Signature Compatibility
- Signature 2016 R3 SP2
- Signature 2018 R3
- Signature 2018 R4
This guide includes descriptions of new features in Clock 12.2.1 (Journyx Greenwich) and is intended for existing customers who are upgrading from Clock 12.1. If you are upgrading from an earlier version, you will also need the guides for earlier versions.
This release is only available for cloud customers right now. If you have additional questions about a feature, please contact Key2Act Support.
Best Practices
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New Features
- Significant performance improvements for notifications.
- Option to block Manual Approval Plans when using Org Chart Manager. This feature ensures that administrators cannot inadvertently overwrite Org Chart Manager settings.
- Report Improvements - Clock 12.2.1 now has more options to customize reporting, including a grid layout option for viewing report data by sheet and a new chart type for comparing numbers or stacking multiple numbers.
- New Report Format - Grid Format
For time, expense and custom reports under Analyze>>Run report there is a new report option that allows you to organize your time/expense/custom data by user sheets in the report output. When you run the report, it will show time/expense/custom data grouped by user sheet for each period included in the report. It will also show report footer information (e.g., user email address, signature line) at the bottom of each sheet. New Chart Type – Multi-value Chart
The Multi-value chart type allows you to compare numeric fields, side by side, overlapped, or aggregated.Note The basic Time and Expense reports as well as the Project Cost report used with Signature contain a single numeric value – Hours or Dollars. The Multi-value chart will only be useful to you if you have created a net new report that contains at least two numeric values to compare.
- New Report Format - Grid Format