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The Sites Overview page displays all of the sites for the current company including the site addresses, performance grades, and upcoming Equipment Service tasks.

Sub-topics in this section:

Table of Contents

Adding a Site

  1. Choose the HOME Image Removed icon.
  2. Choose the SITES Image Removed icon icon from the left navigation.
  3. The first time you access Home, you will see a message that says "You haven't created a Site". Choose Create Site.
  4. If you are creating additional Sites, choose the Add Image Removed icon in the lower right.
  5. Complete the fields in the Add Site pane.
    • Client - Choose the Customer ID from Signature.
    • Site Name - Enter the Site name.
    • Address - Enter the Site address.
    • Signature Location - This field is available if the Client you have selected has a Signature Location linked. It is not required.
    • Connect Site - This field is available if you have a Connect Integration configured in Admin. It is not required.
  6. Choose Create.
  7. You will be directed to the Sites page.

Editing a Site

  1. Choose the HOME Image Removed icon.
  2. Choose the SITESImage Removed icon from the left navigation.
  3. Choose the ellipsis button Image Removed to button to the right of the site name.
  4. Choose Manage Site.
  5. On the Sites Overview page, choose the ellipsis button Image Removed to button to the far right of the site
  6. Choose Edit Site.
  7. Update the site information as needed and choose SAVE.



Deleting a site will also permanently delete all associated equipment.

  1. Choose the HOMEImage Removed icon icon.
  2. Choose the SITESImage Removed icon from the left navigation.
  3. Choose the ellipsis button Image Removed to button to the right of the site name.
  4. Choose Delete Site


    You can also find Delete Site on the Client Sites page by choosing the ellipsis button Image Removed to the far right of the site.

  5. Choose Confirm on the message that displays.


This view displays information for all of the sites for the company.

  1. Choose the HOME Image Removed icon.
  2. Choose the SITESImage Removed  icon icon from the left navigation pane.
  3. The Sites display along with their address information as well as the Client name. 

    • Device Health - Displays the device count by grade from Connect.
    • Device Scores - Displays the average, minimum, and maximum score from Connect.
    • Upcoming Equipment Service - Displays all Signature tasks that have 1 or more equipment associated. This information comes from the upcoming equipment service table.
    • Contract Renewal Date - This is the contract renewal date from Signature. If this information doesn't exist,, the value will be "-".
    • Contract Billing - This is the contract billing information from Signature. If this information doesn't exist, the value will be "-".
  4. Choose a site name to display additional information for the site including:


The Site overview displays the information for the specific site.

  1. Choose the HOME Image Removed iconicon.
  2. Choose the SITES Image Removed icon icon from the left navigation pane.
  3. On the Sites page, choose a site name and then choose the ellipsis button Image Removed to button to the right of the Site.
  4. Choose Manage Site.
  5. The initial page displayed is the Site Overview that which displays information about the specific site.
    The site overview displays the following:
    • Lowest/Highest Performing EquipmentDisplays information from Connect.
      • Performance grade icon
      • Equipment name
      • Equipment score - Displayed by the horizontal bar and the actual score.
    • Potential Pull-Through Opportunities  - Displays the active Watchdogs from Connect for the selected site. You can sort the column headers by choosing the header name.
      • Site name
      • Timestamp
      • Equipment
      • Watchdog
      • Trigger
    • Upcoming Appointments  - Displays information from Connect and Signature.
      • Site performance grade icon - Displays information from Connect.
      • Equipment and associated task - Displays information from Signature. 


        If a service call:

        • Doesn't have any equipment assigned, it is not displayed on the Site's overview.
        • Has equipment on the service call but equipment isn't set up in ESMS, No Linked Equipment displays in the equipment field.
        • Has more than one equipment assigned, a separate appointment is listed for each equipment.

      • Additional appointment information - Displays information from Signature. 

  6. Choose SITE EQUIPMENT to view the specific site's associated equipment