The Trane Tracer SC system controller (Tracer SC) is Before using Connect to scan other BACnet devices, the Gateway Manager must be used first to create a database file and then import that file into Connect.
When dealing with a Tracer SC system it is important to understand how the network is configured. There are 3 likely BAS network possibilities.
1 LON/Comm5
The Connect Gateway Manager must be used when LON/Comm5 devices are connected to an a Tracer SC.
The Trane Tracer SC gateway is not required to retrieve BACnet data from:
- BACnet MSTP devices connected under a Tracer SC.
- Trane Comm3 or Comm 4 devices connected under a Trane Comm3/Comm4 bridge. The Trane Comm3/Comm4 bridge parses Comm3/Comm4 objects within a Trane Tracer SC and creates BACnet virtual devices for all.
To allow a Connect MiniAgent to retrieve LON/Comm5 data from the Tracer SC, the Tracer SC database will need to be created within the Connect Gateway Manager Tool. This Gateway parses LON/Comm5 objects within a Trane Tracer SC and creates BACnet virtual devices for all Lon devices stored within the Tracer SC controller. This allows the Trane LON/Comm5 devices communicating to the Tracer SC to appear in Connect as multiple BACnet virtual devices. This activity must be performed before Comm3/Comm4 Bridge or BACnet MSTP/IP scanning. This is in order for the Gateway manager to correctly auto create these profiles.
2 Comm3/Comm4 Bridge
A typical BACnet scan using the "Scan Trane BCU Subdevices" checkbox must be performed when a Trane COMM3 / COMM4 bridge is network connected to a Tracer SC.
To allow a Connect MiniAgent to retrieve Trane COMM3 / COMM4 data from the Tracer SC. Consider the Trane Comm3/Comm4 bridge as if it is a Trane BCU. See the help section Scanning a Trane Tracer Summit Network. When a BACnet scan is performed on the SC network, the Trane Comm3/Comm4 Bridge will appear as a BACnet device typically in the device ID range of 100-200. Scan the Trane Comm 3-4 Bridge and mark the Sub-device checkbox.
To allow a Connect MiniAgent to retrieve LON/Comm5 data from the Tracer SC, the Tracer SC database will need to be created within the Connect Gateway Manager Tool. This Gateway parses LON/Comm5 objects within a Trane Tracer SC and creates BACnet virtual devices for all devices stored within the Tracer SC controller. This allows the Trane LON/Comm5 devices communicating to the Tracer SC to appear in Connect as multiple BACnet virtual devices.
To allow a Connect MiniAgent to retrieve data from the Tracer SC, the Tracer SC database will need to be created within the Connect Gateway Manager Tool. This Gateway parses the objects within a Trane Tracer SC and creates BACnet virtual devices for all devices stored within the Tracer SC controller. This allows the Trane Comm 4 and Comm 5 devices communicating to the Tracer SC to appear in Connect as multiple BACnet virtual devices. This activity must be completed after LON/Comm5 setup and before BACnet MSTP/IP scanning.
If the Tracer SC has BACnet MSTP devices attached or a network connection to other BACnet IP devices, then the system is treated like any other BACnet IP BAS. A typical BACnet scan can be executed from within Connect to configure the system. This activity must be performed after LON/Comm5 or Comm3/Comm4 Bridge scanning.
Note that it is possible for a LON/Comm5 devices, Trane COMM3 / COMM4 bridge devices, and BACnet MSTP/IP devices to coexist on a single Tracer SC BAS installation.
To configure a Trane Tracer SC gateway: