Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Double-click AccountlinkClock.X.XX.XXXX.XXXXX.msi file.
  2. Accept the Terms of Use and chooseselect Next.
  3. Unmark Launch Accountlink Configuration Manager and choose select Finish. If you forgot to unmark the checkbox, just close the Accountlink Configuration Manager.

Setting up Accountlink Clock Config

  1. Choose Select Sync Business OR from the menu bar, choose select Config, and then select Server Config.
  2. Enter the following GP Login Information:
    • SQL Server
      Enter the SQL Server and Instance Name.
    • Use Integrated Security
      Mark if you will be using integrated security.
    • User
      Enter the SQL Server username.
    • Password
      Enter the SQL Server user password.
    • Save Password?
      IMPORTANT: Mark to save the password. This password is used when running the Scheduled Tasks.
    • Database
      Enter the SQL Database name. 
    • Select Connect and then

    • select the Company name. 


      You should see a Connection Successful message.

  3. Enter the following Clock Connection Information (Journyx):
    • Server
      Enter the Clock server.
    • User
      Enter the GP Sync Admin user name.
    • Password
      Enter the GP Sync Admin password.
    • Save Password?
      IMPORTANT: Mark to save the password. This password is used when running the Scheduled Tasks.
    • Select Connect to verify you can connect to the Clock server. 


      You should see a jxAPI Connection Successful message. The Session Context and Journyx version displays in the window.

  4. Choose Select Continue to save the configuration.
  5. The Business Data Sync preview window displays.


  1. With a text editor (Notepad, etc.) open AccountlinkClock.exe.config located at C:\Program Files\AccountlinkClock.
  2. Navigate to the Accountlink.Properties.Settings section and remove the comment out marks (<!-) and (->) for the Email Notifications. Edit the email values to the appropriate email address(es) for the following:
    • EmailNotification_FromAddress - The automated sent from email address.
    • EmailNotification_ToAddress - The automated sent from email address.
    • EmailNotification_SmtpHost - Enter the information after the @ sign for the sent to email address. Do not edit the information within the curly brackets/braces.
    • EmailNotification_FromDisplayName - Optionally, update the display name for the email.

Set Up a Pay Period End Day that is not Saturday
