- Right-click on the Signature MobileTech Client x-x-xx.exe file.
- Select Run as Administrator.
- In the Welcome window, select Next.
- Accept the License Agreement and select Next.
- Accept the default installation location or navigate to where you would like to install MobileTech Client. This defaults to C:\Program Files (x86)\Signature\MobileTech\Client\.
- Click Next.
- Select Install.
- Click Finish.
If your technicians use iOS devices, the technicians will sometimes be notified about MobileTech app updates for their devices. Do not install the client updates on those devices unless you will also be updating the MobileTech Server to the compatible versions that are listed in the Readme. We recommend that you clearly communicate this information to your technicians.
We also recommend that you turn off automatic downloads of updates on iOS devices. To do this, go to Settings > iTunes & App Store. In the Automatic Downloads section, make sure the Updates option is turned off (the toggle switch should appear gray, not green). Repeat this task on each iOS device.
After installing and setting up MobileTech Admin, you will want to test your settings in the Mobile CRM app (MobileTech Client). If you will be installing the Mobile CRM app to a Windows Server, you will need to download and install the Resco Mobile CRM Windows (desktop) Client from the Resco Downloads web page. For all other operating systems, you can download from the following app stores: Apple App Store, Google Play, and Windows Store.
To download the Mobile CRM app to a Windows Server:
- Go to https://www.resco.net/support/downloads/.
- Download the Windows (desktop) Mobile CRM app.
- Double-click the MobileCRM-Tablet.msi file.
- Complete the setup wizard.