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Once scheduled maintenance records are created, you can use the Process Scheduled Maintenance window to list scheduled maintenance that is coming due based on due - date and due-at values. Scheduled maintenance records using Service Management appear in the Service Call Creation window. Scheduled maintenance records that don't use Service Management appear in the Scheduled Maintenance Due window. The windows will not open if there are no records due for processing.


You must use this process if you want to combine more than one multiple scheduled maintenance record records for the equipment on one service call.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Routines > Equipment > Process Scheduled Maintenance.
  2. Enter a date in the Due as of field. The date entered will be compared to the Due Date field in the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window. In addition, the Due At field in the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window will be compared to the Usage Life to Date field in the Equipment Manager window to list scheduled maintenance records that are due for processing.
  3. Enter a Division and Branch if you want to filter records.
  4. Select Process.
  5. The Service Call Creation window appears listing the service calls to be created. You can mark the records using the Mark All and Unmark All buttons or by choosing an individual record.
  6. Select Create Service Calls to create service calls.
  7. Select Print to print the Scheduled Maintenance Due for Service Management report. The report sort order is based on the sort order from the Service Call Creation window. If more than one scheduled maintenance record exists for an equipment record, one service call will be created for all the maintenance types that are processed at the same time, have the same call type, and have the Create One Service Call field checkbox marked in the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window. 

    NoteNote: You can select a record and use the Go To button button to open the Equipment Scheduled Maintenance window for an individual record. You can also go to a service call once it's created.
  8. The Scheduled Maintenance Due window appears listing records with a status of Projected for active equipment records matching the branch and division before the due-as-of date. You can mark the checkbox to change the status to current. Select Update Status to mark the Current checkbox in the Scheduled Maintenance window for the selected records.
  9. Select Print to print the Scheduled Maintenance Due report. The report sort order is based on the sort order from the Scheduled Maintenance Due window.