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You may want to adjust the invoicing frequency of a rental that lasts longer than expected. For example, if a customer has been renting a piece of equipment at the weekly rental rate for three weeks, then decides to extend the rental for another week, you may want to rolldown the weekly rate to a monthly rate, crediting back the previous three invoices and re-invoicing all four weeks together as a month. This is called rolling forward.
You  You may have already enabled roll forward invoicing when you set up agreement types.


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About roll forward invoicing

You can choose to roll forward on a temporary basis, meaning that after you roll forward once, the next invoice can resume to the weekly billing frequency. Or, if it appears that the rental period will be much longer than anticipated, you can continue using the new rate for all future invoices.

Overriding rolldown

You have the option of allowing the system to roll forward the frequency of future invoices without affecting the existing invoices.
Ordinarily Ordinarily, when you enable roll forward invoicing, going into the fourth week, the first three weeks would be credited back and re-invoiced together with the fourth week as a month.
If If, however, you choose to Override Rolldown on Roll Forward, the first three weeks will not be credited back, and the fourth week will generate another weekly invoice. Then the remainder of the rental period will be billed at the monthly rate, starting with the fifth invoice. Any unused days that are billed as part of this month will be credited back after the equipment is taken off rent.
See  See Set up global rental parametersGlobal Rental Parameters. for the steps involved in choosing this option.

Adjusting rates

When you choose to allow roll forward invoicing, another check box checkbox is enabled that lets you also choose to credit back the difference between the cost of the rental at the old rate and the cost of the rental at the new rate.
For  For example, if the cost of three weeks of rental is $300, and the cost of a month of rental is $250, rolling forward will create a $50 credit to the customer.
Marking  Marking the Auto Adjust Rates check box checkbox will adjust the old rate to equal the new rate; this way, the system reads that there is no balance due to the customer and does not create a credit. This is beneficial if the new rate is cheaper than the old one, and you want to adjust the invoicing frequency of the previous invoices without affecting the cost.
You  You can choose this option on any window where you enable roll forward invoicing.

Enabling roll forward invoicing

Before you enable roll forward invoicing, take a few moments to answer these questions:

Do you want to enable roll forward invoicing for:


You can enable roll forward pricing by agreement type, by agreement, or by agreement line. If you set it up by agreement type, that setting will carry down to the invoice type or agreement line that uses that type or frequency. If you set up by agreement, it will apply to all lines on that agreement.

If you are not sure at agreement setup time whether you are going to use roll forward invoicing, you may want to only enable it per agreement entry.

Enabling roll forward invoicing by agreement type

You may have already enabled roll forward during agreement type setup.

  1. Choose Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Equipment > Rental > Agreement Types.
  2. Mark the Allow Roll Forward check box checkbox. The Roll Forward Invoicing Frequency Setup lines appear.
  3. Choose the Rental Unit of Measure/Invoicing Frequency ID combinations to be used with this agreement type.
  4. Mark the Auto Adjust Rates check box checkbox if you do not want to credit back the difference to the customer if the new rate is cheaper than the old rate.
  5. When you are finished, choose Save.

When you create an agreement with this Agreement Type ID and Rental Unit of Measure, every agreement line will be automatically marked to use roll forward pricing.

Enabling roll forward invoicing by agreement

  1. Choose Transactions > Equipment > Rental Agreement Entry.
  2. Choose the expansion button next to the Invoicing Frequency ID field to open the Rental Agreement Invoicing Frequency Entry window.
  3. Mark the Allow Roll Forward check box checkbox. The Roll Forward Invoicing Frequency Setup lines appear.
  4. Change any fields, if necessary.
  5. The Auto Adjust Rates check box checkbox is enabled when you allow roll forward invoicing. Mark this check box checkbox if you do not want to credit the customer if the new rate is cheaper than the old rate.
  6. Choose OK.



Most of the fields on this window fill automatically from setup and probably do not need to be changed.

Enabling roll forward invoicing by agreement LINE

When you enable roll forward invoicing for a single agreement line, the invoicing frequency for the entire agreement will roll forward if that agreement line meets the rolldown criteria.

  1. Choose Transactions > Equipment > Rental > Rental Agreement Entry.
  2. Choose an agreement.
  3. Double-click an agreement line to open the Rental Agreement Line Entry window.
  4. Mark the Allow Roll Forward check box checkbox.
  5. The Auto Adjust Rates check box checkbox is enabled when you allow roll forward invoicing. Mark this check box checkbox if you do not want to credit the customer if the new rate is lower than the old rate.
  6. Save the line.