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WennSoft has predefined sensor calculations to choose from when creating your calculated sensors.



Cooling Air Temperature Deviation

Cooling Air Temperature Setpoint - Cooling Air Temperature

Chilled Water Approach

(Evaporator Leaving Water Temperature) – (Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature)

Condenser Water Approach

(Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature) – (Condenser Leaving Water Temperature)

Chilled Water Delta T

(Evaporator Entering Water Temp) – (Evaporator Leaving Water Temp)

Condenser Water Delta T

(Condenser Leaving Water Temp) – (Condenser Entering Water Temp)

Differential Steam Pressure Deviation

(abs(Differential Steam Pressure Setpoint - Differential Steam Pressure) / max(0.1, Differential Steam Pressure Setpoint)) * 100

Differential Water Pressure Deviation

(abs(Differential Water Pressure Setpoint - Differential Steam Pressure) / max(0.1, Differential Water Pressure Setpoint)) * 100

Heating Air Temperature Deviation

Heating Air Temperature Setpoint - Heating Air Temperature

Outside Air Dewpoint

Celcius to Celsius Formula
Ts = (243.04 × ln(RH / 100) + 17.625 T/(243.04  + T)) / (17.625 - ln(RH / 100) + 17.625 T/(243.04+T))

Fahrenheit to Fahrenheit Formula
Ts = [ (243.04 × ln(RH / 100) + 17.625 * ((T - 32) * 5/9)/( 243.04  + ((T - 32) * 5/9)) ) / (17.625 - ln(RH / 100) + 17.625 * ((T - 32) * 5/9)/(243.04 + ((T - 32) * 5/9))) ] * 9/5 + 32

Fahrenheit to Celcius Formula
Ts = (243.04 × ln(RH / 100) + 17.625 * ((T - 32) * 5/9)/( 243.04  + ((T - 32) * 5/9)) ) / (17.625 - ln(RH / 100) + 17.625 * ((T - 32) * 5/9)/(243.04 + ((T - 32) * 5/9)))

T: Outside Air temperature
RH: Outside Air Relative Humidity

T and RH are existing sensors.

Outside Air Wet Bulb

Celcius to Celsius Formula
Tw ​= T arctan(0.151977 (RH + 8.313659)1/2) + arctan(T + RH) − arctan(RH − 1.676331) + 0.00391838(RH)3/2arctan(0.023101RH) − 4.686035

Fahrenheit to Fahrenheit Formula
Tw ​= [ ((T - 32) * 5/9) * arctan(0.151977 (RH + 8.313659)1/2) + arctan( ((T - 32) * 5/9) + RH) − arctan(RH − 1.676331) + 0.00391838(RH)3/2arctan(0.023101RH) − 4.686035 ] * 9/5 + 32

Fahrenheit to Celcius Formula
Tw ​= ((T - 32) * 5/9) * arctan(0.151977 (RH + 8.313659)1/2) + arctan( ((T - 32) * 5/9) + RH) − arctan(RH − 1.676331) + 0.00391838(RH)3/2arctan(0.023101RH) − 4.686035 

T: Outside Air temperature
RH: Outside Air Relative Humidity

T and RH are existing sensors.


Current * Voltage

Power (kVa) *coming soon

Power + Power + Power + Power

Primary Differential Water Pressure Deviation

(abs(Primary Differential Water Pressure Setpoint - Primary Differential Water Pressure) / max(0.1, Primary Differential Water Pressure Setpoint)) * 100

Primary Supply Water Temperature

Primary Supply Water Temperature Setpoint - Primary Supply Water Temperature

Secondary Differential Water Pressure Deviation

(abs(Secondary Differential Water Pressure Setpoint - Secondary Differential Water Pressure) / max(0.1, Secondary Differential Water Pressure Setpoint)) * 100

Secondary Supply Water Temperature Deviation

Secondary Supply Water Temperature Setpoint - Secondary Supply Water Temperature

Space Air CO Deviation

Space Air CO Setpoint - Space Air CO

Space Air CO2 Deviation

Space Air CO2 Setpoint - Space Air CO2

Space Air Dewpoint

Space Air Temperature(C) - ((100 - Space Air Relative Humidity) / 5)

Space Air Methane Deviation

Space Air Methane Setpoint - Space Air Methane

Space Air PM2.5 Deviation

Space Air PM2.5 Setpoint - Space Air PM2.5

Space Air Relative Humidity Deviation

Space Air Relative Humidity Setpoint - Space Air Relative Humidity

Space Air Temperature Deviation

Space Air Temperature Setpoint - Space Air Temperature

Space Air TVOC Deviation

Space Air TVOC Setpoint - Space Air TVOC

Supply Air Flow Deviation

(abs(Supply Air Flow Setpoint - Supply Air Flow) / max(0.1, Supply Air Flow Setpoint)) * 100

Supply Air Pressure Deviation

(abs(Supply Air Pressure Setpoint - Supply Air Pressure) / max(0.1, Supply Air Pressure Setpoint)) * 100

Supply Air Temperature Deviation

Supply Air Temperature - Supply Air Temperature Setpoint

Supply Water Flow Deviation

(abs(Supply Water Flow Setpoint - Supply Water Flow) / max(0.1, Supply Water Flow Setpoint)) * 100

Supply Water Temperature Deviation

Supply Water Temperature Setpoint - Supply Water Temperature

Total Runtime

Sum of Time for time given for a True condition.