Note |
Depending on the appointment auto reload setting, you may need to choose the Refresh button at the top right of the Scheduling view to see your changes. |
Table of Contents |
Schedule Time Scale
Choose the time scale to display on the schedule.
- 15 Minutes
- 30 Minutes
- 60 Minutes
Appointment Auto Reload
Choose to have the schedule automatically update as well as the refresh rate by entering the number of minutes (1-60) next to Time Period.
Date Display Setting
Choose the date format to display.
- MM-DD-YYYY - 10-23-2021
- DD-MM-YYYY - 23-10-2021
- YYYY-MM-DD - 2021-10-23
Show Horizontal Scrollbar (Timeline view)
Mark this check box checkbox to display a horizontal scrollbar when you are in the Timeline view on the Schedule Board. This check box checkbox defaults to unmarked (hidden).
- If unmarked, the Timeline view hourly columns are condensed to display the Days to show setting on one screen. The Days to show drop-down is found in the top right on the Schedule Board.
- If marked to show the horizontal scrollbar in the Timeline view, the hourly day columns are not condensed and you may need to scroll to view additional days, depending on the Days to show display setting.
Show Job Panel
Mark this check box checkbox to display the Job Panel on the right side of the Schedule Board. This option is available if you have Signature Job Cost registered. See Working with the Job Panel.
Display Resource Overallocation (Timeline view)
Choose to display the overallocation of resources in the Timeline view.When this checkbox is checked, the background color of the Resource cell for a technician is colored pink to reflect the resource is scheduled before or after their shift hours for any day currently displayed in the timeline view. The default is unmarked.
Max Attachment Size (MB)
Enter the maximum MB file size for attachments.
Clearing Cache
The Clear Cache buttons are also available by selecting the Hamburger menu and then choosing About.
Clear Customer Hub Cache
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Clear Application Cache
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