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Creating a fixed rate quote involves the following:

Table of Contents

Step 1: Create a service call.

  1. Choose Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and choose select New Call. Complete the Service Call window as usual. See Creating Service Calls with One Appointment. You may want to have a call type of QTE for a fixed rate quote and NTE for a not-to-exceed quote. This is especially useful for reporting.

Step 2: Add tasks to the service call.

  1. Choose Select the Tasks button in the Service Call window. Then choose select the Task or Task List button in the Service Call Tasks window.
  2. View/edit the task's estimated costs. To verify that the task has estimated costs, select a task code in the Task Code scrolling window and zoom on the Task Code field. If you add or edit costs in the Task Code window, they will appear on the quote.
  3. Once you've verified the estimated costs are correct, select a task code in the Task Code window and choose click Select. You will return to the Service Call Tasks window.
  4. Choose Select Save.

Step 3: Complete the service call quote window.

  1. Once you have tasks with estimated costs assigned to the service call, choose select the Quote button in the Service Call Tasks window.
  2. Accept Fixed as the Invoice Type.
  3. Enter a Quote Date, Expiration Date, and Salesperson ID. The quote date defaults with the system date and the salesperson ID defaults from the location record. 


    The Quote Pricing Matrix defaults from the division assigned to the service call.

  4. Review the cost and billing information. When you open the Service Call Quote window, the cost and billing columns are complete. The task-based costs and the estimated costs come from the costs associated with the tasks. The Billing column is the Estimated Cost multiplied by the Pct. column. The estimated cost and billing amount fields are editable. You can enter an amount in an estimated cost field, choose select Save and then choose select Calculate. The billing amount updates. If, however, you just want to change the billing amount without changing the estimated amount, enter a new amount in a billing field and choose select Save instead of Calculate. If you haven't saved the quote, you can choose select the Clear button to have all original quote amounts reappear. A red asterisk appears in rows where the task-based cost and the estimated cost aren't equal. The Profit field is calculated as follows: (total billing - total estimated costs) / total estimated costs. Once a quote has been created for a call, a Quote indicator appears in the Service Call Tasks and Service Call windows. Zoom on it to open the Service Call Quote window.

Step 4: Create an invoice.

  1. Choose Select the Invoice button in the Service Call window. When you open the Service Invoice window, the Billable column is complete based on the billing amount for the quote.
  2. Add costs to the invoice. As costs are added, the billing amount doesn't change. The Pct. Markup column in the Service Invoice window will update as costs are added. Percent markup is calculated as follows: (total billing - actual costs) / actual costs. A negative markup amount indicates costs exceed the billing amount.
  3. Adjust the billing amount if necessary. To do create a partial billingprogress billing, decrease the billing amount by zooming on the Quote indicator in the Service Invoice window. You can only decrease the billing amount. You cannot bill more per cost category than the quoted amount. In our example, we changed the billing amount in the Other cost category from $88 to $0. The system keeps track of this remaining amount for the next invoice we create. 
    • Estimated Markup is calculated as follows: (total quoted billing - estimated costs) / estimated costs 
    • Actual Markup is calculated as follows: (total billing - actual costs) / actual costs
  4. If you haven't chosen Save in the Service Quote Invoice window, you can choose select the Clear button to have original billing amounts re-appear.
  5. Post the invoice from Service Management or Microsoft Dynamics GP. If you billed only a portion of the quoted amount, the next invoice you create for this call will have the remaining amount entered in the Billable column. 


    When creating a partial billed progress billing invoice from a service call with a Fixed Quote Contract, the service call status is set to COMPLETE OPEN and the service call remains OPEN.

Step 5: Print the quote summary report

Choose Select Print in the Service Call Quote window to print the Service Quote Report. The report includes the billing amount for the quote.