This information applies when you use field invoicing and field payments:
Field invoicing can be used only with service invoicing. Sales Order Processing (SOP) invoicing is not supported.
Field invoicing is not available for MC and MCC calls or if the service call originated from a quote (and has an Invoice_Type of 1 or 3).
Payment term discounts are not supported.
In the Tax Detail Maintenance window in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the Based On field for the tax detail must be set to Percent of Sale/Purchase. The other options are not supported with field invoicing. Also, the Round field must be set to Up to the Next Currency Decimal Digit.
You must use a tax schedule from the master tax schedule, which is tied to a customer's service location. You cannot use tax schedules for individual cost categories.
If you use SOP for inventory, the billing amount for items comes from the Item Price List Maintenance window. If you do not use SOP for inventory, the billing amount comes from the Service Management pricing matrix.
All payment types are accepted, including cash, check, and credit card. However, a customer can use each payment type only once per payment. For example, customers can pay using both a credit card and a check, but not two credit cards. This is consistent with how the On Account window works in Service Management.
These settings only apply if Field Invoicing and Field Payments is registered.
Setting | Description |
UseFieldInvoicing | Determines whether the organization allows invoicing by technicians in the field. The default value is False. If True, invoices are generated automatically when appointments for a service call are completed, if the customer is set up to receive field invoices. If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available. |
FieldInvoicingTaxMode | Determines whether taxes for the organization are calculated for field invoices based on the tax schedule that is set up for a customer location, or if taxes are not calculated for field invoices. The default value is Do not tax.
UseFieldInvoicePreview | Determines whether technicians can preview field invoices before they are generated. The default value is False. If True and UseFieldInvoiceSignature = True. The technician is prompted to either use the Summary Signature or to capture a signature for the Field Invoice Report. If False and UseFieldInvoiceSignature = True, the Summary signature is used for the Field Invoice Report, without prompting the technician to obtain the invoice signature. |
PreviewInvoiceNumber | The invoice number to use when a preview invoice is generated. You can enter up to seven alphabetic, numeric, or special characters for the preview number. The invoice number is the same for all preview invoices that are generated on all mobile devices and is added as a prefix to the technician's name on the preview invoice. The default value is PREVIEW. |
UseFieldInvoiceSignature | Determines whether the customer signature that is collected when a service call appointment is completed should be printed on the field invoice. The default value is False. If True, depending on the UseFieldInvoicePreview setting, the Field Invoice Report may use the Summary Signature or the technician may be prompted to collect a new signature for the Field Invoice Report. A customer signature captured from the Report tab is only attached to the Field Invoice Report. |
The signature validation for the Field Invoice Report uses the Signature Settings CustomerSignatureValidationLevel option in MobileTech Admin's Setup Options. See Signature Settings. | |
UseFieldPayments | Determines whether technicians can collect payments in the field and then send payment transactions to Microsoft Dynamics GP. The default value is False. |