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Maintenance tasks overview

Service Management uses appointments and tasks to make creating service calls and scheduling technicians precise and flexible. A task is assigned to a technician, scheduled, then completed as part of a service call. When tasks are commonly completed together, such as tasks that are completed sequentially as part of a routine maintenance visit, they can be grouped into lists. These lists can then be saved as a task list and easily selected in the future.

There are many benefits for using tasks and task lists.


A piece of equipment may have one or more tasks assigned to it. These tasks may have subtasks and materials assigned to them. All the tasks associated with the piece of equipment may be combined to form a task list or multiple task lists.

Task lists can be selected to help organize quotes, maintenance contracts, or individual service calls for the equipment. Service calls may have tasks assigned to them directly if there is no equipment involved with the service, or in addition to what is already assigned to the equipment. Quote task lists are useful for estimating the time and expense required for a service or maintenance call. Quote task lists, as well as any other task lists, can be copied to create a new task list for a maintenance contract, a service call, or another quote. You must own the Maintenance Contract Quote module to create, add, or copy quote tasks and task lists.

Once tasks are created for a contract or a service call, they can be scheduled and assigned to a technician. Alternatively, contract tasks can be set to a schedule so that the system generates routine appointments (MCC calls) automatically.

Setting up task codes


To create or modify a task code throughout the system, use the Task Code Setup window in the Setup menu.
To make unique modifications to a task code for an individual service call, maintenance contract, or quote, you can access the Task Code Setup window through those task windows or anywhere the Task Code ID zoom is available.


The Task Code Setup window can be used to create new task codes or to edit existing task codes. This window can also be used to change task code information and add subtasks or task materials.
The Task Code setup window can be accessed through a variety of other windows. When you open the Task Code Setup window by zooming from a record such as a maintenance contract, quote, or service call, changes made to a task code will be unique to that record.
However, when task codes are created from the Task Code Setup window, the new tasks appear throughout the system, regardless of how the window was opened. Modifications made to the task code from the setup menu will change the entire template, and the changes made to that task code will appear wherever it is used starting from the time it is modified.
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  1. Open the Task Code Setup window by choosing Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes. You can also open Task Code Setup for an existing record from the following windows. Once you have opened and cleared the Task Code Setup window, you may enter the new Task Code information.
    • Service Call Task CodesChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer, then choose History. Select a service call, then use the Tasks button to open the Service Call Tasks window. Use the Task button to open the Service Call Task Codes window. Choose Tasks and zoom on a task code to open Task Code Setup. Clear the window.
    • Contract Task MaintenanceChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose Contract. Select a contract and use the Coverage button to open the Contract Coverage window. Use the Tasks button to open the Contract Task Maintenance window. Choose Tasks and zoom on a task code to open Task Code Setup. Clear the window.
    • Quoted Task MaintenanceIf you are using the Maintenance Contract Quote module, choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose Quote. Select a quote, then use the Coverage button to open the Quote Coverage window. Use the Tasks button to open the Quote Task Maintenance window. Choose Tasks and zoom on a task code to open Task Code Setup. Clear the window.
  2. On the Task Code Setup window, complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • Task CodeEnter a new task code. For recommended task code naming conventions, please see the "Recommended" section above.
    • Task DescriptionThe Task Description describes the task and will appear on the printed task list for the technician. If you are using the tasking response module, you may want to enter the task description in the form of a question to elicit the correct response from the technician. For instance, instead of "Check Brakes," you might enter "Do brakes need repair or replacement?"If you are using the Yes/No response type for a task, note that the "Yes" response will be selected by default until the technician or other user changes it to "No."
    • Skill LevelTasks with a required skill level default to the technician assigned to that skill level at the location. See Creating location records.
    • Material Kit/Item and Tool Kit RequiredIf applicable, choose the material kit/item and/or tool kit required to complete the task.
    • FrequencyYou must use the lookup to choose an existing frequency for the task. The Standard Frequency list is built and maintained by Service Management and cannot be edited.
    • Suggested ScheduleUse the lookup button to choose a schedule for the task. You can limit the schedules that appear in the lookup by specifying the task's frequency from the drop-down menu in the lookup window.
    • Estimated Costs, Estimated BillableEnter estimated costs and estimated billable amounts for each category. These are the expected costs and revenue per visit for performing the task.
    • HoursEnter the estimated hours per visit for each labor category. These estimates are used with the Maintenance Contract Quote module and the Service Call Quote module.
    • System, Major, Sub 1 - Sub 4In each field, choose the value that best describes this task code. This information is for reference and sorting. See About system, major, sub 1, 2, 3, and 4.
    • OptionalMark this check box if the task is optional. This is for informational purposes only.
    • ResponsesChoose this button to open the Task Responses Setup window. See Setting up task responses for detailed information on setting up responses.
  3. Choose Save. Your new task code appears in the list on the window you are working from, as well as all task code lists throughout the system.


These six fields are used to narrow down the list of task codes in a lookup window. If your company has hundreds or thousands of task codes, being able to filter those task codes allows you to search faster when assigning a maintenance task. For example, you may set up lookup data accordingly:

  • System - product line, such as boiler or air conditioner
  • Major - manufacturer, such as Carrier or A.O. Smith
  • Sub 1 - assembly, such as motor or fan
  • Sub 2 - parts, such as fan or belt

When assigning maintenance tasks to equipment, either from the Equipment Type window or from the Maintenance Contract window, you can view the components of the piece of equipment. Then, when you want to assign a task code to the equipment, you can filter the maintenance tasks related only to that specific component of the equipment.
In the example below, without filtering, you would see all the maintenance tasks when attempting to assign a task to an ALPHA piece of equipment. However, only six of those tasks apply to a Network (System), and only five tasks apply to a Digital Alpha Server (Major), and only two apply to the Digital Mother Board (Sub1). There is setup involved with the maintenance task and the equipment type to make this work.



Maintenance task



System Analysis



Server Analysis

Sub 1:

Digital Mother Board

Run Digital Mother Board Diagnostics

Sub 2:

Digital Alpha CPU

Run Digital Alpha CPU Diagnostics

Sub 3:

RAM/ROM Memory

Test RAM/ROM Memory

Sub 4:


Test and replace 64MB RAM SIMMS

Setting up system, major, and sub 1, 2, 3, and 4

  1. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks, then System, Major, and Sub 1, Sub 2, Sub 3, or Sub 4.
  2. Using the guidelines for each level in the section above, enter a new value to use for categorizing task codes at this level.
  3. Choose Save. To delete System, Major, or Sub field lookup data, use the lookup in the field setup window to open the list of all lookup data for that field. Select the value you wish to delete, then choose Delete.


Subtasks are a way to further define the steps of completing a task. For example, a task described as "Inspect Controls" may have subtasks such as "Inspect control wiring," "Check for proper operation," and "Record all readings." These subtasks represent the various steps that must be taken to complete the task.
Subtasks can be added from the Task Code Setup window at Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes.
If you wish to add subtasks to a task only for a specific call, contract, or quote, you can make changes by opening the task code setup window from the task maintenance window:

  • Service Call Task CodesChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose New Call. On the Service Call window, use the Tasks button to open the Service Call Tasks window.
  • Contract Task MaintenanceChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose Contract. Select a contract and choose Coverage. On the Contract Coverage window, use the Tasks button to open the Contract Task Maintenance window.
  • Quote Task MaintenanceIf you are using the Maintenance Contract Quote module, choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose Quote. Select a quote and choose Coverage. In the Quote Coverage window, use the Tasks button to open the Quote Task Maintenance window. For more information on adding tasks to maintenance quotes, see the section Generating a maintenance contract quote.

Adding and deleting subtasks from a task code

Subtasks are a quick way to further define and breakdown a task. In the example below, "Check and Test all Safety Devices" is a task with three subtasks. The subtasks represent the various smaller steps that make up this task. The task and its subtasks will print on a report for the technician to bring to his appointment.
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A subtask does not require estimated costs and billable amounts.
Adding a subtask to a task code

  1. Open the Task Code Setup window from the quote, contract, or service call, or choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes.
  2. Select a task code and choose Subtasks.
  3. On the Subtasks window, choose Add.
  4. Select an existing Subtask ID, or enter a new one.
  5. Enter a Description for the subtask up to 60 characters in length. If your description is longer than one line, you can use the Duplicate button to add a duplicate subtask ID and continue the description text. You can also add the subtask multiple times using the Duplicate button.
  6. If desired, enter any user-defined information for the subtask.
  7. Choose Save.

The new subtask is added to the list on the Subtasks window. Once the subtask is added, you can add materials to the subtask or change the order in which a subtask displays.

  • To add materials to the subtask, highlight the Subtask ID and choose Task Material. Follow the steps for Assigning materials to a task.
  • To change the display order of the subtasks in the Subtasks window, select a task and use the arrow buttons to move it up or down. When you have finished adding and editing subtasks, close the Sub tasks window. To save the changes, choose Save on the Task Code Setup window.

Deleting a subtask from a task code

  1. On the Task Code Setup window, select the task code from which you are deleting a subtask.
  2. Choose Subtasks.
  3. Highlight the subtask that you wish to delete, then choose Delete. The subtask is removed from the list on the Subtasks window.
  4. When you have finished removing subtasks from this list, close the window. To save the changes, choose Save on the Task Code Setup window.


When technicians go out to perform a maintenance task or subtask, they need to know what, if any, materials are required to do the job. In task code setup, you can specify which materials are required for specific tasks or subtasks.
Materials can be added from the Task Code Setup window at Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes.
If you wish to add subtasks or materials to a task only for a specific call, contract, or quote, you can make changes by opening the task code setup window from the task maintenance window:

  • Service Call Task CodesChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose New Call. On the Service Call window, use the Tasks button to open the Service Call Tasks window.
  • Contract Task MaintenanceChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose Contract. Select a contract and choose Coverage. On the Contract Coverage window, use the Tasks button to open the Contract Task Maintenance window.
  • Quote Task MaintenanceIf you are using the Maintenance Contract Quote module, choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select a customer and choose Quote. Select a quote and choose Coverage. In the Quote Coverage window, use the Tasks button to open the Quote Task Maintenance window. For more information on adding tasks to maintenance quotes, see the section Generating a maintenance contract quote.

Note: If task materials are defined at the task code level in task code setup, you may still redefine them later at the quote, contract, or service call level when an item is unique to the quote, contract, or call by zooming to and editing the task code directly from that record.
To add materials from the Task Code Setup window:

  1. Open the Task Code Setup window.
  2. If you are defining materials for a task, use the Task Materials button to open the Contract Task Code Materials window. If you are defining materials for a subtask, select the Subtask tab, then use the Task Materials button to open the Task Code Materials window.
  3. Under Filter by, select a filtering method to determine which items display for inclusion with this task code. You can filter by Item Number, Description or Type. Types include:
    • Sales Inventory
    • Discontinued
    • Kit
    • Misc charges
    • Services
    • Flat Fee

Note: When you select a filter, the Items Available area populates accordingly.

  1. Filter the list by Site ID, if necessary, or include ALL sites (default).
  2. After filtering, choose Redisplay. The list will refresh per the filters you selected.
  3. To include an item, select an available item and choose Insert >>. The item moves to the Current Task Items area. Repeat this step for other items to include:
    • To change the quantity of an item needed for a task, select the Quantity field beside the item in the Current Task Items list. When the cursor appears, delete the current item quantity and enter a new value.
    • To mark an item as required for the task or subtask, mark the Required check box. Materials that are required will appear on the printed tasking report so that the technician can gather all materials before the appointment. An item that is not marked as required will appear on the list as a recommended item. The technician will know to bring the item to the appointment if it is available, but that the service could be performed even if the item is not available.
    • To include non-inventory items, choose the Insert Non-Inventory Item button, enter an item, then choose OK.
    • To remove all items from inclusion, choose << Remove All.

If additional materials are needed for a service call, in addition to those inherently required by a task or subtask, you can add materials unique to the service call using the same process in the Service Call Tasks window.
Rolling Down task code materials
Roll down task code materials if you would like equipment to remain assigned to a task code in all contracts, service calls, or quotes.

  1. On the Task Code Materials window, choose Roll Down.
  2. Choose the types of records where you would like the materials to roll down, then choose Roll Down. This process may take a few seconds and is monitored by the progress bar on this window.
  3. When processing is complete, choose OK to save your changes.
  4. Save and close the window.


A response will be selected by a technician after the service call to indicate the progress on a task. Alternatively, a dispatcher or another user may enter this information after the appointment based on the technician's notes for each task.
The response section will display differently in the Service Call Tasks window depending on the response type assigned to the task in the Task Codes window. When setting up task codes, choose a response type that makes sense for the task. Conversely, task descriptions should be written so that they make sense with the selected response type. Task descriptions phrased as questions often work well.

Setting up task responses

The setup for creating task responses has been modified to move Response Type from Task Code Setup to Task Responses Setup. This feature provides more options in task responses to generate improved information from the field. The number of task responses has been expanded to include where you can set up multiple response types, labels, repair task codes, response type, and the position, if applicable, that are related to a task. Additionally, you can set up a response that will generate a service call based on the input.
For example, if you are entering a reading for a tire inspection, you may need to record the tire brand, the type of tire, and the tread depth. Instead of having to create each of the responses as a separate task, you can now add all these responses to one task. You could also set up a repair type if the tire needs to be changed and another if the brake pad needs to be changed.
To set up task responses

  1. Go to Task Code Setup. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Signature Service > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes)
  2. Create a new task code.
  3. Choose Responses.
  4. In Task Responses Setup, the task code and description default from the previous window. Enter the response information as needed.
    • Type responsesChoose from the following response types:
      • NoneChoose this option to disable all further lines. This is the default option when opening the window.
      • StringProvides the user the ability to enter a text string up to 100 characters.
      • NumericProvides the user the ability to enter a numeric response with two decimal places in the service call.
      • IntegerProvides the user the ability to enter an integer response with no decimal places in the service.
      • Yes/NoProvides the user with a drop-down list of Yes and No in the service call.
      • ListProvides the user with a drop-down list of user-defined responses in the service call.
      • TextProvides the user the ability to enter a text response.

Note: This option can only be used once per task code and only as the last non-None row. All further rows will be set to None.

      • RepairProvides the user with a drop-down list of Billable, No, and Yes. Selecting this type of response will enable the Repair Task Code field where you can enter a task code to be used on the new service call that is created when a user chooses Billable or Yes. If Billable is selected for the response, the Bill To address from the Rental Agreement will default on the Service Call. If Yes is selected for the response, the Non-Billable check box will default as selected.
      • DateProvides the user the ability to select a date as a response in the service call.
    • LabelEnter a descriptive label that will display for the response.
    • Responses IDWhen the list response type has been selected, this field is available to choose the appropriate response ID. Tasks Responses List Setup can be accessed by choosing the Responses ID zoom or by going to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Signature Service > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Responses Lists. Enter the response list name and then enter the responses. These responses will be available as a drop-down list in the service call.
    • RequiredThis setting is for use in MobileTech 6.0 and higher and will have no impact on the Service Management tasking functionality.

Note: If a child to the parent is marked as required, but the parent is set up as a Skip and the response is No, the required child response will be marked as completed.


Task Code





Front Panel Damaged






Repair Details



Side Panel Damaged






Repair Details


Note: Only one new service call is created, regardless of multiple repair Yes/Billable responses on the same originating service call.
Note: An automatic repair call will not be created if you are completing the service call through an invoice. You must complete the call from the Appointments window with the Service Call window open - OR - you can set the call to complete directly in the Service Call window. The automatic Repair Call creation is focused on Call Complete and it is recommended to complete the call from Service Call window and allow all appointments to be marked completed as well. If you do not follow this process, the repair call will not be created. After you have completed the call, you will be able to invoice the call. You will not be able to complete the call from the Invoice window or by posting an invoice with the expectation of an automatic repair call.

    • Reading TypeThis drop-down list is only available for a list or integer response type. The options available depend on the response type selected.
    • List - Tire Brand, Tire Type, None
    • Integer - Tire Reading, Brake Reading, Reefer reading, None
    • Position - Choose the tire position.
  1. After completing all the task responses for this task, choose Save.


Before a Call Status can be changed to COMPLETE, the status of all tasks attached to an appointment must be marked as COMPLETE, SKIPPED, or N/A. Use the Service Call Tasks window to update the task statuses. If any task status remains set to OPEN, a warning message will appear when you attempt to complete the call.
In addition, a default Task Status must be selected in Service Options, to create MCC calls.
Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Service Management > Module Setup > Service Options. Choose a default Task Status. This status will be automatically selected for tasks when they are added to appointments.
Note: Although setting the default task status to COMPLETE or N/A will save data entry time, it is recommended the default task status is OPEN to assure that all tasks have been completed before setting the call status to COMPLETE.


You can add attachments to task codes from the Task Code Setup window and the Service Task Code window in Service Management and MobileTech. The attachments can be viewed in either window in addition to the service call. A task code attachment marked as Primary will be transmitted to MobileTech.
To set up service call task attachments:

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Company > Document Attachment Setup.
  2. Mark Allow Document Attachments.
  3. Choose Additional, and then choose:
    • Service Management AttachmentsEnter the file locations the attachments should be saved to for each of the attachment areas.
    • Equipment Management AttachmentsEnter the file locations the attachments should be saved to for each of the attachment areas.

Note: The file location pathnames must end with a backslash.Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Dynamics\2015GP\Document attachments\

  1. Choose OK.

Note: For Service Management document attachments to be written to a physical file location, WRITE permission must be given to the folder(s) where the attachments will be copied to for all users who will be attaching files.
To add an attachment to a task code:

  1. Access the Task Code Setup window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Task Code Setup)
  2. Choose an existing task code or create a new code.
  3. Choose the attachment icon (paperclip).
  4. In the Document List window, choose Add.
  5. Choose the attachment format.
  6. Enter a description.
  7. Select the file.
  8. Mark Copy to Database.
  9. Mark Primary Attachment. While you can add as many attachments as you want to the task code, only the attachment marked as Primary will be transmitted to MobileTech.
  10. Choose Save.


Task lists are useful because they group together tasks that are commonly completed together. This eases data entry and allows the technician to have a clear and accurate sense of the assigned duties for a service appointment.
There are many options on how to categorize tasks into task lists. For example, you could create "Basic" and "Deluxe" task lists for different levels of a certain kind of service, such as an oil change. Similarly, you may create lists for certain types of maintenance, such as spring startup routines for air conditioners, that are relevant to much of equipment that is serviced.
Another option is to create a large task list for each specific model of equipment in the system. This list should contain all tasks that might be assigned to that equipment for any kind of service. These task lists can then be edited later to contain only the scheduled tasks needed for the specific contract, quote, or service call.
Task lists can also be set up with a hierarchical structure. Each task list is still comprised of tasks and subtasks, but instead of simply ordering the tasks within a task list, you have the option to hierarchically order them as well as have levels within the tasks.
Task lists can be created in two ways:

  • By creating it from scratch in setup by individually selecting tasks and adding to a list that can then be saved and selected from a lookup in the record.
  • By copying an existing task list from one record to another, then modifying it.

Task lists can be created for service calls, maintenance contracts, and contract quotes. However, once a task list is created, it can be edited and copied to another service call, maintenance contract, or quote.
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Note: As with the Task Code Setup window, the Task List Maintenance window can be accessed from the setup menu or directly from any record that has a Task List ID zoom.

Creating a task list type

This field is used to further classify task lists but is currently not functional. Examples: ELECTRICAL, ELEVATOR, EQUIPMENT, HVAC A/C, HVAC HEAT, etc.

  1. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task List Type.
  2. Enter the task list type.
  3. Choose Okay.


Creating a task list from the setup menus is the most efficient way to create a new list. Lists created here can be accessed and used for Quote task lists, Service Call task lists, and Maintenance Contract task lists.

  1. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Lists. The Task List Maintenance window opens.
  2. Enter a new task list ID number and fill out all the fields in the window.
    • Task List IDEnter a Task List ID.
    • DescriptionEnter a description for the task list. This will vary depending how you have decided to organize your tasks into lists. The task list description may state a type of service, a level of service, an equipment type, or a combination of these classifications based on the purpose of the tasks it contains.
    • Protected ListMark this box if you would like this list to be password-protected. Protected lists cannot be modified when added to a contract, quote, or service call. This would assure that all tasks and subtasks are maintained and completed together.
    • Use HierarchyMark this check box if you would like to set up your task list in a hierarchical list. See Using Task List Hierarchy for more information.
    • Task List TypeThis field is used to further classify task lists but is currently not functional.
    • FrequencyChoose how often this task list should be performed.
    • ScheduleChoose when this task list should be scheduled.
    • System, Major, Sub 1 - Sub 4These fields are used when assigning maintenance tasks to pieces of equipment. This information is useful for reference and sorting. For examples of use, see About system, major, sub 1, 2, 3, and 4.

Note: Once a list is marked as a Protected List, all setup fields will be disabled and you will be unable to add or remove tasks or subtasks from the list. Be sure to add all tasks and subtasks and complete all setup for the new task list before checking the Protected List box.
When you have entered all the information for your new task list, use the Tasks button to add tasks to the list. The Task List Detail window opens. Use the task code lookup information to search for the task codes you want and Insert them into the list. To create new tasks for your list, view the section Creating or modifying a task code.


The task code lookup appears in the Contract Task Maintenance window, the Service Call Task Codes window, Quote Task Maintenance window, and Task List Detail windows.
Once task codes have been created, you can use the Task Code lookup to search for task codes to assign to equipment, records, or task lists. The Task Code lookup offers filters to help locate task codes.
When you have entered search criteria, use the Redisplay button to populate the upper scroll window with tasks limited to your search.
When the upper scroll window populates with task codes based on your search criteria, use the Go button to quickly locate items in the list. To use the Go button, enter a partial entry in the Task Code field and choose the green arrow. The scrolling window will be positioned on the first occurrence of your entry.
Note: If you are viewing a record when you open the Task Maintenance or Task Code lookup window, information from the record, such as equipment ID, will default in the Task Code Lookup window. If you would like to start from a blank window, choose Clear and the information will be removed.

  • System, Major, Sub 1 - Sub 4These fields are used to filter task code data that is for reference only. Use the Redisplay button after entering filtering data and task codes that meet the criteria will populate the list below. For more information on setting up lookup data for these fields, see Setting up system, major, and sub 1, 2, 3, and 4.
  • Task List IDTo select a task from a task list, enter the Task List ID in this field, or select a Task List ID from the lookup. Choose Go, and all items from the selected task list will display in the list below.
  • Task CodeEnter a whole or partial task code entry and choose Go. All task codes that contain your search criteria will display in the list below.
  • Contract NumberThis field shows the contract number for which you are adding tasks to the equipment. It is defaulted by the system.
  • Equipment IDTo select an Equipment Record, use the browse buttons around the equipment field or use the lookup to open the Contract Equipment window. You can add tasks to multiple equipment records on one contract.
  • Contract Task List IDUse the Contract Task List ID field to attach tasks to the contract using task lists. Select a Contract Task List ID from the lookup. The tasks from that list will display in the Task Code scroll list at the bottom of the window.
  • DescriptionThis field will default in based on the Contract Task List ID that has been selected.
  • Task List TypeThis field will default in based on the Contract Task List ID that has been selected.
  • Start Task based on first available service dateMark this box if you want the maintenance tasks on a contract to be scheduled on the first available service call date, regardless of the task's assigned schedule.
  • Show SubtasksMark this check box to view subtasks associated with the displayed tasks. Subtasks will appear indented under their task code in the scrolling windows.
  1. Add tasks and subtasks by selecting a record in the upper scrolling window and choosing Insert >>. Once tasks appear in the lower scrolling window, they are automatically saved. If you insert a task code with subtasks, all the subtasks insert with it. If you insert a subtask, the parent code is inserted as well. You can insert subtasks more than once. You can edit a task and its subtasks on the fly by selecting a task code in the list and zooming in on it. This will open the Task Code Setup window. Use the arrow buttons to move tasks and subtasks in the upper scrolling window. You can also control the insertion point of a task or sub task by selecting a task in the bottom window. The task code is inserted after the selected item. If nothing is selected on the bottom, the task code is inserted at the bottom of the list.
  2. Use the Task Code field that appears between the scrolling windows to quickly add or remove task codes associated with a piece of equipment without using the lookup.
  3. When you have finished adding tasks, subtasks, materials, or task lists to the equipment, Save the Maintenance Tasks window and close it.

Other task list maintenance windows

The Contract Quote, Maintenance Contract, and Service Call windows each allow you to create task lists on the fly. These task lists are created in the quote, contract, or service call but can be accessed later and copied for use in another quote, contract, or service call.
These specific Task List Maintenance windows function the same way as the Task List Maintenance window under Setup. However, they allow you to create new lists more conveniently and to make changes to a list that you wish to be unique to the service call, quote, or maintenance contract.
The following instructions will guide you to these windows.
Opening Quote Task List Maintenance window
Note: You must own the Maintenance Contract Quote Module to complete the following steps.

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer that has a contract quote and choose the Quote indicator.
  3. Choose Coverage.
  4. Choose Tasks.
  5. Select an equipment record and zoom on the Quote Task List ID field. The Quote Task List Maintenance window opens.For more information on the Quoted Tasks window, see Edit tasks and subtasks attached to the quote in the Maintenance Contract Quote Module chapter.

Note: When a task list is entered in the Quote Task Maintenance window Quote Task List ID field, only the tasks and subtasks making up the list display in the right scrolling window. Stand-alone tasks appear in the right scrolling window when the Quote Task List ID field is blank.
Note: When you create a quote task list, it is assigned to the maintenance contract quote. It cannot be used anywhere else.
Opening the Maintenance Contract Task List Maintenance window

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and choose the Contract indicator.
  3. Choose the Coverage button.
  4. Choose the Tasks button.
  5. Zoom on Contract Task List ID field. The Contract Task List Maintenance window opens.

When a task list is entered in the Contract Task Maintenance window Contract Task List ID field, only the tasks and subtasks making up the list display in the right scrolling window. Stand-alone tasks appear in the right scrolling window when the Contract Task List ID field is blank.
If there are tasks assigned to your equipment records that you didn't assign per the procedure above, the tasks may have been assigned with the equipment type record, which is part of your equipment record. If the equipment type had a task list assigned, those tasks appear with the equipment record. See Setting up equipment types.
Opening Service Call Task List Maintenance window
You can add task lists to a service call from the Service Call Tasks window using the Task List button. All tasks and subtasks that are part of the task list are added to the service call. Once a task list is added to a service call, it can be edited and reused on other service calls, maintenance contracts, or maintenance contract quotes.

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and choose the History indicator.
  3. Double-click a call and choose Tasks.
  4. Choose Task List.
  5. Use the lookup to select a Task List ID. Zoom on the Task List ID and the Task List Maintenance window will open.

Note: Unlike Maintenance Contracts, a service call may not automatically have equipment assigned to it. You can add task lists to equipment for the service call in the Add Task List window.

  1. If you want to assign the task list to a piece of equipment and sublocation, complete the Equipment ID and Sublocation ID fields.
  2. Choose Save.
  3. The total hours of all tasks entered display in the Total Task Hours field at the bottom of the Service Call Tasks window. Choose Save to schedule the service call. After saving the service call, the estimated hours for the appointment will calculate per the total task hours for all equipment and will display in the Total Appointment Hours field. Total task hours and appointment hours should be equal.

Note: If tasks are added to the service call after it has been saved, the appointment hours will not readjust to match the total task hours because the appointment has already been scheduled.
Note: If the skill level of the task doesn't match the skill level of the technician assigned to the call, you receive a message. If you password-protected this function, you must enter a password to allow the technician ID to be entered.


Using the Copy Task List window, you can create a new task list by copying an existing one. You can use task lists, contract task lists, service call task lists, or quote task lists to create any other type of task lists.
You can use the Copy Task List utility at Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Utilities > Service Manager > Copy Task List to copy task lists from any one record to another.
When it is more convenient, you can also copy the task list over directly from the record.
Opening the Copy Task List window from a service call

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and choose the History indicator.
  3. Double-click a call and choose Tasks.
  4. Choose Copy Task List. The Copy Task List window opens.

Opening the Copy Task List window from a quote
You must own the Maintenance Contract Quote module to complete the following steps.

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer that has a contract quote and choose the Quote indicator.
  3. Choose Coverage.
  4. Choose Task List. The Copy Task List window opens.

Opening the Copy Task List window from a contract

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and choose the Contract indicator.
  3. Choose the Coverage button.
  4. Choose the Task Lists button to open the Copy Task List window.

To copy a task list
Any task list can be copied over to create a new task list for a service call, quote, or maintenance contract.

  1. In the Copy Task List window, complete the following fields, as necessary.
    • SourceChoose Task List ID, Contract Task List ID, Service Call Task List ID, or Quote Task List ID for the source task list.
    • Customer ID, Location ID, Contract Number / Service Call ID / Quote Number, Equipment ID
      • If the source is a contract task list, choose a Customer ID and Contract Number.
      • If the source is a service call task list, choose a Service Call ID. It is not necessary to choose a Customer ID first unless you want to filter the service calls in the lookup data.
      • If the source is a quote task list, choose a Customer ID and Quote Number.

The Location ID and Equipment ID default from the records you choose.

    • Task List ID / Contract Task List ID / Service Call Task List ID / Quote Task List IDChoose the source task list that you are copying, depending on which source type you have selected.
    • Protected ListThis check box pertains to the task list you chose and is display-only on this window.
    • NewThe type of task list you are creating. This will default as the type of list you are copying, but it can be changed.
    • Customer ID, Location ID, Contract NumberEnter customer, location, and service call information defaults for the new task list.
    • Equipment ID, Contract Task List ID, Description, Task List TypeComplete these fields for the new task list.
    • Start Task Schedule based on first available service dateMark this check box if you want the maintenance tasks on a contract to be scheduled on the first available service call date, regardless of the task's schedule. For instance, if the tasks are to be performed every Monday, but the soonest available appointment is a Wednesday, marking this box will cause the first appointment to be scheduled on Wednesday. Appointments will then be scheduled on Mondays from that point on. This is useful if the customer needs an initial inspection or service right away as part of their contract.
    • Control Frequency and ScheduleChoose whether to control the frequency and schedule of the tasks assigned to this list.
    • Frequency, ScheduleIf you mark the Control Frequency and Schedule check box, enter a frequency and schedule.
    • Note: To keep the existing task schedule of the source task list when copying within the same contract and contract period, leave this check box empty.
  1. Choose Copy.


The ability to create hierarchical structured task lists has been added. Each task list will still be comprised of tasks and subtasks, but instead of simply ordering the tasks within a task list, you have the option to hierarchically order them as well as have levels within the tasks.
The example below reflects a simple hierarchy. At 1, if the users answers Yes, the user is moved to 1.1. If the user answers No at 1.1, the system looks for 1.2. Since there isn't a 1.2, the user is moved to 2.
For more information on creating task responses that will skip to the next task code, see Setting up Task responses
Or, if 1, the user answers No, the user is moved to 2.

Task Code





Front Panel Damaged






Repair Details



Side Panel Damaged






Repair Details

To enable task list hierarchy

A Use Hierarchy check box has been added to the Task List Maintenance window.

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Signature Service > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task List.
  2. In the Task List Maintenance window, enter a new task list or choose an existing task list.
  3. Choose Use Hierarchy to enable the use of hierarchy within this task list. This will enable the level arrows to the right of the window. If you open an existing task list and choose Use Hierarchy, the task record will be sequentially assigned a hierarchy number.
  4. Choose Tasks to access Task List Detail to set up the task hierarchy.
  • If you chose an existing task list in the previous window, the tasks will automatically be numbered sequentially.
  • If you are setting up a new list, you must insert the appropriate tasks. As you insert them, they will be numbered sequentially. You can use the Order buttons to move the tasks up or down rows in the list. Additionally, if you need to insert a task above a task that has been inserted, simply highlight the task on the right, insert the task from the left, and the new task will be above the highlighted task.

To set up a hierarchical list

If you chose an existing task list in the previous window, the tasks will automatically be numbered sequentially.
If you are setting up a new list, you must insert the appropriate tasks. As you insert them, they will be numbered sequentially.
You can use the Order buttons to move the tasks up or down rows in the list. Additionally, if you need to insert a task above a task that has been inserted, simply highlight the task on the right, insert the task from the left, and the new task will be above the highlighted task. To deselect the task, double-click on the task.
Example of task codes that have just been inserted to the list and have been ordered appropriately. No hierarchy has been set up yet.

Task Code





Front Panel Damaged






Repair Details



Side Panel Damaged






Repair Details

To move a hierarchy level

To move task code A2 to a child level directly below A1, choose the A2 code row, and then choose the bottom Level button once to indent one level. To move A3 to be indented below A2, choose A3 and choose the same Level button two times to indent two levels. The hierarchy level numbers will update accordingly.

Task Code





Front Panel Damaged






Repair Details



Side Panel Damaged






Repair Details

Moving a level that has child levels below that will also move and change the hierarchy levels for the child levels. For example, if task code A2 is now moved to the left, the child level A3 will also be moved.

Task Code





Front Panel Damaged






Repair Details



Side Panel Damaged






Repair Details

To remove a hierarchy level

If you choose to remove a level that has child levels below it, you will receive a message indicating that the dependent levels will be removed and ask if you want to continue. If you choose to continue, the levels are removed and the task hierarchy is recalculated.

Reordering a hierarchy level

Reordering your hierarchy list by using the Order buttons will move the level up or down in your task list. If the task that you have selected has any child levels below it, they will also move with the parent.
Note: The ability to order, insert, and remove a task from a hierarchical task list has been disabled in Contract Task Maintenance and Quote Task Maintenance. Additionally, the ability to remove a task from a hierarchical task list has been removed from Service Call Tasks and Service Call Tasks - Lists. In Service Call Tasks - Tree, the ability to remove a task within a hierarchical list has been disabled. However you can remove an entire hierarchical task list from this window.


Tasks and task lists can be assigned to service calls, maintenance contracts, and equipment. Assigning tasks to equipment on a maintenance contract will help insure that maintenance tasks are completed routinely for the equipment. Assigning tasks to an individual record will add tasks to the call in addition to any inherently attached to the equipment.


Tasks can be assigned to a piece of equipment, which is in turn attached to a quote, contract, or service call. Assigning tasks to equipment is especially helpful because maintenance appointments can be scheduled automatically based on the task schedule. For more information, see the section About MCC Calls.

To add tasks to equipment

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. In the Service Manager window, select a customer. Choose Additional, and then choose Equipment.
  2. In the Equipment Lookup window, highlight the piece of equipment you wish to add tasks to. Choose Edit.
  3. Choose Maintenance Tasks in the lower right corner of the window. If there is more than one maintenance contract for this equipment, select the one you wish to edit in the Equipment Contract List window and choose Select. The Maintenance Tasks window opens.
  4. If there are task codes already assigned to this equipment, they can be viewed using the arrows on either side of the Task Code field. If the task code you are viewing is part of a task list, the task list ID for that task will be displayed in the space below the Task Code. The arrows will scroll through all individual tasks for all task lists assigned to the equipment.
  5. Selecting the Subtasks or Estimate tabs will display the subtasks or estimated time and cost for the individual task. Subtask materials can be added in the Subtask tab. Estimated hours and estimated costs for each task can be edited from the Estimate tab.
  6. Multiple task lists can be assigned to a piece of equipment. To add a task list to the Equipment, choose Task List. This will open the Copy Task List window. Select the task list you wish to copy to the equipment record and fill out all the required information in this window. For more information on completing the Copy Task List window, see Copying a task list.
  7. To assign an individual task to a piece of equipment, choose Tasks. If you choose the Tasks button while you are viewing a task code currently assigned to a task list, the new task will be added to that same task list within the record.
  8. To add an individual task that should not be part of a task list, Clear the Maintenance Tasks window before choosing Tasks, or delete the task list ID that appears in the Task List ID field when the Contract Task Maintenance window opens.

Assigning Tasks and Task Lists to Records

Adding tasks to a quote, service call, or maintenance contract is a way to assign tasks to equipment in addition to what is already assigned to the equipment itself. For example, say a monthly oil change is assigned to an equipment record. During this month's visit, the technician notes the air filter may need replacement the following month. An air filter replacement task could then be assigned to a specific service call for that equipment. This task will then be completed along with the routine tasks attached to the equipment.
You can add tasks and task lists to records from their respective Task Maintenance windows.

  • Quote Task Maintenance windowYou must own the Maintenance Contract Quote Module to access this window. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select the customer and choose Quote. Select the quote and choose Coverage. In the Quote Coverage window, select Tasks. The Quote Task Maintenance window opens. Use the task code lookup to select tasks from the database and Insert them into the list. Close the window and Save changes in the Contract Quote window.
  • Contract Task Maintenance windowChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select the customer and choose Contract. Select the contract and choose Coverage. In the Contract Coverage window, select Tasks. The Contract Task Maintenance window opens. Use the task code lookup to select tasks from the database and Insert them into the list. Close the window and Save changes in the Maintenance Contract window.
  • Service Call Task Codes windowChoose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. Select the customer. Choose History and select an existing service call, or choose New Call to create a new service call. In the Service Call window, choose Tasks. In the Service Call Tasks window, enter a task code in the Task Code field, or use the Task button to open the Service Call Task Codes window. Use the task code lookup to select tasks from the database and Insert them into the list. Close the window and Save changes in the Service Call Tasks window. Because service calls do not require an Equipment ID, tasks can also be added directly to the service call. See the following section, Assigning tasks to a service call, for more detailed information.


Because service calls are not always foreseeable or routine visits, you may need to schedule tasks for equipment aside from what tasks are automatically assigned to the equipment or its maintenance contract. Also, because an equipment ID is not required to set up a service call, you may need to add tasks to a service call directly. For instance, a customer may experience a problem with equipment that is not currently covered by a maintenance contract, or they may be unsure which piece of equipment is causing the problem.
You may have added a task to the service call using the Task Code field in the Service Call window. You can add additional tasks to the call using the Tasks button in the Service Call window. The Task Code field is disabled and blank if more than one task has been entered for a service call.
You can assign a task list to a service call by creating a service call task list or by copying an existing task list.

  1. Open the Service Call Tasks window. The Equipment ID defaults from the Service Call window. Only one equipment record can be assigned to each task. If you have multiple equipment on the service call, you must create separate tasks for each record. If you select or enter a new Equipment ID on this window, and the equipment is inactive or retired, you receive a warning message: This equipment is inactive/retired. Do you want to continue? Choose Yes to continue adding the task with the selected equipment, or choose No to choose a different record.
  2. Select a task by doing one of the following in the Task Code field:
    • Use the browse buttons to scroll through the task codes that have already been assigned to the service call. If the task code has subtasks, you can view them using the browse buttons in the Subtask Code field. Likewise, if the task code belongs to a task list, the list name will appear in the Task List ID field
    • Use the lookup button to open the Service Call Tasks – List window.

To edit existing task codes

  1. Zoom on the Task Code field to open the Task Code Setup window.
  2. Use the tree view button to open the Service Call Tasks – Tree window. Tree windows help to manage tasks assigned to the call. You can remove all tasks and subtasks attached to sublocations, equipment records, and task lists. Deleting a task deletes its subtasks. Likewise, deleting a task list deletes all its tasks and subtasks. Tasks are sorted in order of sublocation, equipment, task list, and task code. Changes made here will be unique to the service call and will not affect the task codes, task lists, or equipment records throughout the system.

To add a new task to a service call

  1. In the Service Call Tasks window, choose Task. Use the task code lookup in the Service Call Task Codes window to select an existing task code. Insert it and close the Service Call Tasks Codes window. The task, its subtasks, and any attached information will populate the Service Call Tasks window.
  2. Complete the information in the Service Call Tasks window for each new task.
    • HoursThe total estimated labor hours entered for the task in the Task Codes window display. If you edit this amount, only the total estimated labor hours are affected, not the estimated labor hours in labor categories 1 through 5.
    • Skill LevelThe skill level entered for the task in the Task Code Setup window displays. You can enter a new skill level or use the lookup to select one.
    • Equipment IDEnter the piece of equipment being serviced by the task. One piece of equipment can be assigned to a task. If a task is to be performed on more than one piece of equipment, the task must be entered once for each piece of equipment. You can zoom on the Equipment ID field to open the Equipment lookup window.
    • Sublocation IDEnter the location within the building where the task is to be completed. A location can be selected using the lookup if you marked the option Use Validation for Sublocations in the Service Options window. The lookup is disabled if the option is not marked.
    • Trouble Code, Resolution CodeEnter a trouble code and resolution code. Trouble codes provide another way of tracking types of service problems. Code numbers track what the problem was and how it was corrected. Tracking trouble codes can help determine how often you service a customer for the same problem, perhaps indicating the need for a maintenance contract agreement.
    • Task StatusThe status selected for the Default Task Status in the Service Options window will default here. If you did not select a default task status, you receive a message instructing you to do so when you attempt to open the Service Call Tasks window. Override the default by choosing a different status from the lookup window. For more information, see Setting up the Default Task Status. You can use the Complete All button to change the status of all tasks to Complete.
    • Completion DateThe task's completion date will be set to the current system date and can be changed.
    • CommentEnter a note up to 120-characters long.
    • Originating Task ResponseIf the service call was automatically created from a Repair task response, the task responses detail from the original call display in this field. For example, if there is a two foot tear in the upper left side of the trailer that needs to be repaired and billed to the customer, this field may display "2.2.1, Description: Left Side Damage Detail, Repair: Yes, Bill: Yes, Damage Type: Tear, Repair Method: Patch, Position: Upper/Left, Length: 2.00, Reference: 1, More: Yes."  For information on creating a Repair task response, see Assigning responses and response types to a task.
    • Task ResponseTask responses will usually be entered after the appointment to track detailed results for each task on a service call. To enter responses for each task, use the browse buttons to browse through each record in the scrolling window.
  3. When you have finished adding tasks, Save the window. The service call appointment can now be scheduled. For more information, see Creating service calls using tasks.

Note: When you use the Task button in the Service Call Tasks window, the Service Call Task Codes window opens. Choose Add Default Task to create a default task for the service call. Default tasks are automatically added to a service call when the call was initiated using the Find button in the Service Manager window.

Generating a Maintenance Contract from a Quote

Quote task lists, once created, can be used to generate maintenance contract quotes. From there, the quote can be converted to an actual maintenance contract. For more information, see the sections Generating a maintenance contract quote and Generate a maintenance contract from the quote of the Maintenance Contract Quote Module chapter. You must own the Maintenance Contract Quote Module to perform these tasks.

Scheduling Maintenance Tasks


When tasks are assigned to a contract or equipment and set to a schedule, you can choose to have these tasks scheduled as service calls automatically. These maintenance contract computer-generated calls are referred to as MCC calls.
MCC calls are created in a batch based on the tasking schedules defined for each piece of equipment. The tasks and subtasks assigned to the equipment record and its contract are what cause maintenance contract computer-generated (MCC) calls to be created.
For example, let's say we covered a piece of equipment, EQUIP000, by a maintenance contract. We could attach two maintenance tasks to equipment EQUIP000. One task is to be performed every month and one task every quarter, both starting in January. Therefore, when we create MCC calls for January, either one or two calls are created, depending on the technician assigned. If the same technician can perform both tasks, only one MCC call is created. If the tasks require different technicians, two MCC calls are created, one for each technician.
You can create MCC calls one month at a time. You should create the MCC calls only after your maintenance contracts are complete and up to date. Changes made to a maintenance contract after MCC calls have been created will not be reflected in the MCC call. We recommend all users be out of the system when MCC calls are being created.
Note: Service level agreements aren't used with MCC calls. That is, while a maintenance contract could have a service level agreement associated with it, response times aren't calculated for MCC calls since maintenance calls are considered preventive and not time sensitive.

To create and schedule MCC calls

  1. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Routines > Service Management > Maintenance Contract > Create MCC Calls.
  2. Choose the Year and Month from the drop-down lists.
  3. Choose to create MCC calls for all customers or a single customer. Enter the applicable range information in the enabled fields.
  4. Choose the Preview button to preview which MCC calls will be created. Maintenance tasks used to create service calls will have a service call ID assigned. Maintenance tasks without service call IDs are created when you choose the Create button.
  5. Close the report preview to return to the Maintenance Tasking window.
  6. Choose Create in the Maintenance Tasking window to create the MCC calls. You must have a default task status entered in the Service Options window for the MCC calls to be created. See Choosing service options. The first time during a session you choose Create, you receive the following message: It is recommended that you run the utility that matches technicians by skill level to maintenance tasks at this time. Do you wish to run the utility? We recommend you run the utility. If a technician doesn't exist at the location with the necessary skill level, the primary technician at that location is assigned to the task. Once the MCC call has been created, the Maintenance Tasks window is updated with the service call ID in the Service Call ID column.

Note: If you open the Service Call Tasks window again and edit or delete the tasks for an existing appointment, the system will not update the appointment's estimated hours. The Total Appointment Hours and Total Task Hours in the Service Call, Appointments, and Service Call Tasks windows will be updated.
Note: MCC calls are only generated once. If you choose the Create button and there are no new calls, you receive the message "There are no new service calls to be created for this period." If you create or edit maintenance tasks and rerun the service call creation process, only the new MCC calls will be generated.
You can also create MCC calls for an individual contract from the Maintenance Contract window.

  1. Once tasks have been added to the equipment on the Maintenance Contract, return to the Maintenance Contract window.
  2. Choose Print > Tasking. The Maintenance Tasking window opens.
  3. Select the Year, Month, and other range parameters for which you would like to create appointments.
  4. The Maintenance Tasking window will only enable ranges available based on the contract. Because you are creating MCC calls for an individual call, most ranges will be disabled.
  5. Choose Create. The appointments will be generated, and you will be prompted to print a report to review the appointments.


If you have equipment that is covered by a maintenance contract but do not want to create MCC calls for the equipment, you can temporarily place the equipment out of service.
You can place the equipment out of service by marking the Suspend MCC Calls check box on the Equipment Master or Equipment Component windows. When the check box is marked, MCC calls will not be created for tasks assigned to the equipment. However, suspending MCC calls does not delete tasks from the record. Unmarking the Suspend MCC Calls check box will resume the creation of MCC calls as usual.
If you suspend MCC calls for equipment that is a lead item in a group, all group items will also have MCC calls suspended. You cannot independently suspend MCC calls for group items.

  • If you suspend MCC calls for equipment that is a has-components record, the components will not automatically have MCC calls suspended.
  • If you suspend MCC calls for equipment that has open service calls, you will receive a warning message. If you choose to proceed, the open service calls will remain.
  • The Suspend MCC Calls check box will be disabled if:
    • Equipment is not attached to a maintenance contract.
    • Equipment has been removed from a maintenance contract.
  • When equipment is out of service:
    • The equipment can still be added to a service call.
    • Labor loading calculations will still include tasks for the equipment.


Service call appointments are not always set to a routine schedule on a maintenance contract. However, you can generate individual service call appointments from service call tasks. Appointments also do not need to be attached to a piece of equipment.

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Service Manager and select a customer record.
  2. On the Service Manager window, choose New Call.
  3. On the Service Call window, choose Tasks. The Service Call Tasks window opens. If there was an equipment record selected on the Service Manager window when the call was created, a default task was automatically created. The default task holds the equipment record information. Once more tasks are added to the service call for that piece of equipment, you can delete the default task.
  4. If you are creating the service call for equipment, select an Equipment ID. An equipment ID is not necessary to assign tasks to a service call.
  5. Add tasks to the equipment. Refer to the section Assigning tasks to a service call for instructions.If necessary, you can also assign more than one piece of equipment to a service call. Refer to Assigning more than one equipment record to a service call for instructions. You can easily review all equipment and tasks included in the service call by choosing the tree view button near the Task Code field.
  6. When you have finished adding tasks to the service call, Save the window. The service appointment has been scheduled and appears on the Dispatch Board and the Technician Board.
  7. Return to the Service Call window and complete the remaining fields as usual.

To view the appointment or make changes:
Choose the Appointments button in the Service Call window, or switch to the Appointments tab from the Service Call Tasks window. Tasks can also be edited using the Tasks button on the Service Call window or by switching to the Tasks tab on the Appointments window.
After making changes, Save the window.
Because MCC service calls are system generated based on tasks, you are not given the option of how appointments are created when tasks are assigned to the call. Therefore, appointment number 0001 will have a default status of Unassigned on service calls with an MCC call type.


  1. From the Service Call window, use the Tasks button to open the Service Call Tasks window.
  2. From the Service Call Tasks window, use the Task List button to open the Add Task List window, where you can assign a task list to an Equipment ID. Save the window to add the task list and equipment to the service call.
  3. The Add Task List window remains open, and you can repeat this process to assign additional task lists to other equipment on the service call. Close the window when you are done.

- OR -

  1. Use the Task button to open the Service Call Task Codes window, where you can assign tasks to an Equipment ID.
  2. Select an Equipment ID, then use the System, Major, and Sub 1-4 fields to filter the task codes that you want to work with. Use the green arrow button in the Task Codes field to populate task codes in the first scrolling window. Select a task code from the scrolling window and use the Insert button to assign the task code to the equipment. Tasks that are assigned to the equipment appear in the second scrolling window.If you need to add tasks for multiple equipment records, select a new Equipment ID, and repeat the process of adding tasks for additional equipment. Close the window when you are done.
  3. On the Service Call Tasks window, you can use the tree view button next to the Task Code field to view the Task Lists and Tasks assigned to the equipment on the service call.

Printing the Scheduled Maintenance Report

One of the primary benefits of task lists is to help technicians execute all tasks and log their progress during a service call. The Scheduled Maintenance Report can be printed out and given to technicians before dispatching and scheduling their service calls. This will serve as a quick reference for service call information as well as the task list itself.


Scroll ignore

See also: