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Version 1.2.0 adds 


February 2018





March 12, 2018

Version 1.2.0 adds a sort and search functionality on Clients.

New features


  • Search and Sort in the Clients table
    We received feedback that our tables were cumbersome to use.  The sudoku that was our Clients table has been updated to allow sorting by Client Name. If you want to get crazy, you can also search for any values in any of the rows (Client Name, Address, etc.).

    Image Added


  • Search Clients API
    • FetchClientCollectionByCompanyId and FetchClientCollectionBySiteId now support sorting and searching.
    • Feed in an ascending or descending sort parameter
    • Feed in a searchFilter string to filter the results of each API

Signature Agent

  • Auto-creation of ESMS entities
    In our pursuit of simplifying ESMS relationship building, we’ve introduced an update which will allow automatic creation of ESMS entities using your Signature data.

    Visit our docs for more information.

Bug fixes

  • There was an issue with paging on the Company Users table which caused some users to be hidden. This has been resolved and your co-workers can come out from hiding!