Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


To have the system to split PPV entries with the same cost codes or jobs, you will need to insert the value REVALJEINDETAIL=TRUE in the dex.ini file.

Setting the




Off Amount

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager. On the Service Manager window, select a customer.
  2. Zoom on the Customer ID or Location Address ID field, depending on whether you want to set up the write-off amount at the customer or location level. If customer and location amounts are both specified, the location record overrides the customer record. If neither record has a write-off amount, no PPV will be written off.
  3. Select whether to determine write-off amounts based on the PO Header or the PO Line.
  4. If you determine the write-off amount at the header level, a PPV will be written off based on the total purchase order receipt. The write-off amount is based on a single receipt, not the accumulation of multiple receipts. For example, the write-off amount is $50, and a purchase order has two receipts, each with a PPV amount of $40. Even though the combination of the two PPV amounts exceeds the write-off amount, each PPV amount is writ ten written off based on the amount per receipt.
  5. If you determine the write-off amount at the line level, a PPV will be written off based on an individual receipt line. For example, the write-off amount is $50, and a purchase order has two lines, one with a PPV of $45, and the other with a PPV of $55. The $45 PPV for the first line is written off, and the $55 PPV for the second line is billed to history.
  6. Enter a Write Off Amount and/or Write Off Percent. If you set both an amount and a percentage, both values must be exceeded to bill the PPV. If the PPV exceeds only one of these, for example, the write-off percentage but not the amount, the PPV will be written off.
  7. Select Save to apply these rules to new purchase orders for this customer or location.