Versions Compared


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Each piece of equipment managed by the organization is recorded in the Equipment Manager. Equipment records could include floor stock, whole goods on order, equipment used to generate rental income, and customers' equipment being serviced. You can also create equipment records when a piece of equipment is purchased. See Purchasing Module.

Information in the Equipment Manager is presented on a series of tabs. When you set up the Equipment Manager, you determine what information users should see, and how they should see it.


  • Tab Class
    The tab class determines the tabs displayed and the order in which they appear. You may have marked a tab class as the default class for new equipment records during setup.
  • Equipment Category
    There are six system-defined categories. When equipment is sold, the category is automatically changed to Sales History.
  • Equipment Type
    If the equipment types were set up with an account mask, this deter mines the account for sales revenue if this equipment is sold.
  • User-defined
    Enter user-defined information.
  • Condition
    Enter a Condition.
  • Division
    Enter the division to which the equipment belongs. If the division was set up with an account mask, this deter mines the general ledger accounts for revenue and costs on invoices.
  • Branch
    Enter the branch to which the equipment belongs. If the branch was set up with an account mask, this deter mines the general ledger accounts for revenue and costs on invoices.
  • Owning Location
    The owning location is the location at which the equipment is owned and managed. This may or may not be the location at which the equipment is currently operating.
  • Operating Location
    The operating location is the location from which the equipment is currently operating. The operating location may be specified when a purchase order for equipment is created. The operating location may or may not be the same as the owning location or the physical location
  • Manufacturer
    Choose the manufacturer of the equipment from the lookup window.
  • Build Year
    This is a four-digit numeric entry identifying the year in which the equipment was manufactured or assembled.
  • Acquisition Date
    This field is automatically filled if the equipment is purchased using the Purchase Order Processing module.
  • Purchased By
    This could be the person or department that purchased by equipment.
  • Life U of M
    Choose the unit of measure for usage for this equipment record. This unit is used in the Usage Life to Date field on the Equipment Manager header, which is updated when meter readings are entered on operating log entries. If you plan to use the Scheduled Maintenance module, you must enter a value in this field. The unit of measure is used when creating scheduled maintenance records.
  • Salesperson ID, Territory ID
    Enter a Salesperson and Territory.
  • Customer ID
    The field displays an ID when the equipment is on rent to a customer.
  • On Customer Rental
    This read-only check box checkbox indicates if this piece of equipment is currently rented.
  • On Service
    This read-only check box checkbox indicates if this piece of equipment is currently in use on a service call.
  • On Sale
    This read-only check box checkbox indicates if this piece of equipment is currently on a sale.
  • On Transport
    This read-only check box checkbox indicates if this piece of equipment is currently on transport.
  • Description
    Enter a description up to 50 characters. A more detailed description can be included by choosing the expansion button attached to the field.
  • Comments
    Enter any additional information.


  • Sort Alphanumerically
    Mark this check box checkbox to sort information alphanumerically based on the Attachment Attribute field.
  • Item Number
    Read-only field that displays the item number when the equipment is purchased.
  • Serial Number
    Read-only field displays the serial number when the equipment is purchased.
  • Site ID
    Read-only field displays the site ID when the equipment is purchased.
  • Include On Sale
    Mark this check box checkbox if the attachment is a non-inventory item and you want to include the attachment on the equipment sales document. 


    This check box checkbox will only display if the attachment is a non-inventory item.

  • Use Item Sale Price
    Mark this check box checkbox if the attachment is an inventory item and you want to use the item sale price or you can enter a sales price in the Sales Price field. 


    This check box checkbox will only display if the attachment is an inventory item.

  • Sales Price
    If equipment has a sales price entered on the Sales Financial 2 tab, this will be used on the sales document. If a kit item is used for selling, and there are attachments or subattachments that are inventory items with selling prices on the inventory records, these prices will be added to the sales price to determine the selling price for the kit.
  • Recommended Life
    Enter the recommended life.
  • Life U of M
    Enter the life U of M.
  • Usage
    Enter the usage.
  • % Left
    Enter the percentage of life left. This field is manually updated for each attachment and subattachment.
  • % Life Left
    This value is calculated based on the values entered in the Recommended Life and Usage fields.
  • Update from Equipment
    Mark this check box checkbox if you want the system to update the usage for the attachment or subattachment in accordance with updates to the operating log for the equipment record. This is useful because the % Life Left field then updates automatically based on usage. Updating from equipment is only possible if the (sub)attachment has the same life unit of measure as the equipment.
  • Transfer
    Once attachments and subattachments are added to equipment, they can be transferred or associated with an inventory item. Use this button to transfer attachments, which are serialized inventory items, between equipment and inventory stock or between pieces of equipment. See Transferring attachments and subattachments.


The Optional Equipment tab lists extras or attributes that may or may not be physical parts of the equipment. Optional equipment is set up during model setup. See Setting up models.
Mark the check boxes checkboxes for each optional equipment item you wish to include with this equipment record. These fields are informational only.


  • To inactivate the equipment, mark the Inactivate for Rental check box checkbox. To reactivate equipment that is inactive for rental, unmark the check boxcheckbox.
  • To specify a period of rental inactivation, enter a Start Date and End Date, then choose Insert >>. You must enter a date in both fields, and the Start Date must occur before the End Date. Multiple rental inactivation periods for the same equipment cannot overlap.


The Rental History tab displays all historical rental documents for this equipment. Mark the appropriate check boxes checkboxes and use the refresh button to display completed Agreements and posted Invoices. Unsuccessful quotes are marked with a red cross.


The Scheduled Maintenance tab lists scheduled maintenance records that are assigned to an equipment record. Projected scheduled maintenance are those records that haven't been assigned to an open service call or that aren't marked as current in the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window. Mark the ProjectedCurrent, and Inactive check boxes  checkboxes to filter the records. You can use the Go To button to open the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window and the Service Call window.
