As illustrated in Computer network setupNetwork Setup, the way your system is set up plays a large role in the level of security that is provided when you use Signature portals. Signature portals use the built-in security features of Integrated Windows Authentication.
The Signature Portal web service requires the PortalUser user account to enable access to the SQL server. This user must have system administration rights in order to set up security and perform other tasks.
- Double-click PortalWebService-16-0-01-xx05.exe.
- On the Welcome to the Signature Portal Web Service Setup Wizard page, choose select Next.
- On the End-User License Agreement page, review and accept the terms of the license agreement.
- Choose Select Next.
- On the Data Source Configuration page,
- Enter the server name, the company database, and the password for the sa user.
- Choose Select Next.
- On the Web Service Configuration page,
- Enter a password for the PortalUser user.
- Choose Select Next.
- On the Select Installation Folder page, accept the default installation location or choose select Browse to select the folder where the Signature Portal web service will be installed.
- Choose Select Next.
- On the Ready to Install page, choose select Install.
- When the installation is finished, choose select Finish.