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The event triggers are automatically created for the company after testing the connection and are based on the CDC table views. These notifications can be enabled or disabled based on the customer's communication requirements. You can send the email notification in Schedule from the appointment window or by right-clicking the appointment and then choosing Notify Customer. Only users with /wiki/spaces/SIGAGENT/pages/8159324Advanced Communications can send out HTML emails.

There are 9 default standard triggers that are created during the installation. If you need additional triggers, see Enabling Additional Triggers in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

These are the nine default standard triggers:




Physical Table










GP Customer








Job Cost Code








Service Call




Service Option








  • Appointment-AppointmentCanceled
  • Appointment-AppointmentCreatedAndScheduled
  • Appointment-AppointmentReassigned
  • Appointment-AppointmentRescheduled
  • Appointment-AppointmentScheduled
  • Appointment-TechnicianArrived
  • Appointment-TechnicianCheckedOut
  • ServiceCall-ServiceCallCreated-2016+ - Email that is sent to your customer if they are using Signature 2016 or higher when a service call is created.
  • ServiceCall-ServiceCallCreatedByEmail-2016+ - Email that your customers are sent after a service call is created from an email request from your customer.

Standard event trigger notifications are set up within two applications:

  • Signature Agent Configuration contains the event notification setup. See Completing Signature Agent Configuration.
  • Schedule contains the technician information including the technician/customer email address.

Viewing or Editing Trigger Properties

  1. To view the properties on the triggers, choose an event trigger and then choose Properties.
  2. In the Edit Event window, the General tab displays the General Settings and Operations.
    • Trigger Name: Indicates that any time a service call is created, this event will be active.
    • Trigger Type: Displays a list of active CDC tables.
    • Event ID: Displays the name of the Event ID.
    • Operations: Indicates that any time something deleted, inserted, and/or updated in the CDC table view, the trigger will activate. Depending on the trigger type, additional choices are available in the Operations section.
    • The Trigger Enabled checkbox indicates that the trigger is in use.
  3. The Trigger Criteria tab is used to set up specific criteria that may need to be met for the trigger to activate.
  4. The Actions tab displays the action properties. The initial display is what is currently out-of-the-box set up and includes the Name and Action Type. This information is fully editable. Choose New (to create a new Action) or Edit (to edit an existing Action) to display the Action Properties window.
    • Action name/Type: View or edit the action that happens when the event is triggered.
    • Recipients: If additional recipients need to receive the email, enter the email address values here. (Examples, \[TechnicianEmail\], \[Caller_Email_Address\]. The information used for the values are what have been set up in Signature.

      • Caller email address: Stored in the Service Call window \[Caller_Email_Address\]. If you are using a user-defined field for the email

      • Technician email address: Stored in Schedule Resources window \[R_Email\].

      • Send to Creator: If marked, the creator will receive the email.
    • Subject: Displays what the email subject line will contain.
    • Email Body: Displays what the body of the email displays. Different parameters can be selected by right-clicking and then choosing currently-available values from the current record or you can choose previously-used values.
  5. Choose Save and then choose OK.

Creating a New Event Trigger

  1. To create a new trigger on the Home view, choose New Trigger Event.
  2. Choose the + button to the right of Trigger Type and then enter the name of the view to add.
  3. Complete the remaining fields/tabs as described in Viewing/Editing event trigger properties.

Mappable Fields and/or Labels

List of Mappable Fields/Labels

  • Problem Description / Description
  • Problem Type
  • Location Number / Location Id
  • Customer Number
  • Equipment Id / Equipment Tag
  • Technician
  • Reply To / Caller Email Address
  • TypeCallShort / CallType
  • Divisions / Division
  • Some may have alternate labels
  • Attachments can be included and stored
  • These are not case-sensitive
  • Spaces are optional


  1. In Signature Agent Configuration, choose the Company and then choose Properties.
  2. Update the company information if needed.

If you are using Advanced Communications, you will want to edit the following company information to display in the HTML email notification

  1. In the Company Properties window, choose the Advanced Comm tab.
  2. Complete the following fields: 

    • Header Logo: Choose Upload and then navigate to the location of your logo and choose OK. The maximum width for the logo is 185 pixels.
    • Footer Logo: Choose Upload and then navigate to the location of your logo and choose OK. The maximum width for the logo is 185 pixels.
    • Accent Color: Choose the Accent Color drop-down. You can choose between CustomWeb, or System tabs for choosing or entering the color that will display at the top and bottom of the email.
  3. Choose OK.


  1. In Schedule, choose the Menu Image Removed icon and then choose Administration.
  2. Choose Resource Options.
  3. Choose the resource in the Resource list.
  4. Enter the following information to integrate with Signature Agent Configuration:
    • Technician Name (required): The technician name defaults into this field.
    • Position Description: The resource position defaults into this field.
    • Phone: Enter the resource's telephone number.
    • Email address: Enter the company email address(es) that the resource uses.
    • Notifications: Mark if the resource should receive notifications at the email address(es) provided.
    • Inactive: Mark if the resource is currently inactive.
    • Select resource image: This image will display in the email that is sent to customers if you are using Advanced Communications.
  5. Choose Save.


Your customer generates an email that is sent to the email address OR to an email address that our user has set up ( that forwards the email to the access key email address.

  1. The customer opens their email program and opens a new message.
  2. The customer enters the:
    • Email address.
    • Email subject (doesn't matter as this isn't stored anywhere)
    • Email body that follows the template as determined by the user in the Event Trigger Properties.
  3. The following three fields are required to generate a service email. Additional fields may be added.
    • Customer Number: Actual customer number in Signature.
    • Location Number: Actual location ID in Signature.
    • Description: Used in service call description.

In Outlook the body text can be added to a Quick Part gallery to quickly insert the information into a new email. The customer would then only have to enter a subject line and the description after inserting the Quick Part.

Simple Email

Depending on the recipient configuration in the Event Trigger Properties, the following may occur:


Email with Attachment

In addition to the email, the customer may attach a file to the email message. For example, a picture of the malfunctioning equipment.


Customer Calls for Service and Wants Notifications


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