Value | Additional Information |
Actual_Hours | |
ADRSCODE | Location ID/NumberĀ |
Appointment | |
Appointment_Description | |
Appointment_Group_ID | |
Appointment_Priority | |
Appointment_Status | |
Appointment_Type | |
Caller_Email_Address | |
Caller_Name | |
Caller_Phone | |
Cancelled_Reason | |
Completion_Date | |
Cost_Code_Alias | |
CREATDDT | Created Date |
CRUSRID | Created User ID |
CUSTNAME | Customer Name |
CUSTNMBR | Customer ID/Number |
Description | |
Divisions | |
EndDateTime | Ending Date/Time |
ENDTIME | End Time |
Estimate_Hours | |
Labor_Override | |
Location_ADDRESS1 | |
Location_CITY | |
Location_Contact_Person_1 | |
Location_Phone_1 | |
Location_STATE | |
Location_ZIP | |
LOCATNNM | Location Name |
MDFUSRID | Modified User ID |
MODIFDT | Modified Date |
Modified_Time | |
Priority_of_Call | |
Problem_Description | |
Purchase_Order | |
R_Email | Reply To/Caller Email Address - R_Email comes from the K2A_ResourceExtension table and is the primary email address setup in Schedule. |
Service_Call_ID | |
Service_Desc_Note | Service Call Description Note |
Service_Description | |
Service_User_Defined _10 | |
Service_User_Defined _11 | |
Service_User_Defined _12 | |
Service_User_Defined _18 | |
Service_User_Defined _19 | |
Service_User_Defined _2 | |
Service_User_Defined _20 | |
Service_User_Defined _21 | |
Service_User_Defined _3 | |
Service_User_Defined _4 | |
Service_User_Defined _5 | |
Service_User_Defined _6 | |
Service_User_Defined _7 | |
Service_User_Defined _8 | |
Service_User_Defined _9 | |
Service_User_Defined_1 | |
Skill_Level | |
StartDate | Start Date |
StartDateTime | Start Date/Time |
State_Created | |
State_Scheduled | |
STRTTIME | Start Time |
SV_Tool_ID | |
Task_Date | |
Technician | |
Technician_Long_Name | |
Technician_Status | |
TechnicianEmail | TechnicianEmail comes from the SV00115.SV_Pager_PIN column which can be used for the technician's SMS email gateway email address. e.g. {phone-number}@vtext.com for Verizon as an example. |
TechnicianPhone | |
TechnicianSkillLevel | |
Time_Entered_CB | Time Entered checkbox |
Type_of_Call | Call Type |
Type_of_Problem | Problem Type |
UDCB1 | AC Notify flag |
UDCB2 | |
UPRTRXCD | Payroll Transaction Code |
UserDD1 | |
UserDD2 | |
USRDAT01 | |
USRDAT02 | |
Wennsoft_Affiliate | |
Wennsoft_Branch | |
Wennsoft_Region | |
WS_Cost_Code | Cost Code |
WS_Job_Number | Job Number |