You can choose to include task lists associated with equipment types and to include components when inserting equipment records on the quote by marking the appropriate check boxescheckboxes.
Mark the Display Equipment Components check box checkbox at the bottom of the window to view equipment component records. Component records appear indented under their has-components record.
- In the Quote Task Maintenance window, select a record in the bottom scrolling window and zoom on the Task Code field to open the Quoted Tasks window.
- You can determine if the task is required by marking the Required check box checkbox. The Required column will be disabled if the task is part of a quote task list that is controlling the frequency and suggested schedule.
- You can edit the Schedule Date and Est. Hours for a task by selecting a field and making a new entry.
- Choose the Subtasks tab to view subtasks attached to the quoted task.
- Choose the Estimate tab to open the Quoted Tasks Estimate window where you can view the estimated costs, hours, and billable amounts for the quoted task. You can edit these amounts.
- Choose the Contract button in the Contract Quote window to open the Generate Contract From Quote window.
- Complete the following fields, as necessary.
- Contract Number
Enter the Contract Number to be generated. - Contract Start Date, Contract Expiration Date, Service Call Day
These dates come from the Contract Quote window. You can change this information, but we recommend keeping the length of the contract the same as the length of the quoted contract. That is, if your quote was for a 12-month contract, the contract generated from the quote should be for a 12-month contract. - Division
Enter a Division for the contract. - Delete Quote on Contract Generation
Mark this check box checkbox if you want to delete the quote once the contract is generated. - Start Task Schedule based on first available service date
Mark this check box checkbox if you want the maintenance tasks on a contract to be scheduled on the first available service call date, regardless of the task's schedule.
- Contract Number
- Choose Generate New Contract. If the equipment attached to the quote is already attached to a contract, you will receive an error message indicating this. You must detach it from the contract before proceeding.
- The Maintenance Contract window opens, where you can enter and edit contract information. Save the contract.
- Enter a Start Date and an End Date for the report. All quotes with a date in this range will print.
- Choose to print the Quote by Salesperson report or the Quote by Contract Type report. If you choose to print the report for an individual salesperson or contract type, complete the applicable field.
- Choose Print.