The Schedule Technician Board report displays in table format and is available from the Report Server only.
Schedule is required to view this report. The table displays the technician's name, day/date, and any relevant appointment information including service appointment ID, job ID, and/or
activity, customer ID, and estimated hours.
Report options include:
- Start Day: This defaults to the current date.
- Show Technicians with No Appointments: Defaults to No. Select Yes to show all technicians.
- Enable Schedule Colors: Defaults to True. Schedule colors are set up in Schedule > Settings > Colors.
- Hide Weekends: Defaults to No. Select Yes to only show weekdays.
- Hide Estimated Hours: Defaults to No. Select Yes to hide the estimated
- hours on the report.
- Technician: Defaults to the technicians currently on the schedule board in Schedule.
- Technician Team: Defaults to the technician team(s) associated with the technicians.
- Skill Level: Defaults to the skill level(s) associated with the technicians.
- Hide Unscheduled: Defaults to True. Select False to show unscheduled appointments.