When an equipment record that is also an inventory item is added as a component to another equipment inventory item, an inventory transfer is automatically created. This transfer changes the Site ID of the component to a site associated with the parent. See About hierarchical relationshipsHierarchical Relationships.
In addition, you can manually transfer equipment inventory items - as well as equipment fixed assets and equipment records that are not linked to another type of record - that are part of a hierarchy group.
- Select Transactions > Equipment > Sales Transaction Entry.
- Select the type of document you are creating, and complete all the necessary fields for the transaction entry.
- When you are ready to select equipment for the transaction, use the lookup to select an Equipment ID. If the equipment is part of a hierarchy group, a message will display asking if you want to include all its equipment group members.
- To sell only the selected equipment, select No, and proceed with the transaction entry for the individual record.
Include all group members in the sale, select Yes. Once you tab off the line, all the other equipment records in the hierarchy group are added as line items, each with their own sales pricing.
Note After adding all group members, you can remove any record(s) that you do not want included in the sale. If any equipment record in the group has already been sold, that record cannot be sold with the group and will not be added to the transaction.
- If you are using the expanded scrolling window or the Sales Item Detail Entry window to add detailed equipment information, you can mark the Update Equipment Link checkbox if you want to automatically create an equipment record at the selected customer and location upon posting the sale. If you mark this checkbox for the parent record before the rest of the group populates in the scrolling window, the components default with the checkbox marked. If all group members are present on the transaction before you mark this option, you are prompted to apply your changes to all group members on the sales document. Select Yes or No.
- When you are ready, save or post the document. Any equipment records that are also fixed assets need to be retired before they can be sold. Each equipment record that was included in the sale has its own financial record of the sale; however, you can view the combined financial information for the equipment group on the Hierarchy Financial Inquiry window. See Viewing information Information for a hierarchy groupHierarchy Group.
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For more information about transporting a hierarchy group, see Transporting a hierarchy groupHierarchy Group.
Viewing Rental Information for Group Equipment
You can view combined rental financial information for all members of a hierarchy group on the Rental tab of the Hierarchy Financial Inquiry window; however, only the top-level equipment from each group that was rented will have information from the group rental. See Viewing information Information for a hierarchy groupHierarchy Group.
When an equipment group is placed On Rent, a snapshot of the hierarchy is saved for that rental. If the structure of the group changes after the equipment is taken off rent (i.e. components are added and/or removed), you can still view the group that was rented using the Component button on the following rental inquiry windows: