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Table of Contents

To access the Resource Options:

  1. In Schedule, select the menu Image Removed icon in the top left corner next to Scheduling.
  2. Select Administration.
  3. Select the Resource Options tab.


If you are using Signature Agent for standard and/or advanced communications (HTML email notifications to customers), enter each technician's information. The name, position description, telephone number, and email address are required fields. For more information on setting up communications in Signature Agent, see the Signature Agent documentation. 

  • Changes made to the resource in this section
only affect communications. They
  • are not saved back to the technician's records in the Signature.
  • If you are using MobileTech Inspection Manager with MobileTech 9.0 or higher, the telephone number populates the technician telephone field in the MobileTech Inspector Web App. See Set Up the MobileTech Inspection Manager (optional).

To enter Communications Settings:
