP2
- Signature 2018 R3
- Signature 2018 R4Signature 18.03b05
- Signature 2018 R3 (18.00b03g310)
- Signature 2016 R3 SP 2 (16.00b03g321)
This guide includes descriptions of new features in Clock Mobile 12.34.0 and is intended for existing customers who are upgrading from Clock Mobile 12.1 or higher. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you will also need the guides for earlier versions.
If you have additional questions about a feature, please contact Key2Act Support.
Best Practices
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New Features
The Notes feature has been incorporated into the new Clock mobile application! You can once again add notes to both Time and Expense report entries. A note button has been added to both the Time and Expense entry screens.
Note This feature is only supported on the Clock 12.2.1 web client.
- The date picker control has been updated. When you select a date in the date control, the selected date will now default into the ‘new’ transactions when you click the + button in the bottom of the Time and Expense panels.
Change List
- MOBILE-132 STORY: Improve handling of non-weekly sheets on Android
- MOBILE-166 STORY: Improve entry delete performance and consistencyMOBILE-210 STORY: Visibility to user in/out times on manager approvals
- MOBILE-231 STORY: Support for user's preferred time format (decimal or HH:MM)MOBILE-234 STORY: Enter in/out times manually on an allocation time entry screen
- MOBILE-235 STORY: Accrual balances available on mobile dashboardMOBILE-263 BUG: Custom label for "Comments" field is not shown in AndroidAndroid
- MOBILE-276 BUG: Hard limit that blocks entry shows erroneous save confirmation confirmation REACHING OUT TO MEREDITH FOR MORE INFO
- MOBILE-278 BUG: Editing entry in Android causes crash when lacking access to defaultsdefaults