Signature Compatibility
- Signature 18.03b05
- Signature 2018 R3 (18.00b03g310)
- Signature 2016 R3 SP 2 (16.00b03g321)
This guide includes descriptions of new features in readme includes a change list for Clock Mobile 12.4.0 and is intended for existing customers who are upgrading from Clock Mobile 12.1 or higher. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you will also need the guides readmes for earlier versions.
If you have additional questions about a feature, please contact Key2Act Support.
Best Practices
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Change List
- MOBILE-132 STORY: Improve handling of non-weekly sheets on Android
- MOBILE-166 STORY: Improve entry delete performance and consistency
- MOBILE-231 STORY: Support for user's preferred time format (decimal or HH:MM)
- MOBILE-263 BUG: Custom label for "Comments" field is not shown in Android
- MOBILE-278 BUG: Editing entry in Android causes crash when lacking access to defaults