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You can use this report to analyze the profitability of a maintenance contract based on costs and revenue amounts per cost category. This report also includes revenue and costs for any billable calls that are assigned to a contract. These amounts display as "pull through." Maintenance contracts can be grouped by customer, bill to customer, salesperson, master contract, or technician team. You can choose a Start Year and contract End Date to view the contracts in that range, or select a Contract Number to view. For each contract, open and historical profitability information is summarized by date; previous versions of renewed contracts display, allowing you to compare profitability over time. Clicking the expand button allows you to Open contract detail by call type, with contract totals at the bottom. You can then expand a call type to view service call detail, with call type totals at the bottom. Zooming on a service call opens the Service Call Cost Audit report.

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