See Remainder options and rolldown quantities - sample scenarios for sample scenarios that illustrate how each remainder option functions.
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After the system has used remainder options to determine which price rate line(s) to use, the rolldown quantity goes into effect. Starting at the uppermost price rate line in use, the rolldown quantity defines the point at which to roll the billing of a rental down a line. For example, if you want to change the billing of a daily rental to the weekly rate when the rental period exceeds 5 days, enter 5 as the rolldown quantity on the daily price rate line. The 5 days will be billed at the rate of a full Week. This feature is useful if your pricing is set up in such a way that the cost of a Week is less than the cost of 7 days billed as individual Days, and you want to adjust the rate of such a rental accordingly. The section below outlines sample scenarios that describe how remainder options and rolldown quantities function together.