You can have unlimited account distributions for each rental agreement line. In addition, you can specify an ownership percentage, based on who owns the equipment and who is renting the equipment. See Rental account distributions for more information.
Table of Contents |
Step 1: Enter
Basic Agreement Information
- Select Transactions > Equipment > Rental Agreement Entry.
- Complete the following fields.
- Agreement Type ID
Select the agreement type ID. If you set up a default agreement type ID in Rental Setup, tab through this field and it will fill automatically. - Agreement No.
Fills automatically. - Customer ID
Select a Customer ID. - Customer Name
The customer name fills automatically based on the customer ID. - PO Number
Enter the purchase order associated with the agreement, if applicable. - Agreement Date
Fills automatically based on the user date. You can change this value. - Rental From
Enter the start date to specify when the equipment will be on rent. The system uses this date range to check equipment availability. - Rental To
Enter the end date to specify when the equipment will be on rent. The system uses this date range to check equipment availability. - Rental Location ID
Fills automatically based on the customer. If linked to a customer, this field will fill with the Customer ID and Address ID. - Price Template ID
Fills automatically based on the agreement type, and is used to set up pricing structures for rental pricing. - Invoicing Frequency ID
Fills automatically based on the agreement type, or - if not set up for the agreement type - based on Rental Setup. This value is used to determine when an agreement is invoiced. Price Level
The price level auto-populates based on the price group and where the price level has been assigned.Note For information on how the system looks for the price level to use, see Determining Price Levels.
- Operating Lease
If the agreement is an operating lease, mark the checkbox and then select the expansion button to open Lease Information which allows you to enter additional operating lease information. See Working with Operating Leases for more information. - Disable Invoicing
Mark this checkbox to temporarily disable invoicing for this agreement line. When marked, this line will not be included in an invoice batch. - One Way
Mark to designate that the booking is a one-way rental, meaning equipment is rented at one location and returned to another. - Separate Invoice
Mark to override the customer invoice setting from Customer Rental Information. Marking this checkbox means that you want one invoice per agreement with multiple lines. For more information about the invoice setting in Customer Rental Information, see Customer Rental Information.
- Agreement Type ID
Step 2: Enter
Sales Commissions and
You can enter commissions and markdowns using the Rental Agreement Details Entry window. This window contains additional details about the agreement and stores much of the information that you enter in the other areas of the Rental Agreement Entry window. See Entering Additional Details.
Step 3: Enter
Agreement Lines for
Equipment or items included on an agreement are entered as agreement lines.
- On the Rental Agreement Entry window, select the Line Entry button. The system automatically saves the agreement and then opens the Rental Agreement Entry Line window.
Select the Line Type.
Select an Equipment ID or Item Number to be rented. Several fields fill automatically when you select the equipment or item, including Rental Location ID, Original Site ID, and Rental Site ID. Some fields fill from the Rental Agreement Details Entry window, and some fill from the Equipment Manager window.
When you attempt to change the Equipment ID while on an existing line, the system will prompt you with the followingNote Note When you attempt to change the Equipment ID while on an existing line, the system will prompt you with the following message: Do you want to change the equipment?
- If you select Yes, the following message will display: Do you want to retain the other information on this window?
- If you select Yes, the Equipment ID will change, along with the fields associated with that equipment record - all other fields you filled manually will be retained.
- If you select No, only the Equipment ID and the fields associated with that equipment record will fill - all other fields will be cleared.
- If you select No, the Equipment ID is not changed.the Equipment ID is not changed.
Select an Equipment ID or Item Number to be rented. Several fields fill automatically when you select the equipment or item, including Rental Location ID, Original Site ID, and Rental Site ID. Some fields fill from the Rental Agreement Details Entry window, and some fill from the Equipment Manager window.
- If you select Yes, the following message will display: Do you want to retain the other information on this window?
- Complete the following fields.
- Line
Displays the line number. - Linked Line
Displays the line that the current line is linked to. For more information linking lines, see About Line Linking. - Subject to Commissions
Mark this checkbox if you want to be able to distribute commissions for this booking line. - One Way
Mark to designate that the booking is a one-way rental, meaning equipment is rented at one location and returned to another. - Use Lowest Rate
Mark this checkbox if want to use the lowest rate possible, regardless of which rental rate is selected. May default as checked or unchecked based on the Price Template ID. - Fully Maintained
Mark to designate that tire and brake wear are not charged on the rental invoice, however, charges will always be incurred when tire type changes from original to retread and for reefer fuel consumption. For more information on recording, see Vehicle Readings. - Comment ID
Select a comment ID that describes this booking line or booking type. - Rental From
This field fills automatically from the Rental Booking Entry window, if applicable. - Rental To
This field fills automatically from the Rental Booking Entry window, if applicable. - Invoicing Free Days
Enter the number of days after the on rental date that invoicing will commence. - Original Site ID
Fills automatically based on the booking type. - Rental Site ID
Fills automatically based on the booking type. - PO Number
Enter the purchase order number, if applicable. - Assign to Equipment
Enabled only if the Line Type is not Equipment. This represents the equipment that is tied to the inventory item being rented. This is used primarily for MDA (Multi-Dimensional Analysis). - Enter pricing information.
- Pricing Template ID
Select the pricing template. Pricing information that fills based on the price template can be changed if necessary. Price Level
The price level auto-populates based on the price group and where the price level has been assigned.Note For information on how the system looks for the price level to use, see Determining Price Levels.
- Line
- Add insurance, markdowns, and taxes to the agreement, as necessary. See Entering Additional Details.
- Enter account distributions if necessary. See Rental account distributions for more information.
- Select Save. The Rental Agreement Line Entry window clears. Close this window to return to the Rental Agreement Entry window. Notice that the agreement lines you enter appear on the Rental Agreement Entry window. To select a line for editing, double-click on the line on this window; the Rental Agreement Line Entry window re-opens.
Step 4: Enter
Miscellaneous Lines
If you need to include additional items along with the piece of equipment, you can do so using the Rental Agreement Miscellaneous Entry window. You cannot include lot, serialized, or discontinued items on an agreement. You can include non-inventory items.
- From the Rental Agreement Entry window, select the Misc. Entry button to open the Rental Agreement Miscellaneous Entry window.
- Complete the following fields.
- Item Number
Enter the inventory item to be included on this booking. - Item Qty
Enter the item quantity. - U of M
Enter the unit of measure. - Site ID
Fills automatically with the current site of the item. If the quantity entered is greater than what is "on hand," the Rental Item Shortage Options window will open. Use the Rental Item Shortage Options window to select to sell the balance or override the shortage. If there are no more of this item remaining after rental, you must select Override Shortage. Select OK. - Price Level
Fills automatically based on the item record (Item Maintenance window). This is the price level associated with the price rate. - Comment ID
Select a comment ID. - Assign to Equipment
Enter the equipment ID of the piece of equipment associated with this item. - Inventory
Fills account number automatically based on the item record (Item Maintenance window). - Cost of Sales
Fills account number automatically based on the item record (Item Maintenance window). - Sales
Fills account number automatically based on the item record (Item Maintenance window). - Markdown
Fills account number automatically based on the item record (Item Maintenance window). - Unit Price
Fills the unit price automatically, based on the price level of the item (Item Maintenance window). - Unit Markdown
Calculated based on the booking header, if the header contains a unit markdown amount. Use the expansion button to change a percentage to a dollar amount, or vice versa. - Extended Price
Calculated as the Unit Price multiplied by the Item Quantity. - Line Total
Calculated as the Unit Price minus the Unit Markdown, multiplied by the Item Quantity. - Unit Cost
The current cost of the item from the item record (Item Maintenance window). - Extended Cost
Calculated as the Unit Cost multiplied by the Item Quantity. - Tax Source
Fills automatically from the Sales Tax Option on the item record (Item Maintenance window). - Tax Schedule ID
If the source is Taxable, select a tax schedule. - Calculated Tax
The total tax amount, calculated by the Tax Source, Tax Schedule ID, and Line Total. - Misc. Line
Displays the line number for the miscellaneous entry. Linked Line
Displays the current line number from the line entry window. You can enter or select a different line to link the entry to.Note For information on linking lines, see About Line Linking.
- Item Number
- Select Save to return to the Rental Agreement Entry window. The miscellaneous lines you entered appear on the Rental Agreement Entry window. To select a line for editing, double-click the line on this window; the Rental Agreement Miscellaneous Entry window re-opens.
Step 5: Place the
Equipment On Rent and Create a Transport Request
Using the On Rental Entry window, you can place equipment on rent and create a transport request. If you have multiple pieces of equipment going to the same place, you can create one transport request for all items with the push of a button.
Placing the
Equipment On Rent
- From the Rental Agreement Entry window, select the On Rental button to open the On Rental Entry window. Most of the fields on this window fill from the agreement and are initially display displayed by Agreement No. You can change the Display By method by choosing a different radio button, but when you do, the window clears and you need to re-enter information.
- Mark the On Rental checkbox. The Date fills in automatically with the Rental From date, from the agreement. If the window is displayed by Agreement No., you can select all lines for that agreement by choosing the first line, holding down the SHIFT key, then choosing the last line in the list. This way, you can select an "on rental" day for all lines at once.
- Enter a Meter Reading, if necessary.
Creating a
Transport Request
- To create a transport request, select the Transport icon in the Transport Number field. A transport request is automatically generated and a transport number fills into the field.
- Select Process.
To continue the transport process, proceed with scheduling the transport, dispatching and delivering the transport, and creating the transport invoice. See Transport for step-by-step procedures.
Step 6: Enter
Standdown Dates
Equipment on
If you know a piece of equipment will be unavailable for a certain period of time, you can enter standdown dates from the Rental Agreement Entry or Rental Agreement Line Entry windows. If you have multiple pieces of equipment on a rental agreement, but you only need to enter a standdown for one of those pieces, you can do so from the Rental Agreement Line entry window, as shown below.
- From the Rental Agreement Entry window, double-click an agreement line to open the Rental Agreement Line Entry window.
- Select the Standdown button to open the Rental Standdown Numbers window, with the agreement and line number auto-filled.
- Select New to open the Rental Standdown Agreement Lines Entry window.
- Double-click an agreement line to open the Rental Standdown Entry window, with the cursor on the From Date field.
- Enter From and To dates to cover the duration of the standdown.
- Enter a Reason for the standdown, if necessary.
- The Standdown U of M fills automatically from the Rental U of M on the agreement line. Enter a standdown quantity, if necessary. The Credit Amount is calculated automatically.
- Select Save. Close the window, then save and close the Rental Agreement Line Entry window. The standdown amount appears as a subtotal in the Rental Agreement Entry window after the agreement has been invoiced.
Equipment for
You can inactivate a piece of equipment for rental, either indefinitely or over a specific period of time. When equipment is inactivated, it cannot be placed on rent. If the equipment is already on rent when the inactivation period begins, the agreement can be processed to completion, but the On Rental date cannot be changed.
- Select Cards > Equipment > Equipment Manager, and select an Equipment ID.
- Select the Rental Inactivation tab, and mark the Inactivate for Rental checkbox.
- Select Save.
Setting a
Period of
Rental Inactivation
When you specify a date range for a piece of equipment to be inactive, the equipment cannot be placed on rent during this period.
- Select Cards > Equipment > Equipment Manager, and select an Equipment ID.
- Select the Rental Inactivation tab. In the scrolling window is a list of any existing rental inactivation periods for this equipment; you can edit any rental inactivation period at any time.
- Enter a Start Date and End Date for the inactivation period. You must enter a date in both fields, and the Start Date must occur before the End Date. Multiple rental inactivation periods for the same equipment cannot overlap.
- Select Insert >>. If there are no conflicts with this inactivation period, the start and end dates populate into the scrolling window. If the rental inactivation period interferes with any expected rental dates from a booking or agreement, a warning message appears:
- Select OK, and if you are sure you want to inactivate the equipment for this period, select Insert >> again. The rental inactivation period can overlap the dates of a rental agreement; however, you will not be able to put the equipment on rent during an inactive period.
Projected Income for an
When you enter into a rental agreement with a customer, you can have the system project what income you will eventually obtain with that agreement.